Chapter 10. Breaking up with your sister.

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(A/N my dear penguins, I'm so sorry for not being on for a while!! :( I'm a Horrible person, but school is killing me. But It's almost summer holiday and I'm having a great time because I got a boyfriend!!! (Alright I'm sixteen and this is for me my first Boyfriend!! had one before but I try to forget that relationship) So here is the next chapter of HTLSLY! but keep your eyes on my page for the updates :) But have fun with this DRAMATIC Chapter :) xx Lilly))

Harry POV.

"Guys, can you give me a moment with Harry?"Hearing those words leaving her mouth, killed me already inside. I heard the boys leave, and I guess the doctor also left because when I turned around, the room was empty, except for Zoey, who was looking at me, Her beautiful eyes filled with concern. Now I looked at her, I actually started to see resemblances between her and Gemma, or even Mom.  "Harry, come here, and tell me what's wrong." She moved aside and patted on the spot next to her in the bed. I rolled my wheelchair next to her bed and pulled myself up, to sit next to her. I put my arm around her. "Zoey, I..." I had a lump in my throat, I didn't know where to start. But then she kissed me on my cheek, to motivate me, but that one kiss, broke my heart. "The doctor did some research and she found out that Zoey Porter is not your real name." She looked at me, shock written all over her face. "You were adopted when you were three years old. Your Biological mother couldn't handle three kids on her own after your dad left you." "So I have two siblings?" She quickly said, but looked sorry immediately after, knowing she had interrupted me. I took a deep breath and said: "Yeah, I also know their names." (A/N GRAB SOME FREAKING TISSUES..... I'M ALREADY CRYING OVERHERE!!!) "Their names are Harry & Gemma, Children of Anne. Your name? Zoey Anastasia Styles.." Zoey's head shot up and she locked eyes with me. Eyes that were soon filled with tears. "You-you, You mean that.." She didn't finish her sentence but I knew what she wanted to say. "Yeah, I'm your brother.." She put her head on my shoulder and silent tears were rolling down her cheeks. "So this means we have to break up? No Zoery anymore?" I let a small chuckle escape when she said our Directioner Made Shipping name but then I stroked her hair and shook my head. "Nope, Zoery is over.." she put her arms around me, rested her head on my chest and burst out in tears....

Zoey POV

I just couldn't believe it. I was adopted? I had two siblings? Whaaat??? I knew Harry knew who they were. I could tell. "So I have two siblings?" I said but quickly felt guilty for interrupting him. He looked at me and he smiled a little. "Yeah, and I also know their names." Wait what, He does? He took a deep breath and I knew that had to mean bad news. "Their names are Harry & Gemma, children of Anne. Your name? Zoey Anastasia Styles." I looked up and locked eyes with him. He had to be kidding me. This was a joke right? My boyfriend was actually my brother? "You-you, you mean that." I stuttered, I didn't know what to say, I was speechless, breaking inside. "Yeah, I'm your brother.." He replied. I rested my head on his shoulder and let my tears silently roll down my cheeks. "So This means we have to break up? No Zoery anymore?" He chuckled and I smiled a little. But then he stroked my hair and he shook his head, saying: "Nope, Zoery is over.." When he said that I felt my heart falling apart, the only thing I wanted was holding him. I put my arms around him and I rested my head on his chest, before I burst out in tears. I just woke from a coma today and this is what you get? Finding out that your boyfriend is your brother? I just can't take it anymore. I cried and felt Harry putting his arms around me. I wish I could stay in his arms forever like this. But that wasn't possible, but right now I liked it. And you know what? I fell asleep, crying but in the protective arms of my brother. 

Louis POV

We walked out the room and before I knew it I heard Zoey crying. I wanted to run in and comfort her, but then the other guys would find it suspicious. I think I have a crush on Zoey. I know the boys don't know about Eleanor yet but I don't want to tell them before I tell Zoey. Zoey and I never felt like brother and sister, the way she did with Liam, Niall and Zayn, but we were always best friends. Maybe it was because I like her and I never wanted to see her as a sister, but more as a potential girlfriend. But I don't think Harry will ever let me date her. Now she's his sister and I know he's protective over his sisters, I got four so I know the feeling. Maybe that's another reason why I don't want to see Zoey as my sister, already got four so please, thanks, but no thanks. "Hey Lou, wake up man!" Niall was waving in my face. "Lost in your thoughts?" He asked and I just nodded. "Come on man, Zoey is asleep, but Harry wants to talk with us." He said, before walking into the room. I got up and followed him after I took a deep breath. I actually didn't want to walk in and see Zoey heartbroken but I went in and the boys all sat on the beds. Harry and Liam with Zoey and Zayn and Niall on the other. Zoey was asleep as Niall said but she looked defeated. Tears were still on her cheeks. I hate to see her like this. "Louis, can you come sit down with us, I need to talk to you guys." I nodded and sat between Niall and Zayn, but I kept my eyes on Zoey. "Well, I told her the news about me and her and she broke down, but we still have to tell her about her adoption parents. I know you were going to do that Louis but I don't want to hurt her even more." Liam and I nodded but Zayn and Niall looked confused. "What happened to them?" Niall asked, which reminded me, he and Zayn didn't hear that part yet. "They died in a car-crash yesterday." I said while I still looked at Zoey. I noticed that more tears started to escape her eyes. She was awake and she just heard me!!!  Oh gosh, what to do? I know for sure she would kill me if I let anybody know. "Hey Harry, you look tired, I'll stay here and tell her. You go home and get some sleep and some food, alright? I'll stay here and look after her tonight." He nodded and said: "Alright, but are you sure you want to tell her?" I nodded and said: "Yes, just go. And guys, take good care of him." I said and the others understood what I was talking about. I needed to be alone. They got up and walked out the door with Harry. When I knew they were out of hearing distance I said: "I know you are awake Zoey. I'm so sorry you have to hear it this way." She opened her eyes and looked at me. "That's why you suddenly sent them away. You noticed me." She said, sobbing a little. "Come here," I said as I got up, sat next to her and put my arms around her. "I just thought this day couldn't get worse when Harry told me about the adoption thing and now, the people who adopted me, died when I was in a coma." I looked at her. I once saw her this fragile before and that was when she thought about Jake. Wait, Jake!! What if Jake send that girl to murder Zoey, to get his revenge? I'm going to do some research soon. But now, Zoey needed me. "Zoey, I have to tell you something and I have to ask you something." She nodded and I said: "I broke up with Eleanor, found out she cheated on me." Zoey looked at me in shock and said with a soft voice: "I'm sorry Lou." "You shouldn't be, Princess. It's alright, I'll find someone else." She nodded and looked at the window. "You also wanted to ask something?" She said when she looked back. I nodded and replied; "Yeah. Did Jake have a female friend, you know of?" She nodded and asked why. "I think he might have send her to kill you...." 

(A/N Detective Tomlinson is in DA House!! Alright I hope you like this part and I'm so sorry I had to tear Elounor & Zoery apart! :( :( And I'm sorry for the tears :'( And don't forget to keep an eye on my page for the other stories!!! xxx Lilly) 


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