#11- Liam

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Liam Teacher Smut for booboobearluv.tumblr.com (Sorry it took so long!)

I groaned as I headed to math class, today was one of my worst days. I woke up late, fell in mud and now I had to endure an hour of math, with Mrs. Wright . I just wanted this day to be over, I looked like a mess. My hair was still slightly damp from my morning shower and my best friend stayed home, so basically I was by myself for the day. I groaned as I sat down in my sleep. 3 more hours of school and 1 more hour of this class and I'm free.

When math was over, I had a momentary mental party for the joy I felt. I reached History and this was one of my favorite classes. My teacher was a Blonde woman who let us call her by her first name. She was 9 months pregnant and I knew one day she would be leaving for maternity leave. I just didn't think that would be today. On my worst days, she would talk to me the whole class and cheer me up and now she wasn't here! Instead at her desk sat our principal, who informed the class that a new temp would be coming in tomorrow and staying for the rest of the year. Oh joy.

The next day of school, wasn't any better. My unruly curly dark brown hair was up in a messy bun and I had on no makeup. I usually didn't do this but I was so tired this morning that I just didn't care. I went through the normal routine and waited to get to History, to meet this new substitute. Rumor has it that he'sa guy who is secretly gay, other rumors said that he was mean and old. I didn't care if he was gay, but i prayed he wasn't mean and old. I left math, and sped walked to my next class. I reached the class and I was the first one there, even the sub wasn't here. He must've been here before because scrawled out on the board in beautiful cursive was Mr. Payne.

I put my head down on the desk for a few moments, as I waited for people to start filing in class. I heard some shuffling and looked up and yelped.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" said a really cute guy. He had brown hair and brown eyes, his smile was contagious and he grinned at me as I looked up. I smiled at him as he walked over to the back of the room and I couldn't help but stare at him. He was gorgeous, how come I never seen him before. Maybe he was a senior? Maybe he was a new student? That had to be it. Students filed in and took their seats. The mystery guy walked to the front of the room and looked at us all. No way, I thought, he cant be our new teacher!

"I'm Mr. Payne, but you can call me Liam" he smiled at everyone. His eyes met mine and I must have been practically drooling. He smiled at me before turning to talk about the class and what he expects. He was so young, so cute and I couldn't control myself. I must have looked horrible, no makeup, my hair in a bun. I needed this guy, i had to have him. I've had my fair share of guys but he was just amazing.

The next day, I sat in history waiting for everyone to come in. My hair was in it's natural curly state, I used some makeup this morning and I was dressed better compared to yesterday. I smiled as Liam walked in and smiled at me.

"Hey!" he smiled widely and walked over to me.

"Hi" i replied.

"I saw you looking at me yesterday, am i not what you expected?" He asked. Oh god, I could've died right there.

"You're better" I mumbled and he had to hear me because a smirk grew on his lips.

"Better? You think?" he asked and I wanted to die now. This was so awkward and embarrassing, it was ridiculous.

"Can you meet me after class, please?" he asked and I just nodded as he went to the front of the class to talk to the class that mostly came in late. He taught us about presidents and their jobs and I couldn't pay attention because the looks he gave me during class, made me so excited. As the class ended, I slowly packed my books in my bag and walked over to his desk. He walked to the door and locked it and my breathing got heavier.

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