Chapter 4 - One Year Later

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( creds to @punkedits_for_u on Instagram for this edit)

Caydens PoV

I snatched the cigarette from Nick.
"You know dude, I'm fucking sick and tired of you stealing my fags" I said in anger
"Well you're rich and you buy the best ones..."

I just ignore him and carry on taking drags.

"I knew I'd find you two here!" Mr.Punder screams at us. He was the head of the school and I'd been to his office more than my own home.
"I will take those" he says gesturing towards the fag packet. "You two in my office.... Now!"

"This is third time this school year I have caught you smoking and we've only been back for two weeks! Another time and I have the power to exclude you both!"

"Right Gary, we're all friends here...." I begin
"Number one, don't call me by my real name and two I am not your friend."
"Look all I was gonna say is that I don't really care if I get excluded because I basically do something naughty and get a few days off to relax. No biggie."

"Get to class Jones I don't need cheek from a smart mouthed boy like you"
I shrug my shoulders, grab my backpack and begin walking away. By the way, the reason he called me Jones was because that's my second name. Guess I never really mentioned it.

I had art now. It was my favourite lesson by far. We have the hottest teacher for art. She always wears low cut shirts and short skirts. If any girl wore that in our school they'd be excluded which is ashame really.

Now we're in sixth form, we can wear our own clothes but they still have stupid rules like you're not aloud to wear shorts unless the temperature is 25 degrees and above. Or you're not aloud to wear a top that goes above your belly button. But come on, when am I gonna wear short tops?

"Okay guys, carry on with your work, I'm just gonna go and show Cayden what to do"

She's walks over and bends over at my table. Dear god. I had a perfect view of her bra and everything in it. She was also sticking out her ass which was a huge distraction too. I was definitely going to fail art. Ironic right, failing because of a teacher. Normally it's my own fault for failing classes but oh well.

"Do you understand?" She says.
"Er, yeah yeah sure"
She the turns around and walks away leaving me a perfect view of her bum. 

"Psst, Charl what do we do!?" I say to Charlie
"You should've been listening to Miss instead of eyeing her up" she says clearly annoyed.
"Hey, we're friends, I spoke to you like last month"
"Cool story bro" she says

Man she's changed a whole lot since we used to be friends.
I turn behind me
"Chloe, can I borrow a pencil princess?" I say winking
"O o o erm cool hahha yeah sure l-let me just get you one"
God she was definitely hot for me.
"H-here you go Cayden"
"Thankyou very much beautiful" I say making her blush. Loser.

"Is that all you do" Charlie says annoyed to me.
"Just flirt with girls so you'll get what you want"
"No, they all just want me so bad" I put a hand over my chest and pretend to look proud.
"Egotistic jerk face"
"Sorry, did Mother Nature call again"
"I swear I will rip my fucking teeth out and indent that pretty little face of yours!"
"Aw it's nice you care but my cheekbones are defined enough as it is" I say smiling. I've clearly won
"So is your ego"
Okay so maybe I didn't win but I'm not letting the little bitch annoy me.

After an hour, I look at my paper and literally all I've drawn is a nose which looks like a dick.
Because I had no idea what to do I decided to flick bits of paper at Charlie for the rest of the lesson
When it was over Charlie came up to me and kicked me in my crown jewels so I'm now on the floor in agony.
Gosh she's so feisty!

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