James Neal (Nashville Predators)

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**Requested By:dreamingisbeleiving8

AN: I wrote this a while ago, I'm sorry it took so long between finishing school and work I've been really busy lately. Also because I wrote this a while ago it was before Shea Weber was traded and I didn't want to take his character out of the story.

"Sophie?" James said standing in the door way looking at you.
"Are you ready to go?"

You nodded. Today was the day you were finally meeting the whole team officially.

You were incredibly nervous for many reasons. Not only were you meeting some of James closest friends and practically brothers. A few of them were not fond of the age gap between the two of you. There was almost 8 years between the two of you and some of the guys thought that you were with James for all the wrong reasons.

They had told James that in front of you numerous times. You could not blame them for being protective of James, they did not want anything bad to happen to him. Not just from a break up, but somethings worse. James had told them countless times that you were not that type of person and that's why he likes you so much.

You also had some big news to announce. James and you and decided to move in together officially, James had decided to build his dream house in Nashville and had asked you to help him. Well you where helping out he decides to surprise you by asking you to move in with him.

It was something that you both thought would be a big step in your relationship. You knew a lot of guys would probably not be happy about it, considering you where moving into James house. You worked a lot through the your teen years and had a lot of money saved up to make sure James wouldn't be paying for all of it.

"Sophie?" James asked not bent down in front of you.
"You zoned out. Now, we gotta go or we're gonna be late." He offered you his hand to help you up. You took his hand and once you stood up he pulled you into his arms. He hugged you tightly,
"They will like you I promise and if you want to leave at anytime just let me know and we will okay?"
"Ya I will, but I really don't want to be late and the team starts to think something bad."
James smiled, "Aright lets get going then."


You pulled into the restaurant on time 7:00pm sharp. James came around and opens your door and helped you out. He grabbed your hand and led you into the area of the restaurant that the Predators had booked off so no fans could get in.

Before you entered a wave of nausea hit you.
"James, I don't feel good."
"Sophie. Look at me. I don't care what they say. I know you better than they do. How can they judge you when they don't know you completely?"
You relaxed a little knowing James was right. Who could they judge me and it be 100% correct when they don't even know me completely. You thought and then took James hand so he could take you into the restaurant.

Once you got in there a very tipsy Mike Fisher noticed you arrived.
"Eh! Jamesy is here! It's about time man! We didn't think you where going to show! Shea look who's here!"
"Hey Mikey." James said laughing lightly and leading you way over to Shea Weber.

"James! You didn't tell me your girlfriend was this pretty! Hi, I'm Shea! It's nice to meet you...?"
"Is this the first time you've met the team?"
"Have you meant of the WAGs since you got here?"
"Um not not yet."
"One second. Bailey! Can you come over here?
This is my wife Bailey. Bailey this is James girlfriend Sophie."
"Hi it's nice to meet you."
"You too."
"Why don't you come as sit with us? A few of the wives and girlfriends are over at that end of the table if you want?"
"Sure I would love to."

As the night went on you ended up back sitting with James. As the nights went on the conversations started to die off and people started to leave because they had to get home to their kids.

"What are the plans for the off season boys?" James asked striking up a conversation with the remaing people.

Everyone answered with bringing the cup home and catching up with family.

It wasn't until Shea asked James when you started to get nervous. This summer would be when you two moved in together.

"Um actually Sophie and I are planning on moving in together."

Pekka Rennie was the first to respond, "James that's a big step, are you sure you want to do that?"

"Peck, I'm positive. I though this over a lot before I asked her. And Sophie has been helping me out with the house. I knowing in making the right decision."

Bailey Weber spoke up next, "I think that's amazing and that we should be happy that James has found someone that he's willing to move in with."

You mouthed a thank you to Bailey across the table.

After this settled everyone was able to continue on with the night and you began to be accepted to the team as a WAG.


That summer you and James where able to move into the house you always wanted. With the help of the team the remained in Nashville for a bit of the summer.

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