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Imagine: Lauren taking you to a restaurant for a peaceful lunch, but it's soon interrupted by, you guessed it, paparazzi

Word Count: 942


"Thank you for taking me out LoLo this place is amazing"You beamed as you looked around, Lauren took you to the most beautiful restaurant in town, she had just gotten back from tour, and Lauren being Lauren, she wanted to take you out to the most beautiful and expensive restaurant

"It's no problem baby, you deserve the best and only the best" You blushed and giggled as you looked down at you hands, you heard your girlfriend sigh, you looked up to see her running her hand through her hair, looking out the window, mumbling in spanish

"Y/N we have to go, I'm so sorry" you turned your head to see a bunch of paparazzi swarming the front entrance, you sighed, knowing Lauren hates when you get mobbed by them, she's always afraid that you're going to get hurt, but it hasn't happened yet, but this time there are more than there has ever been

"Um Lauren th-there's more than u-usual" You said fidgeting in your seat, she stood and pulled you into arms, as you stood in front of your table, she kissed the top of your head before talking soothingly

"Listen baby, nothing's gonna happen to you, I'm gonna be right beside you the whole time" You nodded softly before she wrapped her arm around your waist and headed toward the front door, you took a deep breath in, before she opened the door, revealing many flashing cameras, you flinched at the loud noises and the bright lights

"Let's go baby, just stay close to me" She said as you started to walk, as soon as you stepped out, voices started yelling at you, making your head spin

"Y/N is it true that you're the reason Camila and Lauren aren't close" "Are you actually a cover up" "Lauren did Camren happen"

Laurens grip tightened on your waist, the Camren rumors have always affected you and her, her and Camila are as close as ever, just not in public. You continued walking, but you could hear a certain male voice keep calling your name, you never answered him, and his voice kept getting angrier and angrier, suddenly you were pulled away from Laurens grip, a strong male arm was pulling you, as you were being pulled away, a camera was banged against your head, all you could do was scream in pain

"Oh Y/N that wouldn't have happened if you would've just answered my question" The guy laughed, you couldn't handle it anymore, you stopped acting tough and just broke down crying, and screaming Laurens name

"Y/N BABY?! IM COMING IT'S GONNA BE OKAY" You were still being held by the strange man, as you saw Laurens figure spear in front of you "Listen here you bitch, let my girlfriend go" Lauren was fuming, if looks could kill, the guy would've dropped dead then and there

"Sure thing, all you gotta do is answer a question for me" He said smirking, while the bastard tightened his grip on your arm, you winced in pain,  Lauren saw and spoke quickly

"yes yes I'll answer anything just let her go" The pap smirked as he began to ask the question "Is it true that when you and Y/N took a break, it was because you hit her" He asked as more paps began to swarm you, you started crying as soon the questions left his mouth, you remembered that horrid night.

Lauren came home drunk, she didn't even remember doing it, you had to explain when she came to, after passing out on the kitchen floor, you left her that morning, and came back a month later, she's never had a drink since that day, you looked at Laurens face, waiting for her response, she had tears brimming in her eyes

"Y-yes I-it's true ju-just pl-please let her g-go" Her tough confident voice, was now sad and fragile, the pap pushed back into Lauren, as soon as you felt Laurens skin on yours, you instantly calmed, you somehow managed to push through the crowd, and to the car, Lauren helped you inside, before getting inside the driving seat, and speeding off

The car ride home was silent, the only noise was the Ed Sheeran CD playing softly in the background, you  arrived to your home, and you walked inside silently, you kicked off your heels, and sat on the couch, staring blankly at the wall in front of you, Lauren squatted in front of you, wiping away tears you didn't know were falling

"I wanted to forget that night but they brought the memories back again" You said barley above a whisper, Lauren sighed in response, moving your hair out of your face, as you closed your eyes, you heard a gasp, you opened your eyes to see Lauren looking at you, you couldn't read her face, she looked mad, sad, and disappointed

"I swear to god I'll kill them" You squinted your eyes, not knowing why she was saying that, out of the blue, she pressed her hand to your cheek, you squeaked in pain instantly, that must've been where the pap hit you with his camera

"This'll never happen again, I'm so sorry, the next time we go out we being security, or I just beat someone's ass" You giggled softly, you saw a small smile appear on your loves face. you knew she meant what she said, this would never happen again, as long as you were with her, you're always gonna be safe with Lauren, the love of your life.


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