Chapter 8. Paralised

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(A/N Listen up people! Louis POV will be in the story a lot from now on. and You'll get why! xx now enjoy this chapter!! oh almost forgot. read the Autors note at the bottom of this chapter!!!)

Louis POV

I saw Harry getting paralyzed when he looked at the certificate. Tears escaped his eyes and rolled down his cheeks. I realized what was going on. Zoey had to be his sister. It made sense. Zoey and Harry actually had resemblances. Their hair had the same brown colour and the green in Zoey's eyes was as bright as the green in Harry's. And they had a kind of the same personality. I felt sorry for them. I knew how much they love each other. Just as much as I loved Eleanor and sometimes I think it's even more. Oh my gosh, how are we going to tell this to Zoey. She will be heartbroken. Mann, I really hate to see her cry. She means a lot to me. I really love her.. I got up and walked out the room. I needed to be alone and I needed time to think. I walked through the hallways of the hospital and unexpectedly I ended up in front of Zoey's room. I saw there was no-one in the room so I opened the door and walked in. I walked to the bed and looked at that beautiful girl. She looked pale and fragile but she was still beautiful. It hurt me to see her like this, realizing she was like this four months ago after her ex-boyfriend Jake had almost killed her. I don't know how she does it. Having such a tough life but she was strong. But there was some more bad news coming soon. "Hi Zoey," was the first thing to escape my mouth after a period of silence. "I miss you, princess. Please wake up! We need you." I sighed and looked at the ground. It was hopeless... But I heard movements and I looked up again. Zoey was moving!! Before I knew it I was staring in those beautiful sea-blue eyes and my heart did a triple back flip. (Wait since when could my intestines do gymnastics?) "Hi Boobear, I've missed you too.."

Harry POV

I felt numb, paralyzed. Zoey, my Zoey. The best girlfriend I've ever had in my life happened to be my sister. That had to be the reason why she looked like Gemma that much... I heard someone getting up behind me and he walked out the door. I didn't turn around because I knew it was Louis. He and Zoey were very close and he really cared about her. I also knew, although he was dating Eleanor, that he fancied Zoey. I could tell it the way he looks at her. This can't be good. What if he's going to call El to break up with her because he has a chance with Zoey right now.. Dude, I got to stop thinking like that. I haven't even broken up with Zoey and I'm already worrying about Lou wanting to date her. "Mr. Styles, are you alright?" Dr. Atkins asked me. I felt the eyes of the boys on me. "I was just thinking about how I'm going to explain this to her and yes, I'm going to do that," I said before they could cut me off, "She's my girlfriend and My sister, so I'm the one who should tell her." I felt a hand on my shoulder and I knew it was Liam. I looked at him and he gave me a comforting smile. The doctor nodded and she said: "That's fine but we're not sure when she's going to wake up. If she wakes up." My head snapped in her direction, looking at her in shock. "What do you mean, 'If she wakes up.'" Niall was standing next to me and he was shaking, fighting the tears. Zoey also meant a lot to him because she helped him a lot. I took hold of his hand. I knew he was older than me but he was still my little brother. "She is in a coma, Mr. Horan. We don't know if she will ever wake up again." She replied and Niall gasped. "No!!! I don't want to lose her!!" He yelled as he ran out the office. "I'll go after him," Zayn said as he ran after Niall. A nurse walked in, right after the boys ran off. Liam was still standing next to me. "Dr Atkins, I got a call from a hospital in the Netherlands. It's about the family of miss Porter." The nurse said. Dr Atkins nodded and the nurse continued; "Well, her parents and sister died in a car-a...." She was cut off when Louis burst into.the room yelling: "She's awake!!!"

(a/n hi my sweet penguins. first of all I hope you like this chapter. well I got to get going. I Love Youuuuuu xx Lilly)

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