Wild Irish Fantasies (Chapter 7)

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I am truly sorry it has taken me this long to post another chapter but I really hope you guys enjoy!


Chapter 7

The smell of fresh pine wafted through the air as the sun started to rise. Jaime hadn't got any sleep in fear of Emily being cold; he had stayed awake to keep the fire going. Birds started to chirp in the trees and he prayed they wouldn't wake up Emily. After the last time he put more wood on the fire, he pulled her into his arms where she still currently rested. For the last two hours, he done the same as he'd done the morning before; he watched her sleep.

With her face buried in his chest, Jaime ran his fingers through her wavy hair, relishing in the feel of the satin strands. The motion of his hand had him relaxing, almost to the point of falling asleep until Emily began to stir. Looking down, crystal blue eyes smiled back up at him.

“Good morning.” She said with a sleepy voice.

“Good morning to you.” Jaime replied back with a smile.

Emily was absolutely radiant when she first woke up, he admitted to himself. A strand of hair fell in her eyes as she shifted her head. As Jaime reached up to move the strand out of her eyes, Emily's breath caught at the touch of his fingers. Just that one light touch caused an unfamiliar burn inside Jaime. He had wanted her since the first day he laid eyes on her so the “want” had always been there. This feeling was more than just wanting her but he couldn't explain it. It was as if he would burn alive if he didn't have a taste of her; a taste of more than just her hips but he would try his damnedest to wait. The sound of Emily's voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

“Did you get any sleep?”

“A little.” He smiled as he answered her question.

The truth was that he slept maybe thirty minutes the whole night. Even though there had only been a slight chill in the air, he hadn't wanted her to be cold.

“You know, you're a terrible liar. I can tell you didn't get any sleep. Your eyes are so red.” Emily frowned a little at him.

“I'll be fine. I don't sleep a lot anyway.”

And that was true. He was lucky if he got five hours of sleep at night. The previous night was the first time in a long time that he had actually slept all night.

The morning sun was shining brightly as the last bit of wood crackled in the small fire pit. As soon as Emily was ready to get up, he would have to drag the water hose down the hill to put out the small fire. He would just let the damn thing burn but he didn't want to take the small chance of it catching the dry grass on fire.

“So, what do you have planned for today?”

Emily looked up at him with a quizzical look. He want to tell her that he would be where ever she would be today but he didn't want to sound like a love-sick fool.

“Have you ever rode a four-wheeler before?” Jaime questioned.

Emily shook her head and Jaime smiled. He knew exactly what they would be doing the rest of the day.

“Well, you are in for a treat. Hope you don't mind getting a little dirty!”

A look of confusion crossed Emily's face as his words. What he had planned would involve a few mud holes and his Grizzly. He would show her what “fun” meant around this neck of the woods...

After stuffing her stomach full of the wonderful breakfast Katherine had made for all of them, Emily stood in the kitchen helping Katherine clean up the aftermath. The woman had homemade biscuits, tomato gravy, eggs cooked any way you could think of, grits and coffee all laid out on the table by the time her and Jaime made it back up to the lake house. Emily hadn't had such a wonderful breakfast since her móraíhad been able to cook. The thought of her dear grandmother brought a smile to her face.

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