Wild Irish Fantasies (Chapter 8)

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I won't spill my heart out but I will say, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Forgive any mistakes, I was bad and didn't proofread it.


Chapter 8

Waking up at her usual time Monday morning, Emily rolled out of bed and made her way to the kitchen for some much needed coffee. The sun would be up in another thirty minutes or so, so she had plenty of time to catch Jaime on his morning run. And what a sight that would be, she thought as she poured herself a hot cup of joe.

Walking out on the porch, Emily glanced over to Jaime’s house and noticed some of his lights were on. The two didn’t return from the lake house until late last night so she figured he would sleep in a little later this morning. Emily sat in her swing and watched as the sun started to rise. The sky was covered with different shades of pink and small puffy white clouds. It reminded her of a painting she once had seen when her father had taken her to the museum as a child.

Suddenly, the sound of a loud truck racing down the quiet street broke through her thoughts. Braking at the last possible minute, tires squealed as the truck whipped into Jaime’s driveway. What in the world? A man staggered out of the truck. From where Emily was sitting, she couldn’t really make out any of his features. She could see he was about the same height as Jaime but was a little pudgy around his midsection. He pounded on Jaime’s door loud enough it could have raised the dead.


A moment later, Jaime came to the door in nothing but a pair of shorts. The look on his face told Emily he wasn’t very happy about the visit from the mysterious man.

“What in the hell are you doing here?” Jaime asked the man.

Emily could easily hear the conversation with as loud as the two were talking.

“Son, I need to borrow some money.”

The man leaned on the door frame for support. Was he Jaime’s father, Emily wondered? That thought had her standing up. He had some nerve showing up at Jaime’s.

“You’re drunk, which is nothing unusual. You’ve got some nerve showing up over here.”

“Son, I need five-hundred dollars to pay back someone. Can you please help out your old man?”

Emily sat down her coffee and rushed inside. If he wanted money, then that’s what he would get, anything to leave Jaime alone. She retrieved some money out of her purse that she always had hidden in case of an emergency. Making her way across her yard, she was sure that once she did this deed, Jaime would never let this go…


Standing before Jaime was a man he hadn’t been face to face with since that one fateful night when he was fifteen. After years of trying his best to avoid this man, here he stood at his front door begging for money and he hadn’t even had the chance to have a cup of coffee yet, dammit!

“What do you need money for? Don’t you have a job?”

His father slumped a little in the doorway. Jaime could smell the alcohol vapor rolling off the man.

“I need to settle a debt with someone before tomorrow.”

The sight of Emily walking across the street in his direction caught his attention. Great, it was too early in the morning to deal with this and he didn’t want Emily to witness any of it. He could see she had something in her small hands but couldn’t tell exactly what it was she was carrying. Emily stepped around his father who was still slumped in the doorway and took her place by his side.

Wild Irish Fantasies (Book 3 of the Men with a Badge series)Where stories live. Discover now