Part 14

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Meiko walked through the crowd, her flowing white wedding gown brushing the floor as she held the stick of her feathered pink face mask to her face.
"Len! Rin!" she called to her siblings who were sitting on the ground eating some strawberries they had stolen from the food table.
They looked up at her, Len licking away the juice of the fruit that was left on his fingers.
"Have you seen Kaito?"
The twins looked at each other for a moment, exchanging a silent conversation before turning to their elder sister and Len shook his head.
"I think he's talking to his sister" said Rin, remembering the lines Miku had given her in case of this situation.
Meiko nodded and ran from the two, searching for Miku, running into the hallway, not taking noticed of the suddenly closed doors that led to the balcony outside the ball room.
She sighed, holding up her skirt as she walked in order not the stand on it. She hadn't seen Kaito since the ceremony, he had disappeared rather quickly and she hadn't even been able to share the first dance with him or any dance.
Kaito had looked incredibly handsome today and his smile was so wide and she had been sure that she had looked beautiful, of course she looked beautiful, she had the best designers and make-up artists in the kingdom working on her so why would he just vanish like that?
She found Miku by the large stair case of the palace, talking to a pink haired maid and she ran to her.
"Miku," gasped Meiko and then looked at the maid. "You can leave, I don't need to talk to the help"
Miku's eyes seemed to narrow at this and she shook her head "Luka's okay. What do you need, Meiko?"
"Where's my husband?"
"My brother? Oh, I don't know," said Miku, pressing a finger to her chin and casting her eyes skyward as she thought. "Do you know, Luka?"
The maid shook her head, her hands behind her back as she swayed back and forth "I haven't seen him, milady"
Meiko growled and ran her fingers through her hair "Tell him I'm looking for him"
Miku and Luka exchanged a look before Miku grabbed Meiko's hand and grinned.
"I think I saw him go downstairs, let's go, we'll help you"
Meiko nodded as Miku led her down the stairs, Luka following closely behind them, she didn't notice the devilish grin on the princesses face.

On the balcony the prince was in his own world, a world that contained only two people and the other resident of that world currently had his strong arms wrapped securely around his waist and his lips pressed against his own, Gakupo's hand resting against the back of Kaito's head, the other on his lower back as Kaito's were wrapped around his neck.
Gakupo was the one to pull away, resting his forehead against Kaito's, their masks hitting against each other.
"Gakupo..." Kaito sobbed. "Gakupo, I'm married now...I...I belong to her"
"No you don't," Gakupo assured. "You're not property, Kaito. If your heart isn't hers then you will never be hers"
Kaito leaned his chest against Gakupo's chest and closed his eyes, trying to ignore the fear of someone walking out to find them.
"There's such a sad love, deep in your eyes," came Gakupo's voice, singing softly to his lover, stroking his hair as he sway him gently to the sound of the music they could hear being played in the hall. "A kind of pale jewel, open and closed, within your eyes. I'll place the sky, within your eyes"
Kaito swayed with Gakupo, feeling the man's arms wrapped around him, singing softly into his ear, that voice relaxing him.
"There's such a fools heart, beatin' so fast," Gakupo continued after pressing a kiss to the blue haired prince's head. "In search of new dreams, a love that will last, within your heart, I'll place the moon, within your heart"
The song continued and Kaito felt his heart flutter at the sound of Gakupo's voice but they were forced to pull away when they heard the door open and one of the guests walked out onto the balcony, bowing to the prince.
Kaito bowed in return and threw a look at Gakupo, motioning him to follow as he walked back inside.
Gakupo bowed towards the gentleman who had interrupted their moment, mentally cursing the man before following after Kaito.
He cut through the crowd, following after Kaito who was dodging people who tried to speak with him, ducking his head so people wouldn't recognise him so quickly.
"Hello handsome" Gakupo was stopped by an older woman standing in front of him, grinning at him, holding a glass of wine.
"Milady" he said with a bow, trying to pass her.
"Hey, honey, where's the fire? Why don't you stay here and keep me company for a while?"
Gakupo shook his head and pushed past her "I'm sure you're capable of finding someone actually in your age range"
With that impolite comment he continued his way through the crowded hall, finding Kaito standing out in the empty hall and the prince once again motioned for him to follow, taking him to a flight of stairs that led him upwards and looked around to make sure no one was following them as they made their way upwards.
As soon as they were in the empty hall way of the top floor of the building Kaito took Gakupo's hand and pushed open one of the door, pulling him into his room.
The room was pretty plain compared to what Gakupo had expected a prince's bed room to look like, it had a large window that worked as a door and led out onto another balcony overlooking the garden and thick curtains which covered them, in the corner was a writing desk and a chair likely used for Kaito's study and there was a large four poster bed with thick curtains around it and not much else other than a painting of a beautiful teal haired woman on the wall.
The woman's hair was long and flowing and she had a beautiful, peaceful smile on her face as she sat with her hands together on her lap and she had large, dark blue eyes that Gakupo easily recognised as Kaito's.
"Your mother?"
The prince nodded as he closed the door, lighting a candle to give them some lighting in the room, he looked at the painting and smiled sadly.
"She was very beautiful" said Gakupo, not looking away from the painting. "You look like her"
Kaito smiled slightly and wrapped his arms around one of Gakupo's, his forehead leaning against his shoulder.
"Gakupo, I tried to let you go, after what I've seen, what I know could happen to you, I'm so scared of losing you but I'm so scared of letting you go"
Gakupo turned to hold Kaito to his chest once again, pressing a kiss to his foreheard and running his fingers through that silky blue hair.
"Gakupo..." Kaito whispered, his voice catching. "Are we wrong? These feelings...they're a sin"
"Shut up," said Gakupo, the words weren't harsh but they were firm and Kaito remained silent against his chest. "It's not a sin, love is not a sin, don't let them convince you that it is, don't let them make you feel like your feelings are wrong. You choose the person you love as much as you choose the colour of your eyes, don't ever think that this is wrong"
Kaito looked up at Gakupo, moving his hand to brush against the mask that covered half of that inhumanly handsome face, slowly lifting it away.
"I've missed this face" he whispered, staring at his lover who was illuminated by the candle light, his hair looking shades darker in the dim light.
Gakupo pulled Kaito's mask off his face and set it down, pulling Kaito close again and brushing their lips together "I've missed those lips"
Gakupo's lips returned to press against Kaito's, holding the smaller man's body against his as the kiss turned from soft to passionate, Kaito's hands moving to pull the hair tie from Gakupo's hair, tangling his fingers there.
The control that Gakupo had managed to hold in the past slowly started to break as he felt Kaito gently biting his lip and his hand pressed against Kaito's back, pulling him against his chest as he responded with a soft bite, causing Kaito to let out a gasp and Gakupo's tongue found its way into the prince's mouth.
A desperate moan escaped the prince's throat which only excited the warrior further as Kaito pressed his body against Gakupo's own.
Gakupo pulled away from the kiss, his arms still around Kaito, not breaking the contact their bodies made.
"K-Kaito," he breathed. "We have to stop, if we go any further I won't be able to control myself. I want you, Kaito"
Kaito stared up at Gakupo, pulling the man's head lower so their lips were close once again as he whispered "I want you too"
Gakupo's control broke slightly as he lifted Kaito and moved quickly to lay him down onto the bed, their lips pressed together again as the warrior climbed atop the prince.
"G-Gakupo," gasped Kaito, his head turning towards the door as Gakupo's lips moved to press against his exposed now. "Th-the door, someone might..." he was cut off by another gasp as Gakupo bit at the prince's throat gently.
The warrior pulled away and pushed himself off the bed and made his way towards the door, searching for a lock, as soon as he fingers brushed over the key left in the door he twisted it and made his way back to the bed.
He sat besides the prince and leaned down to kiss his cheek, his hand stroking his other cheek gently.
"Kaito," Gakupo asked, his lips moving to Kaito's throat again. "If you want to stop, tell me, I don't want to hurt you, ever"
Kaito nodded, his arms wrapped around those broad shoulders tightly and his eyes sliding shut as the warriors hands started to pull his lovers clothing away.
"Remember, if it hurts then tell me," he mumbled as he moved lower. "I'll stop if you need me to"
Kaito didn't say a word after that, all he could do is nod in response as Gakupo pulled him into an intimate embrace, their bodies illuminated by the candles that lit the room and the light that shone in through the balcony window from the moonlight.
Gakupo had finally claimed his prince and no one could take Kaito away from him.

Song: As the World Falls Down
Artist: David Bowie
Movie: Labyrinth

Magnetized Poison (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now