Hunting Gone Wrong

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It was raining when the incident happened...

"Um Phenom how much food do you have?" Kawaii looks blankly at her storage.

"None. I took some of your food last night when you were making banners" she replies smugly. Kawaii gives her one of her most famous death stares while Phenom innocently looks outside at a creeper.

"Let's go hunting for food then!" Kawaii says while hovering a pickaxe over Phenom's head.

"Ehhhh but hunting is tiring and it's raining" she answers back until she sees the pickaxe hovering over her head.

"Uhhhh nevermind let's go hunting!" Phenom says happily with glee because she knew that if she said no she would be kung pow duck. Kawaii nods while changing the pickaxe into a sword. While Kawaii was putting on her armour, Phenom was untying her dog.

"Ok what are you doing now Phenom?"

"Um grabbing Zeus along.."


"FINE THEN". Phenom shouted while opening the front door and slamming it when walking out. Little did she know that the creeper she saw earlier was right next to her. She stared at it, hoping for it to not notice her. It did. It counted down and blew up. Phenom went back inside, approaching the smirky Kawaii. Phenom went into the corner and waited for Kawaii to double check their rations and spare armour.

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