Chapter 19

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Kellin's P.O.V.

"Kellin, time to wake up," someone sings to me. "No," I grumble, bringing the covers over my head. "Kellin, come on Darling. Mama made pancakes especially for you," Vic says and I pop my head out from under the covers. "Pancakes?" I ask. "Pancakes," he nods. "Maybe pancakes can be our always," I grin. "Maybe you should stop with The Fault In Our Stars references," Vic smirks. "But I know you have a secret obsession with the movie," I smile. He rolls his eyes before smiling at me. "Yada, yada, yada, just come on," he holds out his hand.

I take it after throwing off the covers and get out of bed with his help. I smooth down my shirt and run my fingers through my hair. "Kellin, you look adorable, now come on," he grins as he drags me to the dining room. Vivian, Victor Sr. and Mike were all eating pancakes at the table. "I woke up sleeping beauty over here," Vic announces as we walk in.

They greet me with a smile which I return. "Kellin, where did you disappear to?" Vivian asks as I sit down. "Uh," I look at Vic with questioning eyes. "Mama, I'll explain later," Vic says in an awkward tone. She nods and drops the subject. As we eat we make small talk and catch up. After we finish breakfast Vic an I go up to his room so I can get my stuff. I slip on my TOMS and grab my phone and wallet before we go back downstairs.

I say my goodbyes before Vic drags me out the door and to the car. "Talk about awkward," I giggle as I buckle my seat belt. "No kidding," he smiles as he backs out of the driveway. "Didn't they figure that something was up when you brought Dani over?" I ask him after a few seconds of silence. "Eh, no because I never brought her to the house," Vic shrugs as he turns his blinker on.

"Oh," I say, staring out my window. I feel the baby kick and smile, pressing my hand to my stomach. Vic turns on the radio and Black Veil Brides plays. The rest of the ride is filled with music, neither if us speaking. Vic pulls into my driveway and I unbuckle before opening my door. "Kellin," Vic grabs my arm as I turn to get out. "Yeah?" I question. "Uh, can I come over later? I'd like to speak with your parents," Vic says. "I'll ask them and call you," I sigh. "Okay, I love you," he smiles.

I give him a big grin before getting out and walking up to the house. I twist the knob before stepping inside. "Kellin?" my Mom calls. "Yeah Mom, it's me!" I call back. I hear her steps on the stairs and meet her at the bottom. "Hey sweetie, how was last night?" she smiles, giving me a hug.

"It was wonderful," I smile. She humphs before grinning at me. "Glad to hear," she smiles. "Yeah, anyways, I have to go take a shower and change," I say as I grab into the railing. "Okay sweetie," she says. I continue to walk upstairs, well, wobble really. I go into my room and set out some clothes before plugging I my phone. I go into the bathroom and strip off my clothes as I wait for the shower to heat up. I brush my teeth before stepping into the steamy shower and standing under the shower. I let the hot water soothe my back and shoulders before washing up. I rinse off and step out of the shower, grabbing a towel and drying off. I wrap the towel around my waist before walking into my room and pulling on my clothes.

I towel dry my hair before brushing it, making it presentable. I walk downstairs and find my Mom in the kitchen. "Mom, uh, Vic wants to come over later to talk to you and Dad," I sigh out. "Why?" she asks as she takes a sip of her coffee. "I don't know," I shrug. "Well, I guess," she sighs. "You don't have to," I shrug. "I know, but maybe he has something that will make me change my mind about him," she informs me.

I nod before smiling as I feel the baby kick. "Mom, give me your hand," I demand. She gives me a look of confusion as she reaches out her hand. I put it on my stomach where the baby is kicking and watch as her eyes widen a little. "Is that the baby?" she asks. "Mhmm," I hum. "When did they start kicking?" she asks. "Last night," I smile. "That's great," she smiles. I nod as she keeps her hand on my stomach.

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