Chapter 2

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Sitting at the bar almost gave me a full view of the party. Dancing teens and music I could feel in my teeth. Neither brought ease to my ever growing headache. Water sloshed in my cup, a purple one that I never let out of my sight at these parties, and my eyes scanned the room for anything of concern.

Cheers and chanting boomed over the music from a corner of the room. It was probably something normal they were getting worked up over like body shots or something, but my nerves were on fire and forced my body out of my seat and across the room. Cup in hand, I wiggled my way through the sea of bodies until I popped out at a clearing.

There was Kate Marsh sliding herself off some guys lap. She was an absolute mess. Lipgloss smudged, red splotches on her face, mascara smudged under her eyes. Her eyes were glassy in a way that made me want to vomit.

There wasn't time for me to ask questions. Kate's body swayed and I moved to try and catch her as her legs gave out. A pair of arms wrapped around her right before she could hit the floor.

"Don't worry. You stay here, and I'll take her to the hospital." Nathan grunted as he lifted Kate up.

"Be safe, please?"

He nodded and made his way out.  Victoria's arm slung over my shoulder with a cup in hand. Her shrill voice only made the pain in my head feel like it was piercing through my eyes.

"Come on loosen up! Just not as much as Kate did."

I raised an eyebrow at her.

"What do you mean 'as much as Kate did'?"

"You didn't see? She was all over practically every guy here."

The shock on my face could not have been more clear, but all Victoria did was scoff and roll her eyes at me.

"Chill! It's a party. What's wrong with you?"

I was mad. Beyond mad. Every party I've been at with Victoria had me babysitting her to make sure she didn't get drugged or drink too much or vomit where people could see. There was no more holding back. No more being chill. Spots were already covering my vision and my head just kept pounding.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you Victoria?" I couldn't keep my voice down or stop the water in my eyes. "This is your party. I shouldn't be the only one playing babysitter here. You should have stepped up and helped Kate out instead of being such a megabitch!" 

People were looking now. Victoria's eyes were panicked and body stiff.  I didn't even know what I was doing anymore, but I was right in her face waiting for her to give me a response.

"Well, she did. Why don't you just leave if you're going to try and start something?"

I grabbed a bottle from the nearest table. The room was silent with the exception of the sound of the bottling emptying and Victoria screaming. I dropped my own cup on the floor, but not before I dumped its contents on her feet.

The music started back up after I left the building heading towards my dorm.


I swallowed down two pills before taking a makeup wipe to my face.  Nothing could get me out of my comfy clothes tonight. Nothing could get me out of my room tonight.


Nathan's name popped up on my phone. All he asked was where I was. I explained that I got into it with Victoria and was in my room for the night.

"i wll b by l8er"

"I'll leave my door unlocked. Just let yourself in if I don't answer. No promises I won't fall asleep."

With You It's Different (Nathan Prescott x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now