Part 15

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 Kaito lay with his head against Gakupo's bare chest, listening to his lover's heart beat as Gakupo gently caressed his naked thigh, his other arm wrapped around his torso, holding him close.
"Did it hurt?" Gakupo asked, staring down at the prince's beautiful face.
He had been worried of causing the small man pain, he remembered the tears at the corners of Kaito's eyes but whenever he asked if he wanted to stop Kaito would shake his head and Gakupo was too excited to stop, he had taken Kaito, Kaito was his.
"A little," Kaito admitted. "But it felt good too...I've never done anything like that before"
"Really?" Gakupo raised an eyebrow at that comment.
"We are supposed to stay pure until marriage, I was a virgin before that," his hand moved to take hold of Gakupo' hand, squeezing it gently. "I'm glad it was you"
"I...I was your first?" Gakupo's eyes were wide, his heart rate picking up.
Kaito nodded and pushed himself up to look down at Gakupo, smiling softly at him as Gakupo's hand came to caress his face gently.
"I never thought this would happen," Gakupo whispered softly as Kaito leaned into his touch. "I never imagined that I would fall in love"
Kaito's cheeks were coloured bright pink and he hid his face against Gakupo's chest.
"We've broken so many rules" Kaito sighed.
Gakupo sighed and rolled them both over so he was now above Kaito, staring down at his lovers naked form and caressing his chest with calloused fingers.
"Forget the rules," he kissed Kaito softly. "They're there rules, not ours"
He began kissing the faint marks that he had left on Kaito's pale flesh "When we're together like this," he whispered, taking hold of the prince's hand and kissing his fingers. "It's our own world, their rules don't apply here"
Kaito smiled weakly and tangled Gakupo's long hair around his fingers as Gakupo straddled his hips, his forehead resting against his own.
"My rose" Gakupo whispered.
The prince was truly precious to him, it was almost ironic that he had fallen for a member of the royal family but Kaito wasn't how he had imagined, Kaito was more human than he had expected.
Looking down at Kaito now, the prince's slim, naked form lying beneath him, his skin slicked with sweat from their previous actions, his dark hair stuck to his forehead and his chest rising and falling with each breath, to know that this sight had been seen by no one else before today, it was such an incredible feeling.
"Roses have thorns" Kaito responded.
"Doesn't make them any less beautiful"
Kaito stared up at Gakupo, pulling him back to reality "What about Meiko..."
Gakupo's finger was pressed against Kaito's lip, silencing him as he shook his head "No, don't talk about her here. This is our world, Kaito, she's not part of it"
Kaito nodded, his eyes closed as he took in a deep breath, taking in Gakupo's scent as he pulled himself up so he could nuzzle his nose against Gakupo's neck.
"We'll figure something out," Gakupo assured him. "We'll be okay"
"Yeah," Kaito smiled. "We will"
Kaito's lips soon found Gakupo's, pulling the larger man down towards him as they lay together in his darkened room.

Miku and Luka were sure they had distracted Meiko enough before the princes stormed off to find her father.
"You think they're okay?" Miku asked, sitting at the bottom of the stair case with Luka, the maid trying on the princess' mask.
"I bet they're fine," Luka smirked. "Gakupo is probably making sweet, sweet love to Kaito right now"
Miku's eyes widened and she hit Luka playfully on the shoulder "Luka! That's my brother you're talking about!"
"It's probably true though!" the maid laughed, keeping the mask to her face. "How do I look?"
"Beautiful" Miku grinned, brushing Luka's hair away from the mask, tucking it behind her ear.
With a blush colouring her cheeks Luka smiled and looked up at the ceiling and she giggled slightly.
"Meiko honestly believes that Kaito's interested in her"
Miku rolled her eyes "All her life she's been told 'you're a princess, you will marry a prince and you will become a queen and have children and live the life every other little girl would kill for', she believes that that's all there is for her and she let herself get excited for it because it's easier that way, easier to just accept your fate...I understand what it's like"

"I should leave soon," Gakupo said as he caressed Kaito's shoulder, pressing a kiss there as he did so. "Before someone finds us"
Kaito shook his head and curled up against Gakupo, pulling the man's arms around him "I don't want you to leave"
Gakupo groaned slightly as he pulled Kaito close, smiling slightly "Damn it, I don't want to leave anyway"
Kaito didn't look up at his lover as he hid his face against his chest "I wish we could always be like this...if it weren't for those laws"
The prince shook his head and sighed "I know...those rules shouldn't exist here"
"Exactly" Gakupo murmured, littering kisses all over his beloveds handsome face, pulling him against his chest so their skin pressed together, mindlessly tracing patterns on his shoulder.
"I want to stay with you forever, Gakupo" Kaito whispered, leaning into his hold. "I want to run away with you, we could run so far and not worry about any of this but I know they'd look for me"
Gakupo nodded and kissed Kaito gently.
"If we could leave though I'd take you somewhere beautiful," Gakupo's kisses were sweet and gentle as he scattered them over his lover's torso, holding his hand softly. "A place that only we know and where no one could disturb us"
Kaito smiled "That'd be amazing"
"Maybe one day" Gakupo smiled. "Maybe we could find a way"
Kaito was about to respond but was cut off by a knock on the door and Luka's voice came from the other side "The dog catcher approaches"
Gakupo jumped up at that and pulled on his clothes, Kaito doing the same after hearing the code they had agreed on with the girls, the warning sentence to tell them that Kaito's father was coming to see the prince.
With one final kiss Gakupo ran towards the window, climbing out and latching onto the vines outside the window.
"Gakupo!" Kaito gasped.
The warrior grinned "Don't worry, my love, I've been in far worse dangerous situations"
"Like sleeping with me?" Kaito teased and Gakupo smirked in response.
"That was worth the danger"
With that Gakupo climbed down the wall, when he was at a safe height he dropped to the ground and began to run and Kaito closed the window.
In a hurry Kaito straightened out his clothes and his hair, walking towards the door before a white shape caught his eye, Gakupo's mask.
Quickly he picked it up and hid it under his pillow, arranging his bed so his father wouldn't notice anything off about it, luckily Luka was willing to clean them and change them later.
There was a knock at the door and Kaito called out for them to enter.
"My boy" said the king as he walked into the room, his voice was calm but he didn't look pleased. "Princess Meiko has gone home, apparently unable to find you. She is a beauty, my boy, I'm surprised you weren't excited to finally be able to bed her"
Kaito's face reddened and he looked away from his father, desperate to find an excuse.
"Making love on your wedding night is traditional"
Kaito felt uncomfortable with his father saying such things to him, especially knowing that he had in fact spent the night making love, not to his wife but to the person he loved.
"What's wrong my boy?"
"I...I was nervous, father" Kaito lied, staring at his hands. "She's such a beautiful woman and I've never been with a woman before, I was frightened"
His father laughed and clapped a hand against his back " I understand my boy but don't worry, in a few months you'll have your own place with the girl, maybe a baby on the way, you'll relax then"
Kaito couldn't tell his father how much he hated that plan, he couldn't tell him that he didn't want to live with Meiko, he didn't want a baby and he didn't want to live in a castle or anything anymore, he just wanted to be with Gakupo, he didn't care where, he just wanted Gakupo.
"Did you see that stranger last night?" his father asked, changing the subject. "The one with the purple hair speaking with your sister, I'm sure it was that warrior I hired to watch you"
Kaito felt his throat go dry as he stared at the old man whose eyebrows were pulled together as he thought.
"I thought he had no interest in us but it seems he has eyes for your sister"
Kaito's eyes widened and he had to stop himself from laughing at how far off the mark his father was with that statement.
"Of course it may not be him and simply a noble with a similar hairstyle"
His father seemed to be talking to himself now as he made his way toward the door and grinned at his son.
"Anyway, you're a married man now, my boy, you should be enjoying your new life, give us a smile"
Kaito responded with a forced smile and his father nodded and he closed the door, leaving Kaito alone again.
The prince returned from his bed and pulled the mask from under his pillow, smiling down at it as he thought about his love.
"We'll run away one day"

Magnetized Poison (Gakupo x Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now