Chapter Three

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It's been four months of our travel to magnola. We pass freezing blizzards storms, storming dessert, raining forest, sunny days, and cloudy days. My mom and I were determined to get to Magnola and we did. We stand infront of a building . The symbol of a fairy on it. We walk inside the building.

"You ice head freak! I'm going to beat you really hard!" A boy with the pink hair is nudging his forehead to the boy in the black.

"Oh yeah! Bring it on fire brick head!" The black hair boy said. He looks like the same age as me including the pink hair boy as well.

"You gotta be kinding me." My mother groans. As she takes a step and does her magic. "ICE MAKER BLOCK!" My mother got in her pose as her circle magic appeared around her as she shoot her magic between where the boys will charge as both of them smashed into the block. Somehow the boy in the black hair has no clothes, but his boxers.

I squealed and cover my eyes. "Why is the boy with the black hair have no clothes on!" I yelled as I open my eyes to see my mom grabbing the two boys ears.

"Listen here you two. I already know you two are going to be trouble makers and the two of you are my daughter age." I hear my mom with a deadly warning towards them. "So I suspect you two changed your attitude." My mom said as she look at the boy with the black hair. "And put some clothes on as well!"

"How dare you speak to my guilds members like that." A new voice appeared as we look upstairs to see a man, he was a really small man. "Who are you?" The man asked

My mom looks at him and smiled. "You must be the master of this guild." My mom starts. "My apologizes, I just don't want my daughter see bad influences of joining this guild." My mother spoke. The little man raised his eyebrows as he walks down the stairs and onto a table infront of my mom. I softly trailed behind my mom as I look behind her as my hands clutches on her pants.

"Hm, you want to join our guild. So your an ice wizard like a young boy here name Gray Fullbuster. What about your daughter?" The man asked as he looks down at me as I hid behind her leg. His expression softs. "Don't worry little one. Come out, what's your name. My name is Makarov. The master of this guild and who are you?" The small man name Makarov asked me. I slowly get out of my hiding spot and fidgeting my keys.

"My name is Ocean..." I said softly. "And I'm a celestial wizard." I whispered. Makarov nods as he smiles.

"Well it's lovely to meet you too Ocean. How much keys do you have?" Makarov asked as I take my keys holder from my belt.

"One, two, three, four, five keys." I said as Makarov smiles.

"Ugh! Are we in the guild or not!" My mother asked impatient, I can already feel the atmosphere already heated up.

Makarov sighs at my mom action. "Alright! Your in." Makarov gets his stamps of the symbol of the guild. Makarov stamps my mom on her arm, while he goes to me. "Where do you want your stamp going to be place?"

I think for a moment. Where do I want my stamp. On my hip, hand, leg, side of my stomach, or my back. "Can I have it on my shoulder?" I asked as I take my shirt genlty down as I exposed my shoulder that my father once touched.

"Of course." Makarov said as he stamps my skin. After that, my mom went to introduce herself to the other guild members while I did the same.

"My name is Natsu Dragneel and I'm a fire dragon slayer!" The boy with pink hair said as he looks at me with eyes that shines of determined. "Let's have a battle ice princess!" Natsu said charging at me.

"Wait! I'm not a ice wizard!" I said, but Natsu didn't hear me as I his hands turned on fire. I quickly grab my keys of founding of who I can summon.

"Fire dragon-"

"OPEN GATE OF THE HOUND! SIROUS!" I said as Sirous appeared infront of me as he charges at Natsu in his beast form. Natsu eyes widen as Sirous is holding Natsu.

"I see you attacking my master!" Sirous said his voice deepens. "What a gentleman you are!" Sirous said punching Natsu in the face making him flying towards a wall. I cringed as Natsu body smashed in the wall.

"Um, Sirous.... you really didn't need to punch him in the wall." I replied as Sirous laughs silently as he changes into his human form.

"Well.... I have to do what ever to protect you." Sirous adds. "I am here to help you." Sirous said as he gets punched in the gut and falls into a wall. Sirous took a extremely hard hit, I forgot that if he's in human form fire magic is his weakness.

Sirous looks at me in a painful way and he smiles slightly. "I'm..... sorry... Ocean... forgive me." Sirous said as he goes back to the celestial spirit world.

"No Sirous!" I yelled as he dissapeared.

"Seriously! Come on show me your next celestail spirits!" Natsu said urging me to summom my next spirits. I turned my hand into my fist as I start tearing up.

"Celestail spirits are not pets you can fight with and defend! I only summon my celestail spirits when I'm in danger! And go ahead and burn me!" I yelled as Natsu looks at me shocked. Soon Natsu face gets hit by a ice. Ice magic, mom?

Natsu grits his teeth. "Fire dragon roar!" Natsu said, but his aiming was off as he aims it at me instead. I didn't have time to move or grab my keys. I can't move.

"ICE MAKER SHEILD!! A new voice said as the black hair boy stand infront of me. As he's protecting me from the fire. He looks back at me, his eyes with concerned. This must be Gray Fullbuster. He's gorgeous and beautiful boy. I think I'm in love. "Are you okay?" Gray asked as I nod as he smiles.

"Good to hear." Gray said as fire punch is hit on the face and Natsu looked furious at Gray.

"You ice head your going to pay!"

"Bring it meat head!" Natsu yelled as both of their heads are together. Oh no, there going to fight again!

"What's going on?" I new voice said as Natsu and Gray looked at the voice shocked and scared. The girl has red hair and its braided french style on her shoulder as she bangs there head together amd they became unconsion. The girl sighs as she looks at me and gently gave me a smile.

"My name is Erza Scarlet." The girl said as she reached her hand out. "It's nice to meet you and what's your name?" Erza asked.

I smiled as I take her hand. "Ocean Leaf and I'm new to Fairy Tail." I said as she smiles and take me away from the boys who laying on the floor.

"Let's go somewhere else away from these idiots." Erza said leading me away from the Natsu and Gray.


Three years later

I watch everyone watching my mother grave. She was killed in one of her missions she tried to earn some money for rent. Which means, I'm definitely alone now.

A hand gently touched my shoulder as I see Erza standing there with flowers. Along with Erza is Gray and Natsu with flowers in there hands.

"Hey don't worry, your mom is in a better place." Gray said comforting me as he can.

"Yeah, and you have your friends." Erza said as Natsu and Gray set the flower on her grave. I will miss you mom.

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