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Tj pulled me towards the front door of , I guess his house. Unlocking the door while grabbing my hand leading me to the living room, I'm guessing. This house is fucking huge! I sat on the couch looking around the big living area in awe . I know this house cost him a pretty penny, wonder where he working.
I was token out of my thoughts by laughing. I turned towards Tj to see him laughing at me.

I pout and said "what are you laughing at?"

He leaned against the wall behind him saying "your really cute ......God ........ Your so fucking cute" he turned his head and looked at the ground.

I blushed and got from my seat and pulled Tj towards the love seat in the living room.
Tj let out a series of chuckles.

"Jay what you think about Chresanto"

I turned in his arms and said "he seems really sweet but I never got the chance to actually really get to know him like that"
He turned his head towards the door "ight , you'll see for yourself how fucking crazy this nigga is"

I sat up "what happe-"

Fuck up some c-

Tj picked up this phone while looking at me

Tj - hello
? -
Tj - YO FR?! He jumped from his seat
Tj - So I can come get her right now?
Tj - Mann I'll be right there

He smiled real big at me and ran up towards me , picking me up .

I squealed from shock

He put me down and grabbed his car keys and taking my hand pulling us to the car.

What's happening?
Must be hell of good if he's smiling so hard.

He pulled out of his driveway laughing.

Ummm crazy or nah ?

I chuckled and said "Tj ! What's going on? Where are we going?"

Tj pulls in the left lane to get to the highway.

"Well you questioned me about who is Britt and your about to meet her"

I opened my mouth then closed it but opening it again to say "I thought she was in the hospital?"

Tj smiled again "Right but that was her personal doctor on the phone and he said I can get her! She's ready to come home!"

Whoever this Brit person must be very special to Tj. Maybe his first love? Or a crush! Maybe his ex girlfriend!

I don't know what to think of its his ex girlfriend. I mean I only knew Tj for a week now but it's like I knew him for longer , like we knew each other in past life.

I wouldn't say I love Tj . Definitely not! But I would say I'm getting to that 'like' stage. I definitely don't want to like him and him not returning the feeling. Been there , don't that.

I mean , I don't even know why I'm thinking like this. What about Chresanto? Even though he was a little crazy two days ago doesn't take all the sweetness he show me.

I do know that Tj and Chresanto has a past and a bad past at that.

"......you know Brit is a really kind person, you kinda remind me of her"

I looked at him smiling

" oh"

Definitely an ex girlfriend.

"We're here baby"

He called me baby! Baby! Baby! Nigga called me baby! It's not big but it's a big step from just calling me Jay.

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