Caught In The Classroom

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Chapter 3

Yesterday after everyone got high, I somehow ended up at home on my bedroom floor passed out half naked. I don't know what happened but that was the greatest first day of school I've ever had. I heard a knock at my door and my mom say, "Get up! You'll be late for school again." Oh shit! I'm going to be late again for fuck's sake what's wrong with me.

I took a shower, got dressed and got my car keys. I know the name of the school and I know where it is finally. "Bye, mom. I'm going to school now." She stopped me and told me she knew about me being high. I was in deep shit now. "How the hell did you find out?" I questioned her. "Because I peeked in before I knocked on your door. You were half naked passed out on the floor. It was either weed or alcohol, my guess is weed because you don't have a hang over and I have the nose of a dog. I would of smelled the alcohol from the door. We'll talk when you get home."

"Okay, bye mom. I'm sorry."

"Alright, mister. Head on out." Shit shit shit. I've got to be more smart about when and how I get high next time. At least, that's what I should do right?

I arrived at school getting out of my car and suddenly a Ryan appears and jumps on my back. "Hey, dude! Awesome night, right?!"

"You just come out of no where jumping on my back talking about the night we got high?"

"Yes! So what's up? Didn't get caught, did you?" How does he do that oh my god. "As a matter of a fact, I did. Mom didn't smell alcohol and why other reason would I lay on my bedroom floor half naked passed out?"

"Dude, I told you you didn't have to get high. It was your choice. Now you can't do it again."

"Are you kidding me?! That was the best first day of school I've had... ever! After traveling from school to school meeting you guys, of course I'm getting high again. I'll just spend the night some where else on a weekend next time and hide it easier." He chuckled, took my hand and started running. "What are you on about now?"

"I wanted to show you something. This is my most favorite song ever in the world," he said as he put his headphones on my head. "What is it called?" He smiled and said, "It's called Bohemian Rhapsody, it's the greatest song ever written in the history of modern music." After six minutes and seven seconds of listening to it, it actually was the greatest song ever written in the history of modern music. "You have great music taste, man."

"Haha, I know. Thanks. Let's head to the guys." After he took my arm and dragged me towards our group, we sat down on the floor and everyone was still talking about how amazing last night was. No one got in trouble, but me. Of course. "None of you got caught except for me? You bastards! Haha."

"It's okay, man, just be careful next time," Eric said as he put his arm around me. "Let me walk you to class, Brendon." He just gets hotter by the minute. "See you guys later!" I shouted back at the guys. The bell rang and Eric started walking me to class, but as I recall... he doesn't know where my class is. He stopped me and took me inside a closet. "What are we doing in here?" He turned the light on and took his shirt off. "Oh. My. God," we're the only words I could even say right now. He pulled me close and started making out with me, until I realized 'fuck it,' I kissed him back. He let go and said, "I've been waiting to do that since I've met you." He likes me? "What do you mean?" He chuckled, brushed his fingers through his hair and said, "You idiot. I like you. Haha. Let's get you to class and finish later. "Oh- okay." He sighed and put his shirt back on but before he could open the door and leave, I stopped him and said, "I like you too," and kissed him. He smiled and left.

So far, this school is the best I've ever been in.

I showed up to homeroom late, it was Pre-Cal time. There wasn't anything to look forward to after what just happened with Eric... actually, y'know... happened. He gave me a moment to remember.

I was looking in my pocket for a pencil, but instead I found a pen with a paper that said, "ERIC'S NUMBER: 582-3614." Holy shit. He gave me his number. Okay now there's no possible way to learn in this class. The bell rang and everyone got out of their seats except for me. I pulled out my phone and started texting Eric. I started to type, "Hey, it's Brendon. I got your note in my pock-" but that was when Mr. Martinez confiscated my phone. "Mr. Brendon. You know you're not supposed to be on your phone. You can get this at the end of the day, got it?"

"Got it Mr. Martinez..." I stepped outside of the classroom and Emma, Connor, Tyler, Eric and Ryan were waiting for me. "What's up guys? I just got my phone taken away." Ryan messed up my hair and said, "Too bad, man. When do you get it back?"

"At the end of the day." Connor snapped his fingers and said, "Shit! Now you can't skip the rest of the day with us."

"I skipped yesterday with you guys. I just got to this school, do you want me to get detention the first day? Honestly."

"Hey, Con. If Bren doesn't want to skip, he doesn't have to. He's my little buddy," he said as he messed up my hair some more. "Head to class, we'll see you at lunch, alright?"

"Alright, bye guys!" I started walking away, but Eric took me back to the same closet he did before. He kissed my neck and brought me closer to his body. "Wait, I can't be late, later okay? You can spend the night tonight?" He made the cutest pouty face and said, "Okay," kissed me on the cheek and said, "So did you get my note in your pocket?"

"I did, but as you heard me say, I got my phone taken away. I'll get it back at the end of the day, though. Go to class, I'll see you and the guys later." He got out of the closet and a couple of seconds later, so did I. Classes and classes passed by and lunch was finally here. "Hey guys, was your day as boring as mine?" They all looked at each other and said together, "We skipped." Emma, Connor and Tyler never were fond of actually going to class. I had no idea why Ryan and Eric weren't the same. "My god, haha. Do you guys ever go to class?" Connor stood up and started saying, "Yeah, she does for the classes she has her boyfriend in."

"What's up with them?" I asked Ryan. "Oh, nothing, they're just in a fight over something. "May I ask what it is?" Ryan scoffed, took my hand and sat me at a table where he told me. "Ever since Connor helped Emma's boyfriend and her get together, by taking him to the best concert of the year and paid for his ticket without so much as a 'thank you,' Connor's kind of been pissed. They've been hanging out together and leaving Connor out of the loop."

"My god, I'd be pissed as hell, too. Who's Emma's boyfriend?"

"Blake. Y'know, Eric's friend- the one he plays guitar with."

"Sounds like drama I don't want to be apart of, haha. That's it?"

"Yeah, that's it, other than the situation that friends come before any romantic relationship, that's all the fight is about." He took me back to the group and all of them had left. Connor's car was gone. Same with Emma and Eric's cars too. "Where's Tyler?"

"He's over there, let's go." I tapped Tyler's shoulder and he turned around. "Hey! What's up guys?"

"Do you know where Emma, Connor and Eric went? All of their cars are gone." When I asked that, Tyler practically looked like he had to throw up. "Um... maybe I should go." Ryan say Tyler down. "Spill," he said. "Where. Did. They. Go?" Tyler exhaled a sigh and said, "Fine, I'll tell you, just no more with the interrogation voice, alright Ryan?"

"Okay, so... Connor drove away because he was pissed, Emma followed him to talk to him and Eric went home because he felt forgotten by us. All of us. That's the whole story, and of course I'm here because I have nothing better to do than to clean up everyone's messy lives."

"Thanks for telling us, Tyler." I walked away with Ryan, we went our separate ways and a few classes later, he told me he had to go pick up an assignment from his teacher at the end of the day.

I opened Mr. Martinez's classroom door and I saw Ryan on his knees giving Mr. Martinez a blowjob.

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