A Drunken Jump

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Chapter 5

"Whoa, where are you going, Brendon? I thought we kind of had a moment. You're gonna just leave daddy hanging?" Oh my god, did he just call himself 'daddy'? This is priceless. She's such a pretty boy. A hot one, but still. "I'm so sorry, Eric. I have to go. There's some drama with Connor and Emma, Ryan's with them and he told me that Connor has a gun..." He gasped dramatically and said, "Oh my god, I need to come with you! Please, hun. They're my friends too. I'll drive you, where are they?" Shit, I forgot to ask that...

I whipped out my phone and sent a text to Ryan asking where to meet them. "He just texted me, the same forest that we got high."

"I'm on it, let's go." As soon as we arrived there, Connor had the gun at his head, he was crying and Emma was trying to stop him. We got out of the car and we heard Connor. "I'm tired of this, Emma, you can't stop me! I fucking swear it, I regret taking him to that concert and paying for his ticket. I had to pay for him to get a girlfriend and he just abandoned me for you. I'm done being the third wheel and I can't live with knowing you stole my best friend."

He took the safety off and that's when I made my move. "Dude, stop! It's not worth it, I promise you," I said as I jumped on him and kicked the gun out of his hands. "Shit, the safety is off." I reminded everyone, they all got out of the way except for Connor. "I have nothing to lose, I've already lost all I had because of Emma." The gun got triggered and shot Connor in his knee. He was bleeding all over the grass.

I picked him up Bridal style and got him into Eric's car. Ryan and Emma followed us to the hospital and Connor went into surgery about 7 minutes into arriving at the hospital. While we waited in the lobby, guess who showed up? "Blake, what the hell are you doing here? You've done enough." Ryan told Blake. Emma stood up and said, "Hey, back off, Ry. I'm the one who called him."

"Why would you call the person who abandoned Connor for... sex?" I said while looking right at Blake. I think that I just caused some more drama, smart move of me. "What did you just say, punk?"

"What are you, a dorky middle school bully on T.V? Who calls people 'punk' anyways?" He looked at me and said, "Alright, smart ass. Put your fist where your mouth is," and came running at me ready to fight. What can I say? I did this on my own. We started fighting, punching, kicking and that's when I finally said, "You abandoned Connor and it's your fault he has a bullet in his knee." He stopped slowly and helped me get up. "What?" He asked seriously. "How could I ever abandon Connor? He's my best friend."

"After he got you a girlfriend that you met at the concert he took you to and paid for your ticket, he assumed it was his own fault that he got you a girlfriend and you spent more time with her than him. They had a fight and Connor let his own head get to him, he tried to kill himself but instead the gun shot his knee. He's in surgery." After I told him what had happened, he sat down and sat in silence.

Connor was back from surgery on crutches still feeling down and we all hurried up to ask if he was okay. "Do I look okay?! What is he doing here?" He asked Ryan as he looked at Blake. Blake hurried up to him and said, "Dude, you know I'd never abandon you for any girl, much less sex."

"Really? Telling me every time when you guys hooked up, telling me when you guys were hanging out? That's literally like saying 'I'm with her, not you, jealous?' Just stop." Blake threw his hands up, gave a frustrated noise and left the hospital. Tyler came up to Connor and kissed him. "Tyler, dude! Where have you been? We haven't seen you since earlier in the cafe."

"I've been at home, not that you guys would know. How are you doing, babe?" He pecked Connor on the cheek. "I'm fine... for now. Well, physically. They stitched me up with about 7 stitches. I'll be okay."

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