Drama In The Circle

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Chapter 4

"Ryan! What the hell are you doing?!" I shouted at him. "Mr. Martinez, what is going on? Can someone please explain this whole thing to me?" Ryan stood up from his knees, wiped his mouth and came running into my arms hugging me. "I'm sorry you had to see this," he let go and took a seat in one of the desks. "I only did it because it was the only way to get my grade higher. I'm at a 54 right now in his class."

"Ryan, you love Physics, you're the smartest kid I know even though we met just this week. Why don't you put the knowledge on the paper instead of keeping it in your brain?"

"I'm lazy! Okay? I've got to go," he started to say, "Mr. Martinez, keep my grade as it is if you have to." After that, he left. I can't believe Ryan would go so low as to... do this. "You shouldn't of let him do that, Mr. Martinez. I'm going to go after him and change my teacher for Pre-Cal."

"No worries, Brendon. Here's your phone."

"It was nice knowing you, bye."

"Ryan! What's going on? Why did you feel the need to go to such illegal measures."

"Everything I do is illegal! Haha. I got you high at lunch yesterday."

"I know, but you're smart. Wait- did you do this so you could get a hot tutor?" Ryan gave me a surprised face like he'd never think I'd figure it out. "That is what you're doing isn't it?!" I gasped and pushed him a little. "You fucking genius." He smiled, put his arm over my shoulder and said, "I know I am. Haha, do you want to hang out?"

"I would, but Eric is kind of spending the night..." I said while giggling. "You giggled! You guys are gonna fuck oh my god."

"Are you mad?"

"Nah, why would I be mad? You're getting dick, and you're getting not old man dick. Haha."

"Sucking the teacher's dick was so low," I chuckled. "You know you could have broken into the school's computer and changed your grade, right?" Ryan looked to the ground, closed his eyes, had an awkward silence and gave himself a face palm. "M- maybe," he said. "Anyways, when is Eric going over your place?" I put my hand on his shoulder and said, "Later tonight, dude! Eric is so... attractive. Actually, all of your friends are attractive. How the hell do you do that? You're like some sort of attractive people magnet."

"I know, right?! Haha, they just come to me, it's easy. You should try it one day. Just actually talk to people. I am the one who talked to you first, after all." I chuckled and said, "Maybe one day." We hugged and said goodbye.

I remembered about inviting Eric over to start what we finished and I gave him a call. I heard three rings and he answered. "Hey, cutie. What's up?" I giggled because wow that'll make a guy blush. "Nothing just wondering where you are. You're still spending the night at my place tonight, right?" He gasped and said, "Oh! Don't even start to think I forgot about you. I'm at my locker, meet me here now?" We hung up and I started sprinting towards his locker which was about 15 seconds away.

Eric was putting books into his locker and I tapped his shoulder. "You read-" he cut me off and started making out with me. I pulled away and said, "Impatient much?" I chuckled. "Let's go to my car."

"Wait, my car is still here. Um... I'll follow your car on the way to your house, okay?" He gave me a peck on the cheek, pulled out his car keys and lead me to his car. Once we were both at our cars we went to my house, but buzz killer; my mom was home and has no idea I'm sort of gay. "Hello, son! Welcome home, ready to talk about your disappointing actions last night?"

Well, this is kind of awkward. I probably shouldn't of invited Eric over. "I have a friend over, he's spending the night. I can't talk right now." I started to head up to my room with Eric passing by my mother when she stopped me and grabbed my arm tightly. "Mom, what the fuck? Let go of me!" She grabbed on to me tighter and by this moment, my arm would get a bruise the next day. "You are not going to disobey me!" I chuckled at her humor. "Disobey you? I'm not a dog. Bye." I pulled away and started running upstairs. Eric tried to stop me so he could calm me down. "Hey, man lets just go to my place, you can't be around your mom right now." I followed his advise, kicked her away and ran with him. As I started going outside getting farther from her, she yelled, "You will never do this again, mister! You're grounded when you come back!" Yeah, if I come back. "She's such a cunt."

"Agh! Don't oh my god." I made a weird face at Eric and asked, "What?" He covered his ears in a dramatic way and said, "That word! It's so sharp like a knife. I hate it." I kissed him on the cheek. "Haha, there's words you hate? That's cute."

"Whatever," he giggled in embarrassment. Get in the car." He patted my back and opened the passenger side door for me. We drove to his place and unknown to my knowledge he was a rich kid, too. A super expensive looking house, more expensive than mine. "Whoa, you live here? How much did this- how did you- what even- my god! It's beautiful. Like you." He blushed and quickly looked away. "My family is pretty rich, they paid for my car, my clothes, concert tickets, anything I need/ask for and I have it, but I'm not that spoiled even though I'm one out of two teenagers in the house. I have an annoying 16 year old sister. She's a sophomore."

"She's like a baby, aw," I told him. "Show me your room?" He opened the car door for me, took my hand and opened the front door of his house, "Right this way." When I got inside there was even more to be impressed by. He had a fucking chandelier with teardrop shaped diamonds dangling from it. "This is a beautiful house, Eric-"

"I've heard it before, haha. I've thrown a few parties here seeing as I only have a nanny and a sister who just has to be at my parties. As a matter of a fact, I'm throwing one on Friday. You're invited, too. I'll even pick you up and you can spend the night again."

"I'd love to. What kind of things actually happen at a party?"

"You've never been to a party? My god, I have much to teach you. Let's go to my room." We headed upstairs to his room and there it was. Paradise. Actual music paradise. This place just screams "Brendon's man cave." He had posters of all of my favorite bands. Bright Eyes, All Time Low, Front Porch Step, SayWeCanFly, Metro Station, Maroon 5, even Paramore! He put some music on and there it was again. He just keeps blowing me away. My favorite song was playing on his stereo. Wake Up by Metro Station. Just as it got to this part:

🎶 I don't wanna wake up without you now, even when the sky comes falling down. Let's live forever, always together 🎶

"This is my favorite song! How did you know?"

"I didn't, haha. I just thought it was the perfect song for this moment... right... now. Even if it is about a heterosexual relationship. Still."

"It is the perfect song for right now, you're so cute." He took of his shirt, kicked off his shoes and socks and headed over to the bed I was sitting on while stripping his pants off. "Whoa, you're so-" I started to say but he put his fingers to my lips and stopped me. He kissed me passionately and slowly as he took off my shoes and slid my pants off. Is this happening? I've never even done this before... and with him. He's too hot for me, what's even happening oh my god.

My phone started to buzz, but we ignored it and continued. No one else but Ryan and Eric have my number. Eric is on top of me and Ryan isn't here, must be him, but if it was important he'd call again. "If it's important, he'll call again," Eric said as he smiled and kissed me again. "Now, where were we?"

That was the moment that my phone buzzed again. "Can I get it now?" I asked. He let me go and I answered my phone. "Yeah?" I said to Ryan acting as if I just woke up. "You know you can't disguise your voice like that. I know you were about to have sex with Eric."

"Mood killer, jeez. What's up?"

"Okay, dude. Listen: I'm with Connor and Emma. There is some serious drama, yelling and possible friendships ending here... Connor has a gun in his hands. I need you."

"I'm on my way."

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