Jake Virtanen

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You had met Jake after a game and you hit it off right away.

When you where 23 Jake purposed to you and when you where 25 you and Jake got married. When you where 27 you had your first two kids Savannah Christina Virtanen and Marcus James Virtanen.

Jake was currently on a week road trip with the team, so it was your first time being alone with the kids.

"Come on Savannah please just eat your dinner." You started, trying to beg your one year old to try and eat her dinner for the past hour. 

Just as Savannah started to eat you could hear crying from the playpen where Marcus was once sleeping. You went over and picked Marcus up rocking him back and fourth trying to get him to calm down.

"Come on I can't even buy a break tonight! Shh, shh baby it's okay Mommy's here, it's just Mommy."

Once Marcus finally calmed down there was a crash and a giggling child behind you. You put in his playpen and he started acting up again.

By now you just started to cry. The kitchen was a mess there was food all over the floor, the wall and Savannah.

The fact that you hadn't slept in the past few  days made you very cranky and having to deal with 2 kids on your own that weren't cooperating wasn't making the job any easier. At this point you needed a break and most of all you needed Jake home to help you. You slid down the wall and put your head in your hands.

Over the next period of time both kids started to cry and you must have missed the door opening because you felt a hand on your shoulder and lips on the side of your head.

Jake was able to get both of the kids up stairs and into the room because the kitchen became silent. In that time you where able to put yourself together and clean up the kitchen a little bit.

When Jake came downstairs he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest. "Do you wanna talk about it? You don't have to right now if you want to."

"No, I just want to go to bed. But I need to finish cleaning up."

"No, go upstairs, I'll meet you up there after I finish cleaning up down here."

When you got upstairs and went into your bathroom, there was a bath all ready for you. You desperately need this.

Once you finished you changed into your PJ's and went into your bedroom Jake was laying on you bed on his phone. You went and curled up next to him and laid your head on his chest well he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you tighter.

"I just couldn't handle it anymore I thought I'd be able to handle it." You whispered.

"You tried and it's okay it happens sometimes but you are still a great mom."

"But What about next time? If I couldn't handle it this time what am I going to do?"

"Next time it will only be a few days and I won't be gone as long and you will get better over time, this was your first time alone with the kids for a long period of time."

"Your just saying that to make me feel better."

"You are a great mom. Don't doubt your self."

"Thank you I really need this."

"That's what I'm here for."

"I love you Jake thank you for everything."

"I love you too, now go to sleep you need it and if the kids wake up don't get up tonight I've got them."

"Gosh your the best."

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