Wild Irish Fantasies (Chapter 2)

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Hello all, here is chapter 2 of Jaime's story. I hope you guys enjoy this one like you have enjoyed the first two stories of the series! Oh and before I forget, this chapter is dedicated to all my fans for their wonderful support they have shown me! Thanks you guys and enjoy!


Chapter 2

The next morning, Jaime woke up on an unfamiliar couch with no recollection of how he got there. It took him a few minutes to figure out where he was; Kyle and Amy’s. The pounding in his head felt like a jackhammer doing a job on his brain and a hell of a job it was doing too, he thought.

Still half asleep and half drunk, Jaime rolled off the couch and headed into the kitchen to find the source of the delicious smell that woke him up.

“Good morning sunshine.” Amy said with a smile.

“Morning momma.” He grumbled then picked up little Abby out of her bouncer that was sitting on the table.

“Here’s some coffee for you.” Amy placed hot cup of coffee in front of him.

Kyle walked in with Ben hot on his heels.

“How are you feeling this morning gravity boy?”

Kyle and Amy both chuckled.

“Like I got hit by a truck a few times. I think I drank way too much last night.” Jaime bounced Abby in his arms while he talked.

“I’d say so but at least you were kicking gravity’s butt last night.” Kyle said with a chuckle.

“Ha. Ha.” Kyle was having way too much fun making fun of the drunken state he was in last night.

“Uncle Jaime what did you drink to make you feel so bad?”

Ben looked to Jaime for an answer but it was Amy that answered the little boy.

“He had milk and it made him sick. Now, eat your breakfast so you won’t be late for school.”

Ben looked to Jaime then back to Amy but did as he was told. A few moments later, a horn blew outside.

“That’s your bus sweetie.”

Ben quickly dashed out the door after saying his goodbyes.

“So, he’s riding the bus now?” Jaime asked hoping to keep the attention off of him.

“Yeah, he wanted to start riding with one of his little friends. Now, why did you decide to turn into a fish last night?” Amy gave him a pointed look.

Jaime took a sip of coffee and relished in the soothing, warm liquid as it hit his stomach. Why did he decide to drink himself to death last night? Because it was the only way he could get a descent night’s sleep without the dreams; dreams of Emily in every different position he could imagine. Ever since the day she spilled her coffee on herself a few weeks back, Jaime had been drinking himself into a stupor more and more every day.

“I just wanted to.” He said in a hushed tone.

“Would it have anything to do with a certain librarian I work with?”

Amy was sometimes a little too nosy.

“We’re just worried about you man.” Kyle stated.

He could understand their concern. If he kept things going the way they were heading, he would slowly turn into his father. Jaime had taken a lot of beatings growing up from the drunken bastard just so Katherine and his mother wouldn’t have to face his wrath when he had had one too many drinks. His mother had finally had enough the day the old man broke his arm and a few ribs. Jaime remembered that day all too well.

Wild Irish Fantasies (Book 3 of the Men with a Badge series)Where stories live. Discover now