10- Champion Cadet Part 2

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Hey guys!!
Thank you all, so much for 200+ reads on my story!
I didn't think that people would like my writing, so this means a lot to me!
I will continue to try and write a story that you guys will enjoy!
Once again thank you!
Read on...

Eren's POV
I refused to let Y/N win this battle, my best strength was in the field, slaying practice Titans. That was our next round.
"Are you all suited up?" Admin asked Y/N and I. We both nodded and admin began to explain the rules of the small contest.
"You guys will have 15 minutes to 'kill' as many practice Titans as you can, I will follow behind Eren and mikasa will follow Y/N." Armin explained. Mikasa scowled at the thought of not following Eren and shot Armin a quick glare, he responded by returning a small innocent smile.
"Are you ready?" Armin asked both, Y/N and I.
"Yes!" We both said in unison. Armin cried go and simultaneously we both shot into the air and began zipping through the trees looking for practice Titans to kill.

Mikasa's POV
I followed closely behind Y/N, and watched her slay the titan dummies, one after another, I counted 10, 11, 12... She was a killing machine. I had seen captain Levi practicing like this before, and it was evident that she was close to him. I watched in aww, as she stayed them, cutting the nape cushion perfectly every time. She approached her 26th Titan victim, when Eren zoomed in slicing the Titans neck before Y/N could, I smiled, when I saw Y/N's facial expression. It was a mixture of surprise, disgust, and annoyance.
"5 minutes left!" Armin cried as he zoomed past. I say Y/N nod and take off again. I quickly followed after her, and watched as she killed more and more Titans, as if her life depended on it.
"Times up, stop!!" I cried to Y/N, she disengaged her mobility gear and began falling, shock filled my body, I so desperately wanted to catch her, but my muscles locked up and I couldn't move. I watched in horror and she continued to fall closer and closer to the ground. 5 m before she was about to hit the ground, she reengaged her mobility gear, and landed softly on the ground. I stared, my mouth slightly open, as I watched her  continue to walk away, she stopped point that we had originally met at and waited for Armin, Eren and I, to return. I flew down from the tree that I was situated in and walked up to Y/N.
"How many Titans did I kill?" She question. I looked at her in disbelief.
"After dropping from a tree and landing safely, scaring me, and almost costing her life, that was what she was thinking about?" I question myself.
"You killed about 36, your skill is quite impressive." I said to her.
"It's nothing really..." She said looking down at the ground. Eren and Armin, down from the trees and joined us Eren had the smuggest look on his face.
"Eren killed 38 Titans. How many did Y/N kill?" Armin asked Mikasa.
"3-36..." I said, looking at Y/N, who seemed to be in denial.
"HA! I WIN! YOU'RE NOT BETTER THAN ME!" Eren cried. Celebrating. I looked at  Y/N, and she was laughing.
"Don't celebrate yet, were tied. That means we have another round left, and I know just what it should be, and who should run it." Y/N said smirking.

Your POV
I knew just what the third challenge should be, and I knew exactly who wold run it.
I began my journey to the mess hall, Mikasa, Eren and Armin frantically trying to keep up with me. Once I got to the mess hall I turned on my heels to face the three people following me, they all stopped in a hurry.
"You guys stay here... This challenge will be a surprise" I said with a smirk. Erin's face filled with worry, I turned on my heels again and walked out of the mess hall.
I turned down a few hallways and stopped in front of Levi's room door. I knocked once, and waited for permission to enter.
"What the hell do you want!!?" Levi groaned, I could almost hear the hangover in his voice.
"Levi, I'm coming in." I said, I opened the door to find him on his floor, fully dressed for the day. I laughed, I held my stomach and laughed. Levi struggled to sit up and reorientate himself with his surroundings. He gave me a confused and annoyed look.
"What's so funny, and what do you want!? Can't you see I'm busy..." He mumbled the last part, I struggled to calm myself down.
"I want to ask you a favour, it's about the competition I'm having with another cadet." I explained, his face darkened realising he would have to do something he really didn't want to do. "I want you to see which one of us, is better at cleaning..." I said, Levi's eyes lit up and he gave a smile. He stood up and straightened his uniform.
"Now that, is something I am willing to do, with my hangover" he said, I laughed again and he walked over to me and picked me up, hauling me over his shoulder. He felt something cold on his neck and immediately dropped me,
"What was that cold thing on my neck!?" He exclaimed, I saw his eyes move to my neck as he spotted the necklace he had given me on my 10th birthday.
"You still wear that?" He asked me, I nodded.
"It's the best thing I've ever gotten, and it contains the best memories of my life" I explained, Levi blushed and hugged me, and once again put me over his shoulder and walked out of his room and to the mess hall. Once we arrived at the mess hall Levi pushed open the large doors and walked in, me still over his shoulders. Mikasa, Eren and Armin all shot up, and saluted as 'corporal' Levi walked in.
"Alright brats, listen up! Your last challenge, is cleaning. Yeager! L/N! Which ever one of you, is better at cleaning, wins." He said with a smirk.
"Cleaning!? This is stupid.." Eren exclaimed. Levi put me down, and walked over to Eren, I could sense how pissed off he was. Mikasa stood in front of Eren, to make Levi stand down. Levi's topped in front of her and looked up. He clicked his tongue and threw her across the room.
"Who knew shorty was strong...." Eren mumbled, this just added to Levi's annoyance, he hated being called short. Levi grabbed Eren by the collar and pulled him down to his height.
"If you ever call me short again, I will beat you to death.." Levi said, he then proceeded to punch Eren in the face. Eren fell to the floor, his blood dripping onto the ground. Mikasa's face darkened and Armin stood shocked, still trying to process what he had just witnessed.
"Bitch! Blondey! Out of this mess hall... NOW!" Levi boomed.
"Don't call me a bitch, shorty!" Mikasa yelled. Levi walked over to Mikasa who was lying on the stone floor, and picked her up by the hair. He dragged her across the floor to the wooden doors, and kicked her out of the mess hall, literally. Levi turned and scowled at Armin who quickly walked out saluting. Armin closed the doors, assuming that's what Levi would have wanted. Levi turned to face Eren and I.

Eren's POV
I watched as Mikasa got beaten up and kicked out of the mess hall. The 'corporal' turned around to face Y/N and I.
"Alright you two. You have 1 hour to clean this mess hall! Y/N, you will clean this half" Levi said gesturing to the left side of the mess hall, "and Yeager, you will clean the right side." I looked over to the right side of the mess hall, it seemed clean enough. I figured that the corporal was a total clean freak so, a single speck of dust would be considered filthy to him. I nodded and he sent both of us, off to clean.


Y/N and I cleaned until Levi cried stop. We walked back to a table and sat down, whilst Levi inspected what we had clean. Once he was finished Levi walked back to Y/N and I and stood In front of us.
"Cadet L/N, you cleaning skills are immaculate! Well done. As for you cadet Yeager, clean it again." Levi said walking away. Y/N began to laugh, and I sat in shock.
"I cleaned my butt off, how is it not clean enough!?" I thought to myself. I sighed and Mikasa and Armin walked back into the room.
"So, who won?" Armin asked, I looked to the side, and outed a little bit as Y/N beamed at her victory. Y/N told Armin exactly what Levi said for me to do and he began to laugh. I clenched my fists, I was weak. How could I be beaten by a GIRL!? I stormed out of the hall and walked and didn't look back. I found a small lake at the top of a cliff and sat there, looking out onto the forests. I sat there for what seemed like ages.
"Don't worry, you're not weak." I heard someone whisper in my ear, I turned to see who it was. Y/N was standing over me, smiling. I turned to face the view again.
"What? Have you come to rub your victory in my face?" I asked her.
"Did you not hear what I just said?" She asked me, I nodded.
"Yeah, I heard you... I don't need your pity." I said, coldly. I felt arms lift me up.
"How is she so strong!?" I thought to myself. She walked around to face me, her back facing the view. She looked into my eyes, and I looked back into hers.
"I'm not pitying you, Eren! You're not weak, you are one of the strongest! If you were weak, you wouldn't have ranked 5th!" She exclaimed, my eyes widened.

Your POV
I watched Eren's eyes widen, he took a step towards me, and k took one back, out of habit. I felt the ground crumble beneath my feet, I looked behind me to see the long drop. I looked back at Eren, I opened my mouth to say something but, before I could I was falling.

Hey guys!
What's gonna happen, are you gonna die!?
Just have to wait, I'm so sorry that I've taken so long to update.
But I have a valid excuse.
I was preparing a cosplay..
I hope you guys enjoyed!
Good morning/ afternoon/ night!

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