Chapter 3

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My arms, my face, my pajamas, my legs. Everything was covered in paint. All gray and blue and green and brown and black smudges.

I've been working on a painting of what I saw in my vision or dream or whatever the hell it was. I finally finished adding the last details to it and stepped back.

I picked up my phone and had a small heart attack. It was 2 am, and I never texted Nathan. I had tons of messages from him, and as I scrolled through them I noticed the last one was only from a few minutes ago saying he was on his way.

Quickly I put the painting away to dry, but hide it this time with the others I made before. I don't need him Hulking out again.

I glanced at the mess that is me. I grabbed a brush and ran it through my hair. No time to wash off all the paint. Before I could even open my dresser my door opened.

A pissed off Nathan stormed towards me.  He reached a hand out, and I flinched out of reflex. It was like time stood still as he stood there looking at my cowering, paint covered figure.

He came closer and wrapped his arms around me. Holding me close to his chest.

"Fucking idiot... I thought those assholes got you.."

He stroked my hair and I just stood there pressed against him.

"I... I'm covered in paint. Some of it's still wet."

Nathan pulled away slightly and looked down at my slightly smiling face. He murmured a small 'stay like that' as he took out his phone. He raised it up and snapped a picture.

He brought it down so I could see it. I'll say it again. He takes amazing pictures- even on a cell phone.  I'm sure I'll see it later online. He will usually share ones like this. I don't know what he did with the ones he took yesterday.

"It's really late. Stay the night again?"

He nodded and I walked to get my shower stuff.

"I'm going to go get cleaned up. Please don't go through my underwear drawers while I'm gone~"

I teased him with that last part. I he really wanted to he would anyways, but he has never seemed interested in petty stuff like that. I gave him a quick peck on the lips before leaving to get this paint off.

I watched as the paints washed off my body and went down into the drain as a sickening color. It reminded me of when I thought mixing together all the colors I had was a good idea as a kid.

I heard the bathroom door open and close. Followed closely by odd gagging sounds. 'Taylor. I'm sorry I can't help. I don't know how and I don't want to make things worse...' 

After the gagging sounds stopped the to list flushed and I could hear the sounds of brushing teeth. Once she left the bathroom I double checked to see if I got all the paint off.

I noticed the hickeys Nathan had left on my stomach and leg. 'Territorial.' He certainly had some issues. Anger and otherwise.  He won't tell me 100% what's going on, but forcing him to tell me won't help.

I dried off and changed into a tank top and pajama shorts. I towel dried my hair and silently made my way back to my room.

As I walked by Victoria's room I heard a very familiar voice that should be in my room still.  I stopped by the door and tried to listen in as best I could.

"When are you going to get over her anyways? I mean seriously! What does she have that I don't?! What has she given you the I haven't?"

"It's not like that with (Y/N)! What's going on between me and her is different than what me and you had!"

With You It's Different (Nathan Prescott x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now