The Investigation

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Chapter 6

Monday when everyone returned to school, I was at my locker with the guys. Emma, Eric and Ryan. That's all that seems to be left these days... Connor is at home recovering, Tyler... well, he talked near me to a stranger at the party, but I was drunk so I probably won't remember unless I hear it again. We saw Blake pass by and Emma went up to him. 10 minutes later, he stormed off angry and Emma came back. "I just broke up with him."

"What a shocker," Ryan commented. "I wonder why." Emma rolled her eyes at Ryan. "I think everyone knows why."

"So exactly why did you?" I asked her. "Well, young little Brendon; because all of you were mad at him and I didn't want him to lose a friend over this."

"At least it's all over and Blake and Connor can make up, right?"

"I don't think it's that easy, he won't forgive him or forget anything that easily, he-" The intercom cut Emma off. The principle was speaking. "Everyone in the auditorium at once!"

I wonder what this is about. "Does this school usually have this much drama?"

"Yes, haha." A stranger next to me answered.

Everyone met up in the auditorium and the principle started talking. There was policeman standing next to him. "Alright everyone. There's an investigation about a student here. His name is Tyler Moore. As far as the security camera goes, he got drunk and jumped off the school roof. Does anyone know about this? Anyone?" Oh shit. That's what he was talking about.I hurried up and texted Ryan about this. "I think I know something," he saw me type. He nudged my arm and whispered, "Dude! What the fuck? What do you know?"

"I swear I only heard him tell a-" Principle Anderson cut me off and looked straight at me. "You, boy! What do you know? Didn't your little group of friends know Tyler?" I was under pressure and not very good at taking it. I had no idea what to do so I ran out of there as fast as I could to the boy's restroom, Ryan ran after me and Principle Anderson yelled, "Get him!" What was I supposed to do? I was under pressure and everyone was looking at me. I couldn't take it anymore.

Ryan caught up to me. "Dude, what's your problem? Way to look guilty by the way, nice job."

"Ugh, I'm sorry! I was under pressure, everyone was looking at me, what was I supposed to do for fuck's sake?" He hummed for a split second. "I don't know... not that?!" He tapped me over my head. "Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to ever do..." There was an awkward silence for a moment. Ryan was about to talk, but I saw the policemen behind him and rushed to run away, he followed. "Oh shit! Go, dude, go!" As we were running, I asked, "Oh, now we can run and look guilty?"

"Not the time, man. Not the time. Hurry! They're catching up." We ran and ran as fast and as far away as we could, I don't even know why we were running. Maybe because of the large crowd of people? The people all looking at me? The principle calling me out in front of the whole school, probably. Yep, that was it. "We lost them," Ryan finally said after ten minutes of brutal running. "Finally, damn. Where are we by the way?" We looked around to see where we actually were and I've got to say, it was the most sketchiest neighborhood I've ever seen.

Ryan looked around too. "Dude... are we about to get mugged?" He asked me as he pointed at the two men running towards us. "We're at a dead end. There's a fence behind us... What now?" Ryan put his hand on my shoulder and calmly said, "Climb that shit, bitch!" I climbed and climbed as Ryan climbed behind me. "Shit, they grabbed my ankle!" Ryan yelled. What was I supposed to do now? "Hold on to me, Ryan!"

"Jesus fucking Christ why is everything going to shit and why is it happening to us?" Ryan kept holding on to me hoping he could get the muggers to stop and let him go. "You sons of bitches! Get the hell off of me!" He fell but I was almost across the fence, so I fell down with him. "You idiot! Why did you do that?"

"You're my best friend and God is my witness, I am never leaving you behind under any circumstances." He started to tear up and gave me the biggest hug ever, which shocked me completely. Ryan never hugs me. "Anything for you, man. Anything." He let me go and stopped crying. Ryan was Korean, so he had a little bit of fighting skills left inside his system. His parents made him take up fighting lessons as a kid. Let's see what he can do. "Let me handle this," he said. "Time to show these bitches what's up."

After actually seeing 'the muggers' faces, I realized, they were not muggers. It was the policemen. They found us and just wanted to talk. Apparently, because Tyler was in our social circle and I looked 100% guilty by running away in the auditorium, they just had to find us. "Hold on, Ryan! Wait up, these aren't muggers, they're the policemen, stop!" He wasn't even fighting that hard, anyway."

"What the hell?! These are the policemen. I'm an idiot." I went up to Ryan and put my hand on his shoulder. "It's fine, it was dark anyway," I told him. "How about we stop running and actually talk to the policemen?"

"Good idea," he sighed and turned to them. "Alright, I guess it's time to talk." The policemen took us back to the school into their police cars. Even though we didn't do anything wrong, because we ran like little bitches, they hand cuffed us and took us in the car. "Wait, what the hell? Why aren't any of our other friends in the same social group getting locked up? We know them too and they knew Tyler too."

"They're already at the station," they pointed out. "Good," Ryan chuckled. He never liked to take the blame alone, especially now that I got him into this by running.

They took us back to the police station and we saw that all of our friends were there, plus one person. Blake. "What are you doing here?" Ryan asked Blake in a hostile matter. "Hey, hey. Cool it down," an officer told him. "Brendon Urie, you're first for questioning." Of course I would be first.

They walked me into the room with glass walls and a few officers watched as I was being questioning. "Alright, take a seat, Mr. Urie." He sat down to question me. "Alright, were you or any of your friends with Tyler Moore the night of the suicide?" I had no idea what to say, so I went with whatever words came out of my mouth.

"No, I wasn't."

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