Chapter 1

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"Hey." My hands stop dismembering what was probably a lost cause. In front of me stood a well dressed and apologetic looking Victoria Chase.

 Victoria and I were friends of friends. We were around each other a lot but never alone. Probably for a good reason.  

"What's up?" Camera killer...

She cleared away a few tools to make room for her butt on the table. 

"I'm seriously sorry about your camera. We were totally trashed," She plucked a part of the camera off the table only to set it back down after feeling its sticky texture. "I'll get you a new one if you want."

Her eyes were cast down at the small pieces before making their way back to me.

"Usually I would turn down that offer, but I need a camera for class. So please... And thank you."

 Victoria playfully rolled her eyes.

"Ugh. You're too nice, (Y/N).  It's like nothing gets to you."

I shrugged and continued to poke at the guts of my camera.

"I'm just not the kind of person to get mad I guess. Besides, it was an accident."

We sat in silence until the bell rang. Victoria (finally) moved off the table and towards the door.

"I'll see you later," She turned around right before she reached the door,"Oh, Nathan wanted to see you later btw."

I nodded, but I'm sure she didn't see as she shot off to Jefferson's class.

Other kids began to fill in the seats. I brushed the remains of my camera into my hand then dumped them into the trash bin by my seat. Now I just needed to survive this Science Class.


Science may be the death of me. I don't care about valence electrons. I need to know how to fix a camera and live off of scrambled eggs.

My bed looked so welcoming after a neverending day of classes. So welcoming that I didn't hesitate to throw my bag to some obscure corner of my room and kick off my shoes. I let my body freefall onto the mattress and closed my eyes.



"Aaaauuuuuuhhhh," I patted my pockets until I found the one with my phone. The screen lit up with two notifications.


"Mt me @ p lot."

"Wll xplain l8r."

I typed out a quick reply before pulling my heavy body up and out of bed. Before leaving, I steal a glance at the mirror. The bags under my eyes are beginning to discolor as I go on day five of no sleep -outside of cat naps. But they don't fix exhaustion.


From across the parking lot, I could see the speck of red pacing around like an angry red ant. I didn't even make it halfway before Nathan came towards me obviously pissed. My steps came to a halt as his pace didn't seem to be slowing down.

His voice carried a growl as he spoke. "You won't believe what just happened!" Pacing in circles, the angry ant went on his monologue about the world being against him.

Half an hour in, Nathan slowed down and finally stood beside me.

"I just wish somebody would listen for once!" He stopped to catch his breath. This is my chance to finally say something.

With You It's Different (Nathan Prescott x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now