Chapter 5. Back For You

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Zoey POV.

*Three months later*

“Hold your breath girls, member of the famous boy band One Direction, Harry Styles, finally found himself a girlfriend. Her name is Zoey Porter and Harry claims that he met her three months ago when the boys were on a little holiday in Spain. Another band member and best friend of Harry, Louis Tomlinson tweeted this very morning: Proud of my buddy, who FINALLY told the world about Zoey. We love you guys!!” I smiled. Harry announced his relationship with me this morning in an interview and now I was trending topic on twitter. I just couldn’t believe it. Never in my entire life I could dream of the friends I have right now. Niall, Zayn, Liam, Louis, Eleanor, Danielle & Perrie are the best friends a person could ever have and Harry was the best boyfriend in the world. Perrie even took me and Megan to a concert two weeks ago to meet the other girls of Little Mix. It was amazing. And tomorrow I finally got to see Harry again after three months. I listened to the lady at the television again;”But not only Harry told the world about his new girlfriend, also nobody else than Niall Horan told the world about his wonderful princess,  Megan Lopez.” I smiled even more hearing my best friend’s name; “He told us this morning that he also met her three months ago and that she’s Zoey’s best friend. Isn’t that wonderful? Now all the boys have a girlfriend. I wish all the Directioners that are upset good luck.” And with that the show ended. I smiled when I looked at my twitter page. I gained like three million followers and I got a lot of messages from my friends which said; Why didn’t you tell me about Harry! And things like that. But I also saw a lot of messages like: ‘Who do you think you are, stealing MY Harry’ And things like: ‘You are the reason that Larry is broken.’ I didn’t like the hatred but I could live with it. Harry told me it could happen and I prepared myself for it. And tomorrow I will see him again. I just can’t wait!!

Harry POV.

*The next day*

“Where are they?  They should have landed already!” Niall was very impatient waiting to see Megan again. And I couldn’t wait to see my Zoey again. They would stay with us for the holiday and now we’re waiting for them to arrive at the airport. Louis and Liam came along with me and Niall. Zayn was with Perrie in Paris for three days. It was good to have a few days off. And It was great to have the opportunity to spend them with Zoey. “I’ve really missed them.” Niall says and I nodded. We sat there for a while until I suddenly felt two arms around my neck and I heard someone whisper: “Looking for someone, Haz?” I turned around and saw my beautiful girlfriend standing behind me with her bags next to her. “Zoey!!” I jumped up, lifted her up and spun her around. I’ve missed her so much! I set her down and leaned in to kiss her. She kissed me back immediately. Mann, how much I’ve missed that kiss. “Shall we go?” Louis asked when Zoey and Megan had hugged everyone. We nodded, picked up their bags and walked to the van. This week was going to be awesome.

(A/N Oh boy, Harry, You’re soooo wrong… Whahahaha Alright I won’t say too much.   Hope you like this chapter. Again it’s kind of a fill up but the next one will be great! Love you my penguins!! Xx Lilly) 

How to love someone like you. (A One Direction FanFiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now