Chapter 13. Liam's Letter.

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(A/n Hi lovelies. I just wanted to say that this chapter is just a filler before the real action happens. And don't be shocked about everything!!! ENJOY!!!.)

Harry POV.

I woke up to the sound of Zoey screaming. As fast as possible, I jumped out my bed, pulled on some boxers and some joggers and went to the place Zoey's scream came from. It was Liam's room. Zoey was sitting on Li's bed, with Megan's arms around her. Niall was standing by the window holding a letter. He ruffled through his hair with his free hand and stared at the letter. "What's wrong, We heard Zoey screaming and thought Jake & Joelle were here!" Perrie said while she stood behind me with Zayn. "He went to save Louis, just to make me smile." I looked at Zoey, not knowing what she was talking about, but then I looked at Niall with the letter. The Letter! "Ni, can I read that letter?" I asked. He nodded and handed it to me. I looked at it and recognized Liam's handwriting immediately.

'Dear all, 

I'm on my way to save Louis. I got a plan so don't worry. Don't come after me and please, protect Zoey.  

To Zoey:  

Hey... I've been so stupid. You trusted me with telling you liked someone and I just broke up with Dani but I still try to kiss you. I'm sorry. I liked you already from the start, but I loved Dani until she left me. I was confused and again I'M SO SORRY! I'll get Lou back, just to get that beautiful smile of yours back on your face. I know you only love me as a brother and if you just want me to be that I will not complain. I hope that this won't break our friendship because I love you Zoey. Wish me luck and be careful xx 

To Harry. 

I'm so sorry mate that I tried to kiss your sister. It happened yesterday, right before you came in with Zayn & Niall. I'm sorry and I know you'll hate me now, but I had a crush on her, even while you two were dating. I'm going to get Louis back. I promise. Wish me luck and when I get back I expect some hatred from you but I don't mind. I've been stupid and I deserve it. Be careful and take care of your sis. See you soon. 

To the others. 

Be careful, take care of each other and see you soon.  


I dropped the letter. He went to save Louis on his own? I didn't even mind that he almost kissed Zoey but that idiot went to save Lou out of the hands of two criminals, ON HIS OWN! "We need to go after him." I said. "But the letter said.." Niall started but I interrupted him. "I don't give a damn about what was standing in that letter. All I know is that two of my best friends are in danger AND that we have to save them!" I screamed. Zayn and Niall nodded and Zoey got up. "We're coming with you!" It was almost like fire was burning in her eyes. (A/N BEE DO BEE DO BEE DO!!! alright that means fire in banana language. Sorry I'm kind of obsessed by Despicable me and the Minions. But never mind...) 

"Zoey, I don't think.." "I know Harry, you don't think a lot but I'm coming with you. I'm sick of Jake & Joelle ruining my life. Now it's my turn to ruin theirs by getting Louis and Liam back. THEY'RE ALSO MY FRIENDS!" She shouted. I stared at her but Perrie and Megan also got up and they stood next to Zoey. They looked like Charlie's Angels, but let's keep it on the 1D Angels.. "Okay, whatever you want sis, but be careful." She nodded and we walked out the door. We were going to find Lilo, and save them. And not even Jake or Joelle are gonna stop us......

(A/N I know a short chapter but the next chapter is more exciting!! so don't worry. Hope you enjoyed this part and don't forget to vote and comment!!! Byeee LYSMMDP!!! xxxxx

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