Chapter Seventeen: That's a Wrap

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The school year was already drawing to a close, the play was to take place. The Avengers, as the actors called themselves, were all excited to do the two plays. They had their costumes done, the set was ready and they had long since memorized their lines. A couple students who weren't in drama would be in the play as well; just small side characters, agents and all that.

Bucky, Steve, Sam and a few others were scrambling to prepare for the first play which they decided to call Captain America: Winter Soldier, because they found it amusing how it basically melded Bucky's name and Steve's name, for the play. Steve was probably the most nervous out of them all; he was the main character. Sure he'd memorized his lines, looked the part, but he was just nervous to be made fun of again. Bucky assured him that if anyone tries to make fun of him, that he would personally deal with them.

Bucky rubs charcoal around his eyes, making the colour of his eyes pop and stand out. Steve glances over at him and smiles softly, Sam adjusts his wingpack before disappearing off to behind the set. The others all file out behind him, leaving just Steve and Bucky finishing up.

The brunette looks over at Steve and looks him up and down. The blonde had on a darker version of the suit he drew a while ago, this one was dark blue with a silver star in the middle of his chest. Needless to say, Steve felt sort of ridiculous in it. Bucky thought the blonde looked hot.

The brunette saunters up to the blonde, smirking at him. Steve was busy fixing his helmet on his head to notice Bucky coming up behind him. Bucky wraps his arms around Steve.

"Hello, Captain." Bucky purrs close to Steve's ear, the blonde smiles and turns his head to look at Bucky. He kisses his cheek and Bucky grins.

"Soldier." Steve nods, smirking. Bucky puts his hands on Steve's hips and kisses the blonde's cheek.

"You look great." He compliments, Steve blushes.

"I look like an idiot. You look amazing, though." Steve sighs, looking Bucky up and down. Bucky smirks.

"Thanks, Stevie." He hums, he takes Steve's hand and leads him out of the bathroom. They couldn't be late for their first play. Steve squeezes Bucky's hand gently and the brunette looks at him, Steve puts his hands on the sides of Bucky's face and kisses him passionately, Bucky makes a surprised sound but kisses back the same way, his arms wrapping around Steve's waist. The blonde pulls away after a minute or two; Bucky looked dazed, he blinks and gaps at Steve.

"What?" Steve says innocently, tilting his head slightly to the side and smiling. Bucky opens his mouth to try to find something to say.

"How come I don't get kisses like that all the time, huh?" He manages to get out, Steve smiles, shrugging.

"You never said you wanted one. C'mon." Steve hums, taking Bucky's hand again and pulling him along. Bucky smiles.

"Five minutes, people!" The director yells, they all scramble to get ready. They take their places and the lights go dark, people were heard murmuring in the seating area, as the play began they quieted down. Steve's adopted mother and father watch proudly as the blonde does his roll, he was really good at it and was the exact part they wanted.

After the plays

"Great job, Buck." Steve croons, hugging the brunette from the side. Bucky grins.

"Oh, you expected anything less?" Bucky teases, Steve shoves his shoulder and Bucky chuckles.

"Thanks." The brunette says, Steve smiles and nods.

"You did amazing, Stevie." Bucky adds, wrapping his arm around Steve's waist as the two walked side by side down the street. Steve blushes slightly and looks down modestly.

"Thanks." He hums, looking back up at his boyfriend. Bucky kisses the blondes' cheek.

"Hey! Dorito, Disaster! C'mon, we're headed to my place for an end of school party and it ain't no party without you guys!" Sam calls from down the street, way ahead of them. The two had gotten nicknames throughout the year; one of Steve's was Dorito and one of Bucky's was the Human Disaster.

"Yeah yeah! 'Cause we're the life of the party, Sam, don't you forget it!" Bucky calls back, Sam nods and trots up ahead to catch up with the others.

"Race you, Stevie." Bucky muses, giving his boyfriend a sideways glance and smirking. Steve smirks back.

"Bring it, babe. Let's see what you got." He croons.

"Ready, set go!" Bucky calls, starting to run before Steve's ready. The blonde grins and shakes his head before sprinting after Bucky. He passes him on the left.

"On your left!" He chimes, that was
one of his lines in the play. Bucky rolls his eyes, smirking. They keep running to catch up to their group, Steve slightly ahead and Bucky slowly falling behind. The blonde goes to take a turn but he was going to fast; he loses his balance and crashes into a fence.

Bucky catches up to him and stops, seeing the blonde lying on top of a garbage bag. He leans over to see Steve's face, the blonde looks up at him and gives him a sheepish smile.

"Hi." Steve says, Bucky bursts out into laughter. Steve rolls his eyes and sits up, once Bucky's calmed down he grabs Steve's hand and hauls him to his feet.

"You okay?" Bucky checks, Steve rolls his eyes and nods.

"Yes, Buck. I'm not a fragile little flower, you know." He huffs, Bucky shoves his shoulder back.

"I know. I just like to make sure you're okay." He croons, linking their hands together. Steve smiles slightly and nods.

"Well anyway. I think you won this time." Steve sighs dramatically, Bucky smirks.

"Aww, thanks, Dorito." He purrs.

"Anytime, Human Disaster." Steve snorts, Bucky leans his head and Steve's shoulder and sighs contentedly.

Years later, many years

The year went well for all of them. In their lifetime, Bucky and Steve eventually got married, as well as Natasha and Bruce. Clint married Laura and they had three kids, Tony had multiple girlfriends but eventually settled, Thor ended up with Jane, although Sam didn't end up with Riley due to an unfortunate accident. Sam ended up being a councillor, Thor was simply a traveller with Jane. Clint, Laura and their kids bought a farm and lived the simple life. Natasha and Bruce? They lived on the road. Wherever it took them, they went. Tony went into a big industry and got rich, and Steve and Bucky turned out to be heroes. They were police officers and occasionally volunteered at the local fire station as fire fighters. Their life was sorted out and only a few mishaps happened. But then, that's simply to be expected in life. They all lasted 'til the bittersweet end.

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