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Have you ever had a crush on a person but you're too chicken to tell them? Because I do it all the time and I sooo regret it later when I see them with someone else. And when you're crushing on someone, do you ever just think of scenarios and you think about what you're going to say to them if they ask this or that and then you get bummed out when it doesn't go as you played it out in your head? Lol

Have you ever regretted not speaking up? For yourself or for your friend or for a stranger?
Because sticking up for a friend is easy. You feel so protective of them. Sticking up for a stranger is a bit harder because you don't know the person and they may take it the wrong way. But I feel that sticking up for yourself is sometime usually the hardest. Because you have to be strong enough to stand up to everyone around you who doesn't support you and you have to know what you want. But thats just what I think, which do You think is harder? Sticking up for a friend, stranger, or yourself?

Have you ever regretted something you said or did to someone? Because sometimes those are the worst.... With all the what ifs and the if I hadn't done this and stuff like that that just plague your mind when you try to go to sleep. I regret yelling at my siblings so much when we were younger, and I regret getting so physical with the guys I knew back in the day.

What are some things you regret?
And feel free to ask me any questions by messengering me. (I'm not even sure if messengering is a real word...)
Btw, sorry if everything I wrote is all messed up and doesn't make any sense. It's late and I'm trying to go to sleep but i can't because of course my mind just wants to keep going.
I seem to be the most creative at night when I'm so tired I feel like I'm about to hallucinate from lack of sleep....oh well.
Anyways, I hope you all have a great day or night!!!!!!

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