Chapter seven- Mages, can be annoying

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Valerie's POV

The rain has stopped but I heard Vanillat fell to the ground and before Ayame could do anything she also go knocked out, I nocked an arrow and turned around but dropped the bow and someone held my neck and held me to the wall lifting me off my feet, I clawed at his hand and my feet kicked uselessly above soulstone that he was standing on. He was wearing a mask wore a black T-shirt and brown trousers. He had brown hair that had a lighter streak across. 

"Who are you?" he demanded and he loosened his grip so I could talk.

"Valerie Grey." I said with a small voice. He looked at me then noticed my light purple eyes then I realised than he also had purple eyes only darker. "You are like me, what are you doing outside our country rarum?"

He narrowed his eyes, "You don't need to know and I'll ask you the same question, state your business or I'll kill you and your friends."

"Fair enough, we just wanted to find shelter."

"Well shelter is not here."

"We won't harm you; we can provide any services you require."

I heard a shout from upstairs of the castle. "Rythian! Where are you?" It was a female voice. My eyes started to droop, I was going to pass out but felt Rythian's grip loosen some more and I managed to look to my left, a red hair girl reached the door and opened it and her eyes widened when she saw Vanillat and Ayame passed out on the grass. She looked at Rythian and he suddenly dropped me and I fell to the ground coughing loudly and rubbing my throat. The girl ran to my aid and checked on me then turned her head sharply to Rythian.

"We do not strangle and knock out our guests!" she scolded.

"But Zoey, they could have killed us!"

"No buts, buts are for sitting! Help me carry them inside." Zoey took my arm and wrapped it around her shoulder and her other arm circled my waist; slowly we walked in to the castle. 

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