Moving Day

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Chapter 1

After what happened last year at my old school, I didn't think that my mom would make me move again without my consent, but I was wrong. Of course, so now I'm going to move into a new house and a new school where I'll be bullied just as well as last time, again with no friends and eating my lunch in the boy's bathroom stall. Again. Mom and I packed our bags and we were ready to drive all the way across town for this stupid job. You'd think I would be glad that my mother is as rich as a leprechaun with a pot of gold, right? Wrong. Although having a rich mother who transfers job to job to job, each paying more than the last, it sucks because I have to move with her. I wish I could just turn 18 or at least prove I'm... mature, but we all know that's a dream.

"Are you ready to go, son?"

"Ready to go back inside? Yes."

She chuckled, held my chin and said, "Stop your whining. Get in the car, we've got a road trip ahead of us. Aren't you excited?!"

"To go to a new house and not even be there for that long plus getting bullied again at a new school? Yeah, I'm stoked."

"C'mon Brendon, don't think like that. I'm sure you can't get bullied that much at every school you go to. You're a junior. If there's kids in the 11th grade that still bully people... innocent, nice people like you, they're just jealous."

"That's rich."

After two hours of driving across town, we're finally here. It was moments like this where I was thankful to have a rich mom because oh my god, this place was a mansion. It had a huge pool, a balcony and there wasn't any more houses around. They're all feet and feet apart. Mom and I went inside to check out who gets what bedroom, she got the master but it didn't matter because all of the bedrooms were huge. There was 4 of them, two for her and two for me. I never thought I could be one of those rich kids who lives in a mansion, maybe this year, I won't get bullied. I'll be that cool kid that has parties at a mansion.

By the time we'd finished unpacking, getting settled into our rooms and the men putting in the furniture had left, it was about 10pm at night, we were both exhausted and went to bed. Plus, it was a Tuesday which means school tomorrow. That'll be fun... even if I'm the new rich kid or not.

I was deep asleep just enjoying not being conscious and what do I hear on my door? A loud ass knock like the police are here to arrest me for murder. It was my mom. "What the hell are you doing, mom?! I was asleep for fuck's sake!" I started getting out of bed to unlock my door and I saw her downstairs walking away with those loud heels on. "You can't keep doing that' y'know!"

"You're my son, I can do whatever to wake you up." I heard right behind me. "Ooh! Shit. You fucking scared me."

"Language, mister. Go get dressed for school. You don't want to miss your first day."

"Sure fine, mom." So I got dressed, did my hair, put on my shoes, grabbed my phone, headphones and headed downstairs for the especially great "the first day of a new school talk," just this year and next year, then I'm done with high school, finally. "Listen, Brendon... first days are rough," Right on time. "So I want you to make the best of it, okay? Try and make some friends, don't give your teachers a hard time and... since this is your junior year, I have some good news." Oh god. This is probably like the last "good news" I endured. It's good, but only good for her. "What is it?"

"Because it's your junior year, this is the last time we're moving and when I die, you'll get this house, your college fund plus all the money I've made on this job. Your name is in the house and you'll live here for free because you're the most special resident in this house."

"Oh my god, seriously, mom? You're joking, yes?"

"I'm not, I'm serious. Happy first day of school, son. Have a good day." I gave my mom a tight hug, grabbed my beanie and my car keys and header out of the door. "Love you, mom!" I can't believe she was actually thinking of me this time. It's so mind blowing and great. I got in my car and headed to school... if I could find it. I started driving around and I just realized I don't think mom even told me the name of the school and I might be late on my first day... Whoops.

I put the car in park on the side and called my mom. "Hey, um... mom, what's the name of the school and what is it called?"

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry son. Do you want to drive back and I'll take you?"

"But that means you'll have to pick me up..."

"Okay, you want to walk, take the bus or jump in a strangers car?"

"I'll see what happens, y'know, if I actually make friends. It's not like I can find my way back, though. I hardly know our address."

"It's 4200 Parkway Drive."

"Thanks, mom. I'm on my way back."

I hung up, started driving and soon enough I was back at the house. I hopped in my mom's car and she drove me. When we got to the school, she somehow knew the principle. "You know the principle?"

"Of course I do, she was in my spin class a few years ago. You think I'm just going to enroll you in a school where I don't trust the staff? She's doing me a favor, sweetheart." We turned towards the principle and she said there was nothing to worry about, gave me my schedule and asked me to hurry to class because I was already late. "Bye, mom..."

"Find your way home how ever you want, just be home by 10pm, got it, mister?"

"Got it." This school was so huge. For a place called Barrie High School, it's like a maze in this place. I headed to my third class. Yes, I was that late. As soon as I finally found it, I went inside. Room number 2012, I had to climb the stairs for this. It better be worth it and I better see attractive people in here. As soon as I walked in, there it was. Attractive people. Well, what do you know? I was right. Teacher wasn't so hot, though.

"Take a seat." The teacher told me.

There was a kid with a scarf, eyeliner and he looks like he came from the actual year of 2012, the room number of this classroom. I sat next to him. "Hey, my name's Ryan. What's yours?" Is he talking to me? People never talk to me... Maybe it wouldn't hurt. He's kind of hot, though. "I- I'm Bre-" I coughed and said "I'm Brendon." Way to stutter, I'm such a dork. "Nervous?"


"Do you want to hang with my friends and I at lunch later? You have the second lunch right?"

"Ye- yeah, I do. How did you know?"

He whispered to me, "I can see your schedule in bold print on your desk."


"What is up with the jibber jabber, students? Let's get to learning!" The teacher yelled. "I'm Mr. Cortez by the way, Brendon is it?"


"Don't worry, as you adjust to this classroom, he's pretty cool." Ryan whispered to me. I think I'm going to like it here.

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