Cave Madness

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Kawaii was busy mining coal when she fell into a hole. As she lays there, she can hear Phenom close by talking to herself.

"...And then she said: That was my pig!" Phenom says out loud before realising that she was alone. She looked down the hole and saw Kawaii just lying there. She then jumped down next to Kawaii.

"Hey you said no resting!" Phenom yells while slapping Kawaii back and forth.

"Stahp slapping me, I ain't asleep" Kawaii mumbled as she got up like a robot as she placed random torches down everywhere. Phenom was about to reply when she looked and followed Kawaii as she stumbled upon an abandoned mine. She literally stumbled upon because she fell off the caves ledge and face planted onto the wood. Phenom tries to muffle a laugh so Kawaii can't hear her laughing.

"I can still see you dumbass" Kawaii yells over towards her. Phenom holds her tummy as she laughs before slipping and also falling but instead onto a minecart.

"Ok that hurt more than it looks" She groans while rubbing her head.

They both looked around and saw two tunnels lying ahead of them. Phenom started walking towards one of them saying

"I go this way and you go the other way"

"Ok but do you want some torches?"

"Nah I can see in the dark"

"Pft. Good luck with that" Kawaii sarcastically says while heading for the other tunnel.

While placing torches on the ground, Kawaii can hear Phenom singing a haunting tune.

"It's raining, It's pouring; Kawaii was sadly snoring. She wet the bed and cried unholy tears and wouldn't get up in the morning.. Cause she was embarrassedddddd"


Kawaii can hear Phenom's laugh echoing. When she placed which looked like the 109th torch, she came face to face with Phenom. She was about to say something when Kawaii saw a creeper silently walking behind Phenom. Kawaii carefully placed the torch down and walked behind a rock, watching as Phenom grew more confused by the second.

"Kawaii why you walking away from me?" Before she turned around and the creeper BLEW UP. Phenom sat at that same spot while Kawaii continued looking for abandoned chests.

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