She Defends You

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It was a lazy Saturday afternoon, you and your girlfriend Lauren were lounging around the living room, you groaned, throwing your head back on the couch

"LoLo I wanna do something with you"

she moved from the chair, to the couch, sitting beside you, she attached her lips to your neck softly, she kissed you, before resting her head in the crook of your neck, smirking

"mmm baby I know what I wanna do with you"

she rested your hand on her upper thigh, making you chuckle

"I mean go out and do somethind not do the dirty babe"

  you laughed softly as she groaned

"Baby I wanna get Ice cream, take me out pleaseeeee"

"and I wanna eat you out, but sometimes we don't get what we want"

you huffed as she smirked

"sorry baby girl, it's just the way it is"

she grabbed the remote that was sitting on the coffee table in front of us, turning on the TV, flipping through the channels, you bit your lip, thinking of a way to get Lauren to go out with you, you then got an idea, you straddled her waist, kissing up and down her neck

"b-babe wh-what're you doing"

she stuttered trying to keep herself together, but failing, you giggled and slipped your hand under her shirt, rubbing my hands up and down her sides, you kissed her below her ear and spoke softly

"if you take me out today baby, you'll get more of this when we get home"

She gulped and nodded quickly, making you squeal and get off her lap and spin around giggling

"I'm excited, ooh what kind of ice cream should I get?!?"

She chuckled and stood up, running her hand through her hair, looking at you

"how do you go from the sexist girl in the world, to the cutest princess ever, in literally 2 seconds"

 you giggled and shrugged

"C'mon baby I wanna go to the cute ice cream shop downtown"

she grabbed your flannel from the coat hanger, and helped you slip it on before heading out the door.

Lauren and you decided you'd walk to the shop, considering it wasn't that far away, since Lauren recently came out with your relationship, she's able to have her arm wrapped around your waist as you walked, as you were walking, you noticed a few fans were starting to follow you

"um babe, look behind you"

Lauren snapped her head to look at the fans following you, smiling softly at them, as she did that, fans gathered on every side of you, making it hard for you to move, Laurens grip tightened on your waist, but people were beginning to scream at you guys

"Lauren can I please get a picture" "Lauren Y/N can I get a selfie" "Lauren you're so hot"

you started to move uncomfortably, you weren't used to all of this, the mobs, the yelling, the hundreds of people asking different questions, but Lauren was surprisingly calm, even though  you guys were getting pushed and shoved, luckily, most of the things the fans were yelling were nice, but there was one voice you kept hearing that was screaming nothing but negative things at you, you tried to shake the voice off, but it kept getting closer and closer, Lauren must've noticed the voice now too, she pulled you into her side, holding a hand out to push through the crowd, suddenly, you were pulled out of Laurens grip

Someone had a tight hold on your wrist, pulling you, you were spun around to be face to face with a blonde girl, she was taller than you were, the girls blue eyes, pierced into your own eyes, she smirked at you before speaking

"you're such a fucking slut Y/N, you're only using Lauren for her money and fame, you don't deserve her why don't you just kill yourself"

 you stood there in shock, yes, you get hate, but you've never gotten it face to face. she cocked and eyebrow at you

"you gonna say anything you little bitch?"

suddenly a body pulled you out of the blue eyed girls grip, you were pressed against the body of the person now protecting you, a raspy voice spoke

"no but I will"

 you looked up to the face of your girlfriend, she looked like she could pounce and beat the shit out of the blonde headed bitch, you buried your head in her chest, remembering all the things the blue eyed girl just said to you, your head was spinning, you're sad, angry and mostly embarrassed, you were about to whisper to Lauren, and tell her we should just go back home, but the the blonde spoke once again

"oh my god Lauren I love you so so so much, can I have a photo babe?"

 you gasped lightly as Lauren chuckle annoyed like

"you have got to me fucking kidding me right now"

Lauren rubbed your back soothingly, even though she was mad, she always made sure to take care of you

"Oh c'mon Lauren you know you don't love Y/N how could you? She's a fucking waste of space, you should just come with me"

the girl smirked, as you felt tears threatening to fall from your eyes, you clung harder onto Lauren, you felt her chest raising up and down faster than usual, she was laughing, you were beginning to get worried, that she was laughing because she was agreeing with the other girl, you looked up, and tried to get out of Laurens arms, but she just held you closer.

"Listen here blondey, Y/N is better than you'll ever fucking be. I don't even deserve her. She's sweet, kind, beautiful, and makes my life worth living. I thank my lucky stars every single day that I have Y/N in my life. I love her more than anything else. You're just mad because you're jealous. You're jealous of what me and my princess have. I want you to turn your bitch ass around, and get away from me and my baby, before I do something you won't fucking like"

Lauren balled one of her fists, and the blonde girls blue eyes widened, and she scurried off, Lauren then put both of her hands on your ears before yelling


Everyone froze, and cleared a path, Lauren and you then started walking, you whimpered

"I-I wan-wanna g-go ho-home"

Lauren nodded softly, pulling you into her side, making you feel safe as you walked home

Lauren and you arrived home 20 minutes later, as soon as you both walked in, you broke down, you got out of her arms, and backed yourself against a wall, sinking down it, you were sobbing loudly, the blonde haired girls words still etched in your brain, you hid your face in your hands, suddenly, you felt someone kiss the top of you head before moving your hands away from your face, you looked up to see Lauren sitting on her knees in front of you

"Baby girl I'm so sorry that happened"

she ran her hand through her gorgeous hair, you sniffled in response, she rested her hand gently on your cheek, wiping away the falling tears under your eye

"I love you so much, you're not a waste of space, you're my everything and I don't know what I'd do without you, Y/N please don't believe her"

 you sighed and nodded softly, Lauren helped you off the floor, before helping you walk to your shared bedroom, she helped you get out of your clothes, and helped you get into one of her long t-shirts, along with pajama shorts, she then laid you in bed, before getting in beside you, you cuddled to her side, and she rested her head on yours, you fell asleep peacefully knowing you're safe with her.

[Wow I suck at ending these 😅😅]

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