Chapter 7

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We get back to the hospital and bring the food to the room. Vi saw us and got really happy like happy dance happy. She really wanted that food.

"Yeah your welcome."


We all start laughing at her. We eat our  food and then start talking about random things it was weird. Everything is just perfect but I know damn well it won't stay this perfect forever something will crash.


Violets P.O.V

I look around the room and all I see are the people that I love and care about and just thinking about it being my fault if one of them got hurt would kill me so I need to fix this somehow and soon.

"Hey guys I'm really tired and I just want to be left alone for awhile."

"Are you crazy you can't be left alone." Conner says

"Well that's what I want so that's what's going to happen I am having one of my episodes and just want to be left so please." I look at Haze for some support and help. That's when she speaks.

"Alright we will leave only because i know how you get when you have one of your episodes."

"What no we can't." Brad says with so much panic.

"Brad calm down I'm in a hospital no one is stupid enough to come here and hurt me." And that is when the idea hit me.

"Okay fine but call if anything happens."

"Okay Brad I will I promise."

They all give me hugs and says their goodbyes and walked out the room.

I sat there just thinking about how this would work I got out my phone out and typed in James number and pressed call. It rang twice and he answered.

J- "Hi babe I knew you would get the sense to call me before I got inpatient and started hurting the ones you love."

V- "Shut up and meet me at London square hospital floor 3 room 304 we need to talk."

J- "Okay love be there soon."

I hung up on James and just sat there thanking this though. I'm really fucking crazy doing this but I need to I got to save the people I love even if that means getting myself hurt in the process.

I look around and I realize I'm still attached to these fucking needles. I need to get out of this hospital. I press the call button to see if I can leave. I have been in this hospital for a day now I can't take this anymore.

I hear a knock at the door and a nurse walks in thank god.

"Hey honey what do you need?"

"Could I possibly leave?"

"Well I can't tell you that I will have to ask the doctor. I will call him up."

"Okay thanks."

She smiles and walks out of the room. I just hope she can get me cleared before James gets here because I really can't just lay here helpless.

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