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50 Shades of Styles 

"Dont flatter yourself, I dont usually bring  my subs to meet my family" he muttered as I put on lip gloss in the mirror. I ignored his comment and fixed my hair once more before going to put my dress on. I was reaching for the short black dress when Harry grabbed my arm. 

"Change your underwear" he said as he handed me new ones and I shuddered at the sight of them. They were the underwear he always teased me with whenever I was bad. They had a small device in them that vibrated against me whenever he pushed a button. 

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked but he only chuckled.

"Put them on" he said as he walked past me and out of the bedroom. I hurried and changed my underwear into the new pair and slipped on my dress. After checking myself again, I left the bedroom and walked to the foyer.

"Come, we'll be late," Harry said as he grabbed my hand and led me to the elevator that led to the garage.  Harry looked perfect, his hair was messy but looked nice on him. He had on a black suit and a white shirt that had the first button open. We reached the car and he opened the door for me before going to his side and climbing in. 

We drove in silence as we headed west to the opposite side of the state. Harry hummed softly to the music and I stared out the window. I was the first sub he was bringing to meet his family and I was nervous. How am I supposed to act in front of a multi-billionare posh family? What if his mom doesnt like me or his sister?


When we walked into the mansion, my heart stopped. They walls were decorated with high-class paintings, the couches were a rich type of leather. Harry grabbed my hand and led me to a dining room. At the end of the table sat his mother, and on the other end sat his sister.

"Oh Hi!" his sister shouted as she ran towards me.

"Hello" I responded, becoming weirded out as she hugged me tightly.

"Enough Gemma" Harry said sternly and she backed off. She took her place at the table and I sat on one side while Harry sat on the other.

"Nice to meet you, darling" said his mother and I responded with a pleasant greeting.

We began to pick at the food on the table immediately. There was chicken, rice, corn, beans, bread and other sides. Harry's sister looked just like him, same dimples and eyes. Her hair was darker but you could tell they were related. His mother, who I found out to be Anne, had the same dimples and brown hair. I smiled at the sight of the happy family and continued to eat my food. My phone chimed from my bag and I reached for it quickly.

"Sorry" I muttered as I retrieved it and found a new text.

Harry: Stop staring at them, or you'll be punished.

I ignored it and as I was putting it back, it chimed again.

Harry: Checking your phone at the dinner, NAUGHTY.

I chuckled at the text and then squealed. I felt the vibrations from the underwear course through my body. I clenched my fist and bit my lips to suppress a moan as the device shook against me.

"Are you alright?" Gemma asked and I forced a smile and nodded. I looked across the table at Harry who was smirking at me. He thought this was funny!? To tease me at dinner with his mom and sister? 'Two can play at that game' I thought as the vibration stopped.

"So tell me about yourself" Anne asked me as I sipped on my water.

"Oh well, I'm in college and when Im not in school, I'm either doing charity work or with that little munchkin" I said as I pointed at Harry. He scowled at me and then I felt it again.

"Oh!" I yelped causing Gemma and Anne to stare at me.

"Sorry, the chicken was a bit hot" I lied as I bit my lip. The vibration was stronger and faster, and I could barely contain myself.

"Im actually really glad Haz found someone, I was beginning to think my brother was gay!" Gemma exclaimed and Anne scolded her for the comment but I laughed.

"Oh Gemma, that's funny!" I said dramatically and Harry scowled again. Suddenly, the vibration became stronger and I started to shake my body. I was close to climaxing and I knew I would be loud. I kicked Harry under the table and he simply smiled. Then I felt it, he increased the intensity. I grabbed the table cloth and looked around, Anne was talking to Gemma while Harry stared at me. He had complete control over me and he loved it. 

"Please" I mouthed to him and he stopped the device. I sighed deeply and continued eating, praying this was the end.

As dinner ended, we spoke for sometime and finally, it was time for us to leave. I held Harry's hand as we said our goodbyes and headed to the car. We didn't speak for the first 10 minutes of the drive until I heard the faint unzip of his trousers. I glanced over and his fully erect penis was out.

"Suck" he ordered and I obeyed. I unstrapped my seat belt and leaned over the seat and took his cock in my mouth.

"You were so bad tonight, holding back moans in front of my family, squealing at the feeling. You're such a dirty girl. Wait until we get home, I'm gonna show you dirty"

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