Part 4

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Gakupo rose from his spot and brought his hand to his sword, not given the now panic stricken prince a chance to question his previous action.
He pushed himself up, using a tree to keep himself steady as he attempted to follow Gakupo, the pain in his leg causing him to limp after him.
Miku had screamed, his little sister was in trouble, he had to do something, he had to protect her, she was his little sister!
He pushed himself from tree to tree, forcing himself to run, the wound was small, he was sure if Gakupo had hurt himself like this he wouldn't have even noticed it, he couldn't afford to act like such a child.
As he got outside the woodland he caught a glimpse of his sister, her eyes were wide with terror as she stood, a man was behind her, a stranger, and he was holding a knife to her throat, his spare hand covering her mouth as tears leaked from her eyes.
"Miku!" screamed the prince as he began to run forward by Gakupo's hand was soon raised in front of him, his other hand gripping the hilt of his sword.
"Kaito, stay back" he demanded.
Kaito was shaking, he was furious, who was this man? Why would he simply attack a helpless young lady who had no chance of defending herself?
He was angry at Gakupo too, how could he expect him to stand back when his little sister was in danger?
Kaito had been sheltered all his life, not once had he fought to protect anyone and he had never seen anything like this before, never in his life had the life of someone he held dear been in danger, this wasn't like his mother who had died of illness, Miku's life was being threatened by a human, he had to protect her.
He was terrified but he didn't let that phase him as he pushed passed Gakupo, charging towards the man.
"Let go of my sister!"
"Kaito! Damn it!" Gakupo growled, pulling his sword from the sheaf.
"A prince, huh? Even better, boys don't damage the goods!" the man demanded when Kaito found himself shoved to the ground before he could even get close to his crying sister.
From his spot on the ground Kaito could see under the carriage and on the other side he saw their unconscious driver lying on the hard ground, they had attacked him too!
"Okay, enough of this" Gakupo growled, stepping forward "That's my payment you're messing with there"
His words seemed to be directed at the man who held Miku and in one quick, almost graceful movement, Gakupo had a tight grip on the man's hand, causing him to drop the knife and with a powerful tug the man was pulled away from Miku who fell to the ground, letting out sounds which seemed to be a combination of crying and coughing.
"Not so fast!"
Gakupo looked away from the man in his grip to face the one who had Kaito pinned to the ground, he was straddling him, a hand tangled in his blue hair with a blade held to his throat.
The prince watched the warrior's eyes narrow, and a mixture of emotions started to swim in those shining orbs, Kaito could pick out anger and fear but there was something else too, something he couldn't recognise.
Instead of killing him, Gakupo hit the man he held in the spine with the hilt of his sword, causing the man to collapse to the ground in front of Miku who scampered away from him, her face red and stained with tears.
"Let him go, right now"
Gakupo's voice was cold, not the way it had been when he talked to Kaito the day of their meeting, no, it was harsher than ever, Kaito would have even called it terrifying and in that moment he was more frightened of the look on the purple haired man's face than the blade that was currently resting against his throat.
The man shook his head and Gakupo took a step forward, his confidence causing the man to hesitate as he stared up at him.
"If you're going to kill him, do it" Gakupo growled and Kaito's eyes widened even further, he couldn't have been serious.
"Go on, do it!"
The man was shaking, still holding the blade to the prince's neck and he tugged at his hair, pulling his head upwards and causing a shooting pain to go through Kaito's scalp.
"I will!" the man threatened.
"No you won't," Gakupo's voice was smooth and confident now, as if he knew exactly what he was talking about. "If you were going to you would have already"
Gakupo stepped forward again, closing the gap between them and his foot was now fairly close to Kaito's hand which was resting on the ground in front of him.
"I know how you people work, I've been there myself," he looked down at the man, disgust filling his eyes. "He's your goods, right? If you kill him you'll have nothing to sell and I know you could make a pretty penny for a prince, but you made a mistake, my friend and your mistake was," Gakupo's smirk was chilling "going after my prince"
Gakupo used the back of his blade to hit against the man's head and quickly moved his foot to push his hand down so the blade would not puncture Kaito's throat.
The man rolled off of Kaito and Gakupo kept his foot pressed down on his trembling hand "Now, I don't wish to look like a killer in front of a young lady," he said motioning towards Miku. "And I certainly don't want him to see me as a murderer," he eyes moved to Kaito, the dark look there soon replaced by a sort of affection that Kaito had not seen before. "So get out of here, both of you, before I stick this somewhere painful"
With those final words he moved his foot and held up the blade he held to emphasise his point and the two man soon scrambled to their feet and disappeared.
"Thank you, Gakupo" said Miku, wiping her eyes.
"Miku! Are you hurt?" Kaito shouted, running to her side, his arms soon wrapped protectively around her small frame.
"That was stupid," Gakupo mumbled, placing the sword back into his sheaf. "Do you realise how much danger you had put yourself in?"
"They had my sister! I couldn't just stand back and-"
"They're human traffickers, Kaito! Do you know how much money the heir to the bloody throne could have gotten!? You're lucky I was even here or you could have ended up dead or as some old pervert's pet!"
"If you were so worried about me then why did you tell him to kill me!?" Kaito screamed, arguing back.
"Because I knew he wasn't going to do it"
"How were you so sure!?"
"Because I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't!" Gakupo's voiced had raised louder than Kaito had ever heard it go and it surprised the boy to realise how scared he was of the man right now.
To make things worse, Miku was now crying even harder.
Gakupo's voice soon softened and he kneeled in front of them, watching Kaito closely "Trust me...if I thought he was going to hurt you I would have sliced his head clean off without hesitation"
"Because you're being paid to protect me, right?"
Kaito's eyes fell, staring at the ground as the words left his mouth, they had hurt, these words were upsetting for him to utter and he didn't understand why.
His mind went back to the moment in the woods, Gakupo's eyes gazing into his own and his lips pressed against the skin of his leg.
What did that mean?
"No," Gakupo's words broke Kaito's train of thought, catching his attention and he looked back up, those cool eyes catching his. "You're not just a job"
When did he get this close?
Kaito stared back at Gakupo, trapped in those eyes as he stared forward, unable to escape the hold they had on him and he felt that he had forgotten everything else as the other seemed to be getting closer.
What is this feeling?
Kaito's eye lids seemed heavy as he found himself closing his eyes as those lips closed in, getting so close he could almost feel them.
"The carriage rider!"
Miku's loud voice caused the eyes of the two men to snap open and they found themselves staring at each other as Miku scampered away to check on the injured rider who was still lying on the ground.
"W-we should check on him" Kaito's voice came out nervous and cracked as he struggled to break eye contact with Gakupo.
"Yeah, we probably should" Gakupo responded seconds before those soft lips came crashing down against Kaito's.

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