Chapter 6

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I just don't want Hazel to know about my old life. I don't want her hating me or Brad for that matter maybe I could talk to Violet about it since she can understand everything. I just don't know I tried so hard to push that life behind me but it might have to come out to protect them.

I take another look at the girl in my arms and finally just lay down and go to sleep.


         Violets P.O.V

I wake up with sharp pain in my side. I start moaning in pain which makes Brad wake up. He sits up and looks at me with such concern. He pushes the call button.

"Hey are you okay? What's wrong?" He looks down to see me grabbing my side and figures it out.

A few seconds later a nurse rushes in.
"Hey sweetie I'm just gonna give you something to make to pain go away okay?"

I just shook my head telling her okay. By this time everyone was awake looking at me with worry. The nurse gives me the medicine then leaves after telling me the doctor will come in later to check on me.

I turn to my friends "What are you staring at you at like you have never seen someone in pain damn." I told them with one of my famous smirks.

"Vi you were pretty much screaming in pain and you expect us not to look at you like this really?!?" Haze says looking kind of upset and I start to feel bad damn she sucks.

"I'm fine Haze bear a little pain has never killed me before. Come here."
She comes over to me and I give her a hug. "But this starvation I'm having might kill me."

That's when everyone just starts to laugh besides me because my food is Serious stuff I need that shit to survive.

"What the hell are you laughing at food is serious shit!!"

"Okay babe we will get you food what do you want?" See that's why that boy is so damn cute.

"I want a strawberry-banana smoothie and a sandwich Haze knows from where. So Hazel and Brad go and get food Conner you are staying right there I need to speak to you." I look at Conner and he looks a little scared but then says okay.

"Okay whatever you say Vi we will be back in a few."

They leave and that's when I look at Conner.

"Come here sit." He does as told.
"Okay what's on your mind every since we woke up you have been having this worried and confused look so what's going on?"

       Conners P.O.V

Oh shit I was hoping no one would ask me or notice but Violet notices everything nothing gets past her. Well it looks like this is any good time then any to talk to her about everything

"Okay well I kinda wanted to talk to you about this because you would understand better then anyone."

"Okay well then talk boy we ain't got all day."

"Alright well before I met Brad I got myself into some shit with bad people. Well I left that behind but everything that is happening with you is bring it all back out and bring that side of me out especially if someone try's to hurt any of you again. I'm scared for Hazel to figure that part of me out because I'm scared she will hate me."

"Conner you don't have to worry about anything I will take care of this no one will hurt any of you it won't happen. Also Hazel won't hate who you use to be all she cares about is who you are today and that person is someone that I know she could love."

Before I knew it she is pulling me into a hug which I gladly return. Everything she said to me was true who cares who I use to be all that matters is that me is gone and hopefully will never come back.

We just talked about different things until Hazel and Brad came back with food. Vi was so happy to see the food she could have done a happy dance if she could get up. That girl loves food.

I look around me and everyone is Laughing and talking and this is where I want to stay right here in this moment with these people.

     Hazels P.O.V

Me and Brad leave to go get food but I'm kinda worried to leave Violet. Something could happen to her and I'm not there to help her.

"Haze are you okay?"

"Huh yeah I'm fine."

"Hey she will be fine Conner is with her no one will hurt her here I promise."

"Yeah I know but she's all I got I can't lose her."

"I know me too."

It goes silent and all I can hear is the faint sound of the music.

I look at Brad "You actually like her don't you?"

"Yeah I do."

"Good she needs a good guy in her life someone that will take care of her."

"Well I would like to be that guy one day."

"Just saying you hurt her I will hurt you"

"Alright I got it but I won't."


I give him directions to were we are going and we sing with the music like weirdos until we get there. We go in and get out food and then head back to the hospital. Screaming lyrics and talking about different things.

We get back to the hospital and bring the food to the room. Vi saw us and got really happy like happy dance happy. She really wanted that food.

"Yeah your welcome."


We all start laughing at her. We eat our  food and then start talking about random things it was weird. Everything is just perfect but I know damn well it won't stay this perfect forever something will crash.

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