Gabe Landeskog (Colorado Avalance)

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Authors Note: Uh ya I used google translate again, I can speak English and a little bit of French and that's about it so ya.

Forever you had always wanted to go to Sweden. You mothers side of the family was from Sweden so you always wanted to go there and see what it was like.

When you first stepped off the plane you could immediately tell that this was very different from America. You were very glad that your Mom had taught you Swedish growing up so it was a lot easier communicating with the people here.

You hailed a taxi and told him your hotel's address. Your parents wanted you to have a nice hotel to stay in and they made you swear that you wouldn't look it up. When you arrived you saw the sign 'Grand Hotel Stockholm' this hotel was a five star super fancy hotel. You got checked in and went up to your room.

There was a king sized bed, a flat screen tv and an amazing view that over looked the water.

It was only 1pm so you figured that you would do a little sight seeing to make sure that you got everything done on your list.

Your first stop was to the ABBA Museum but as you where looking up the directions you collided with another person and fell.

"Förlåt!" A deep voice said above you, offering you a hand up. (Sorry)

"Det är okej , oroa dig inte om det var en olycka." You answered accepting the man's hand. (It's okay, don't worry about it it was an accident). "Mår du bra?" (Are you okay?)"Ja tack". (Yes, thank you).

"Jag är Gabe" (I'm Gabe).


"Är du från Sweeden?" Gabe asked. (Are you from Sweeden?)

"Nej Aspen, Colorado  det är i staterna, min mums sida av familjen är från Sweeden." You replied.  (No Aspen, Colorado its in America, my mom side of the family is from Sweeden.)

"Ah, so then you can speak English?"

"Yes, I can."

Gabe laughed, "So is this your first time to Sweeden?"

"Ya, I've always wanted to come here and learn and see where my mom grew up. What about you? Are you from Sweeden?"

"Born and raised until 2009 when I moved to Ontario, Canada then in 2011 I moved to Denver, Colorado." he smiled

"Really that's amazing, this is my first time out of the states."

"Do you have a guide or are you just roaming by yourself?"

"Roaming by myself."

"Well if you need anyone to show you around I'd be happy to do so."

"You don't have to."

"No really I'd love to. You seem lie a nice girl that I'd love to get to know."

You blushed, "I'd rally like that. Thank you."

"So." Gabe started as you walked around the ABBA Museum together, "How long are you here for?"

"All summer."

"Really?" He asked curiously

"What! You don't believe me?"

"AH I never said that, but just for the record, I am too."

"Huh, that's funny."

"Do you go back to Aspen when you leave?"

"Ya, what about you? You seem to have what 3 homes?"

"Denver, I leave the end of August beginning of September."

You two continued walking around the ABBA Museum together and spent all summer together. Gabe showed you around Sweden and you saw things you probably wouldn't have seen with out him.

As the summer came to an end you couldn't believe how fast it went by. On your very last night Gabe had something planned.

Majority of the travailing you did was buy bus, train or boat but tonight you walked from dinner to the "mysterious last event" as Gabe called it.

"Ok (Y/N). DO you trust me?"


"We can't do this if you don't trust me."

"Yes, Gabe I trust you and to prove it I let you take me around Sweden for two months."

"Fair enough. Lets go but you have to close your eyes."

"Do I have to?" You whined like a little kid.

"Yes. Or else it wont work."


It was about 15 minuets of walking before Gabe told you to open your eyes and when you did you saw that you had reached the Skyview.

"At then end of every summer they do a night run and it's amazing."

As you made your way to the top Gabe started pointing out the places you had been and other places.

"Gabe I can't thank you enough for this summer, this has been one of the best summers of my life."

"Well I'm glad that I could be in your best summer ever."

When the ride was over Gabe insisted that he too you back to the hotel.

"I think your the reason that this summer has all happened. I don't want to go home tomorrow, then I have to go back to reality."

"I don't want to go back either."

"I'm really going to miss you Gabe."

"I'm going to miss you too (Y/N). But if you ever find yourself in Denver call me and we'll get together."

"Same for you."


You laughed and hugged Gabe. "Bye (Y/N)."

"Bye Gabe."

Once Gabe left you went to bed realizing that you had to go home tomorrow and you may never see Gabe again.

The next day you got up and caught your flight home. When you went to get your bags you saw your mom waiting for you.

"Hi Sweetie! How was it? Did you have a good time? A few times your dad and I got worried because we hadn't heard from you in a while and you didn't send us a lot of pictures too."

"Hi Mom."

"That's all I get 'Hi Mom' I haven't seen you in 2 months and that's all I get? Well lets go out to the car and then we can talk."

"So, tell me about it." Your mom said as she started the car to drive home.

As you re-caped your visit of Sweden your mom was happy that you had a good time.

"Did you meet any new friends?"

"Ya, I did he showed me a few places actually."


"Yes mom he."

"Well what's his name?"


"Gabe well thats a nice name. Do you have any pictures?"

"Yes mom I'll show you when I get home most of my pictures are on my laptop."

When you got home you showed your mom and dad the pictures when you came across the one from Skyview you showed them Gabe.

"(Y/N) that's Gabe Landeskog."

"What no way."

But sure enough you looked it up and you had spent the whole summer with THE Gabriel Landeskog.

Part 2 maybe? Comment if you want a part 2!

 NHL IMAGINESDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora