Chapter Fourteen: Healing

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It took quite a while for Steve to heal. Headaches were more frequent for him and sometimes his ankle would wobble but all in all, within about a month he was healed.

Bucky went and got his revenge on Hydra. He told the school board what they had been doing; selling cigarettes, beating up other kids. Of course, he didn't tell them that he himself had gotten some of the cigarettes from Hydra, he kept that to himself. Hydra was suspended until the play, their roles in the play were needed badly.

His smoking habits were becoming better already. He took up reading and even tried his hand at writing, which he ended up being really good at. Steve was so proud of him, and he made sure to constantly tell him so. Everything seemed to be going well in their little world; Chuck got arrested for drinking while driving, Hydra got suspended, Bucky's cigarette fix was fading away.

The school play was coming up really quickly, and the entire school was buzzing about it. Everyone from that class perfected their lines. Steve and Bucky went outside during lunch and practiced their lines.

"Okay... go." Sam cues them in, looking at them. Bucky would be going first, and Steve could already tell that Bucky was excited merely from the glint in his eyes, the grin he was struggling to hold back.

"You're my mission." Bucky spits hatefully, glaring down at Steve. The blonde knew it was an act, but Bucky sure did make it awfully real. An action scene followed this part where Bucky shouted, and they didn't want to cause a commotion. So it was Steve's turn next.

"Then finish it. 'Cause I'm with you 'til the end of the line." Steve mumbles weakly. The reading and voice acting goes on, until they reach the end of the play.

"You're goin' after him." Sam states, reading from his script.

"You don't have to come with me." Steve says back with an air of a man who's made up his mind.

"I know. When do we start?" Sam finishes. He puts his script down, smirking.

"Own it. That is priceless stuff right there." Sam remarks, Steve rolls his eyes and smiles.

"Great acting, Stevie." Bucky purrs, winking at him. Steve blushes slightly and smiles at Bucky.

"You too, Buck. I almost thought that was real." Steve confesses, Bucky smirks.

"Not in a million years. I'm with you 'til the end of the line, pal." Bucky quotes his script, not even looking at it. He smiles at Steve happily and the blonde smiles back.

Two days before the play comes up. Mrs. Hill made sure they were all ready for it, and in reality, they were doing several plays. The first one was called the Avengers; Thor, Nat, Tony, Steve, Wanda, Pietro, a boy called Edwin who would be someone called Vision, Bruce, Clint, and James. Not Bucky, a different James. He would be playing Ultron, the evil robot who's trying to take over the world. The second one involved Steve, Sam, Sitwell, Rumlow, Pierce, Bucky, and a few others. Sharon would be in it, she would be a secret agent, which she thought was awesome. Everyone loved their role.

One day Tony had his friends over to his place, in his huge room. They were all working on their costumes. Nat and Bruce were lying down on the floor, Clint was perched on the windowsill beside Laura, Bucky was on the bed with Steve, Sam, and Riley, Tony was at the desk, Thor and Jane took the couch that resided in the room, Wanda leaned against the wall, Pietro sat in the corner and Pepper sat on Tony's lap. So Tony's room was completely full.

"What d'you think, Brucie-boy?" Tony hums, holding up his sketch for Bruce to see. Of course, everyone looks over and adds in their two cents.

"Too heavy." Bruce mumbles softly, cleaning his glasses.

"Is the gold necessary?" Sam pipes up, several others compliment it. Tony smirks with pride and keeps his head held high, proud of his design. Everyone shows theirs off; Nat's was perfect, a slick black cat suit with two guns, fake of course; Bruce, not as the Hulk, he would wear a simple purple shirt and regular pants. Tony as Iron Man wore a red and gold suit, it was fancy looking. Sam had camouflaged wings, Bucky had a black leather suit with a black mask and goggles, lots of buckles and straps. Pietro wore a simple blue and silver sweater, runners and jogging pants. Wanda opted for a black dress, ripped leggings and a red leather jacket. Clint wore a simple black leathered tee with a dark purple arrow on the front, also covered in straps and clips. Thor, a look that he called Asgardian, shiny, Greek-like and cool. Steve decided on an awesome looking red-white and blue suit with a gleaming white star in the middle, he would use a shield with the same design on it.

Thor had a hammer, Tony had repulsor rays, Clint had a bow and about thirty arrows, Bucky had guns, same as Nat. Hulk had his strength, Pietro had his speed, Wanda had her magic, Sam had some guns, Steve had his shield. They were all very proud.

After a while they all head home; well, most of them. Bruce stays with Tony to talk science (science bros, after all), and Bucky went over to Steve's place. They race up the stairs and Bucky takes a running leap onto Steve's bed. It was harder than he remembered.

Bucky lands on the bed with a soft thump, on his stomach. He groans and curls up, Steve rolls his eyes and sits beside him.

"Smooth move, Buck." Steve scoffs, Bucky pouts and sits up.

"Jerk. Your bed is so hard." Bucky whines, giving Steve his best puppy eyes. Steve rolls his eyes again and smirks, he leans in and kisses Bucky tenderly, smirking.

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