Mitch Marner (Toronto Maple Leafs)

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Growing up in Toronto was lot of fun. You had big malls, lots of friends and lots of freedom considering just about everything you needed was in a walking range. You grew in a leafs fans only house. So when you told your parents that your boyfriend was Mitch Marner, they where beyond happy.

But when you told Mitch you had never been to Canada's Wonderland he was shocked.

"(Y/N), how is it possible that you grew up in Toronto your whole life and you have never been to Canada's Wonderland. Every person that lives in Toronto must have gone to Canada's Wonderland at least once or they have never lived." he asked as he drove to Canada's Wonderland. He insisted that he was going to take you for the day. And if you liked it maybe make it a yearly thing that just the two of you did together.

"My parents where never big on this stuff so they never wanted to go."

"But you could have gone with friends!"

"Ya! Because my parents where going to let me and a bunch of my teenage girlfriends go to Canada's Wonderland by themselves. Like that would have ever happened."

"Well you never know!"

"My parents wouldn't even let my brother go with friends at my age." you just shook your head and laughed at Mitch trying to come back with and argument. "How much longer until we get there?"

"When you see a big sign that says 'Canada's Wonderland' then I'll tell ya how much longer."

"Ohn geez Mitch thanks for your help I have no idea what I would do without you."

"Probably never have a life, Ow! Why did you hit me."

"Because you deserved it!"

"And ta think I'm taking you to Wonderland."

"It's because you love me."

"Ya that's it."

"Oh it is."

"Yes, it is. Are here. You ready to have some fun today?"

"Yes, I think so depending on what rides we're going to go on."

"Whatever you want and some rides that I think you're gonna like."

"Okay lets do this."

When you first got into the park you weren't surprised at how many people there where, but at how much bigger the rides looked up closer.

"You okay (Y/N)?"

"Ya, so what ride first?"

"How about the Bat?"

"The one that goes upside down?"

"Ya, that one, or so you want to go on a different ride first?"

"No that one's fine."

As you got in line you realized that this is probably the biggest roller coaster you've ever been on.

"You okay (Y/N)? We don't have to go on it if you don't want to."

"No, I want to."

"Are you sure?" He asked putting an arm around you to comport you.

"Yes, I'm sure! You might just have to hold my hand if I get scared though."

"Well that can be arranged." Mitch said well taking your hand and leading you to where you would be sitting for the ride.

Mitch started laughing at the look on your face as you slowly climbed up the ramp.

"I am so posting that!" Mitch laughed.

"You took my picture?"

"Yes! The look on your face was priceless!" And with that the ride really started.

After you got off you felt a little dizzy and happy that you did that.

"So (Y/N) how was that?"

"That was awesome! Can we please go on it again!"

"You know we still have lots of other rides to go on too right?"

"Yes of course I know that but please Mitchy can we go on it again? Please!" you begged.

"Later I promise."


For the rest of the day you two had lots of fun going on all the rides and taking silly photos. Mitch won you a giant stuffed bear that you carried around for half of the day.

Before you left you went on the Bat again and had more fun on it because you weren't as scared. As you where leaving the park you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. It was a notification that Mitch had tagged you in a photo. You reached the car and checked it as you pulled out of the parking lot tired.

It was a photo of you two that he took earlier in the day with the caption, 'Had the bast day at Wonderland today with my girl @(Y/U/N)' you smiled and saved the picture making it your lock screen.

"Did you have fun today?" Mitch asked as he took your hand.

"Yes I did. Thank you for bringing me here today."

"Your welcome."

You relaxed in your seat looking out the windshield, your eyelids getting heavy.

"You know (Y/N)"


"I was thinking"


"We should make this a yearly thing just the two of us, what do you say?"

"I'd like that."

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