Chapter 3. Bad Memories. Part 2

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Megan POV.

Harry kept his eyes on mine all the time. “This person I was talking about was Jake..” Everyone looked at me, not knowing who I was talking about. I sighed and continued: “Jake is Zoey’s ex-boyfriend and he hurt her very badly. They dated for a year and they broke up with on their anniversary day which was also Zoey’s birthday. She had a party with friends and of course, Jake was also invited.” I stared at the table, tears escaped my eyes and rolled down my cheek. Niall shoved his chair closer to me and put his arm around my shoulder. I smiled at him and continued; ”She got a lot of presents but I knew she also bought a present for him. When she went looking for him in the house, she came running out the house, crying. When I walked in I saw him lying on the couch with her sister. They were making out, and doing other stuff.” I thought of the next part of the story, and I shivered. Liam took my hand and squeezed it softly. “She told him it was over between them the next day but Jake didn’t accept it. Two days after that he drove her of the road and he nearly killed her. She ended up in hospital in a coma and she only woke up two weeks ago. When she was released from hospital she lived with me for four days and after that we went on this holiday. And the rest you know, I hope.” I said. It felt horrible but it was better that the others knew it. "That's so horrible, poor Zoey." Eleanor said. I looked at Harry and he looked like he could kill someone, but in his eyes I saw disbelieve. "Harry, are you alright?" I asked him. He looked at me and said:"If I ever see that boy, I'm gonna kill him......."

Louis POV.

Zoey held my hand while we walked through the mall. She looked so fragile, so different from the Zoey I had seen the last few days.. "Zoey, are you oké?" She looked at me with fear in her eyes. We stopped and she shook her head. Tears started to escape her eyes, and there was nothing else to do for me than pulling her into a hug. She looked up to me and said:" Can we sit down? I want to tell you the story." We sat down and she kept hold of my hand. We've only met a few days ago but we became close friends already, and I had figured out two things. She trusted me and she couldn't keep a secret from me. She sighed and started to tell everything, about her ex-boyfriend Jake, how he cheated on her with her sister and how he almost killed her. "Wait, what?" I looked at her shocked when she told me she only woke from her coma two weeks ago. "No way." She looked at me and she started to laugh. "Why the heck are you laughing?" I asked her but I was happy she was laughing again. I loved it when she laughed. "Your Fa-face," she replied while laughing. She tried to do the face I probably had and she started to laugh even harder. And eventually I also broke into laughter. "We should go back before the others get worried." Zoey noted after we stopped laughing. I nodded and we got up. I realized she was still holding on to my hand. She saw me looking and said:"You are like the big brother that I've never had, and I just want to keep you close." I smiled and pulled her into another hug. I swear, I'm never gonna leave this girl behind. She was too amazing to let go. When I let go she smiled at me, took my hand again and together we walked to the others....

*a few minutes later* 

"Hi guys, we're back!" Zoey seemed quite happy, and I felt a little proud I would say. I cheered her up and it felt good. When I saw the others they still looked a little shocked but when they saw Zoey smiling they started to smile also. Harry had turned around and I swear, I saw he was pretty angry. I thought maybe he didn't trust me around Zoey, but I had Eleanor. Or maybe he was just angry because of that guy, Jake. He started to smile, got up and pulled his girl into a hug. I wanted to let go of Zoey's hand, but she kept hold of it very tightly. She really didn't want to lose me. Eleanor walked up to me, she smiled, but her smiled disappeared very quickly when she saw Zoey keeping hold of my hand even though she was hugging Harry. "Louis, we need to talk." She said. Zoey heard it, she turned around in Harry's arms and let go off my hand. "Eleanor, just one thing. Don't think I'll steal Louis from you. I kept hold of his hand because he's like the big brother I've never had, and I don't want to lose him or anyone of you. You guys are the best people I've ever met and ever had around. And I would never hurt my friends by for example stealing their boyfriends. So please don't worry alright?" I looked at Zoey and I think my jaw was on the ground. I could tell from Eleanor's face that Zoey just answered the question El wanted to ask me. Then I did the only thing I should do. I kissed El and told her nobody would ever take her place as my girlfriend. "Are we going to eat here or at home?" Niall asked. That annoying little leprechaun. Always interrupting the most perfect moments by asking about food.   I say the girls decide, because we didn't have time to go shopping yet, which they really wanted?" Liam stated. "I don't feel like shopping anymore." Megan said, and the other girls nodded in agreement. "What about going to mine and Megan's place, eat there, swim a bit and then watch a movie?" Zoey said. We nodded and we went home. A fun night ahead of us.....

(A/N I'll post the next part as soon as possible, I have vacation over here, so got a lot of time :) Hope you like this part. Ow BTW I need two shipping names. One for Megan and Niall & one for Zoey & Harry (I thought of Zarry but thats Zayn & Harry of course XD) Please vote and comment! :)

Love youu xxx Lilly

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