Chapter 7

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I couldn't hear anything. The sounds of the camera and the ringing have all stopped. No one was talking. I felt as if I was floating.

I can hear something now. Something is burning. The sound stopped. Now I hear... Music?

I carefully opened my eyes and fell forward. Arms suddenly wrapped themselves around me and pulled me back up.

"Woah (Y/N)! Welcome back."

I looked around to see Chloe on one side of me and Max on my other.

"Welcome back?"

Chloe continued walking towards the building where the music was coming from.

"You know. From your vision-time-trip- thingy."

I looked to Max for some explanation.

"You kinda blacked out on us after Nathan stormed out of the door. We woke you up but-  Don't worry about it. I've done the same thing. You're back now and can help us find Nathan."

I nodded and we all made our way into the party.


I clapped as Victoria was done with her speech. Hopefully we can keep her safe from... Whatever is going on. I turned around to see Max motioning me out the door.

Mac and Chloe were talking about something that I couldn't make out, but they seemed to be extremely frantic. I squeezed into Chloe's truck as we made our way to the junk yard we had apparently been to during my "time-trip" where they found Rachel's body...

We ran as fast as we could to the spot from before, digging up Rachel's burial place one more time.

"She's still here. Thank god she's still here."

I heard a "oh" sound come from behind me, but as I looked back I saw Mr. Jefferson already in front of me. Needle in my neck.

"Chloe. Watch out."

The words slowly came out of Max's mouth. It was too late.

Chloe turned around and a gun shot went off. Everything seemed to slow down as Chloe's body made its way to the ground... A bloody hole in the center of her head.


I woke up to a familiar looking room. I heard a camera go off and a light flashed.

"Good morning, Sunshine. Glad you're joining us."

My neck hurt like hell and my vision was still blurred.

"Mr. Jefferson?"

A hand pushed  a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Yes. It's me. And I must say, you are one of my favorite models yet."

"Where's Max?"

The camera stopped for a second and my vision finally cleared up.

"On the couch. Waiting her turn. And Victoria is right beside you."

I looked to my left to see Victoria unconscious on the floor. I finally realized what was going on. My hands and feet were bound, and Mr. Jefferson was saying something. Cooing over something. But I was too in shock to make out what.

I couldn't stop a tear from rolling down my cheek.

"Shhh. I told you to be careful about who you are hanging out with. Then again. You would've ended up here eventually."

I felt my body trembling. Wrists and ankles aching against the tape that held them. I quickly scanned the room, but my eyes stopped when they landed on a familiar red jacket on the couch.

With You It's Different (Nathan Prescott x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now