Part 13

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The day had arrived and Kaito found himself staring out of the window, searching for something, anything that could get him out of what was to come.
He turned to look into the mirror and stared at the man who stared back at him, the man was handsome, his silky blue hair was soft and brushed out perfectly, he wore a long black over coat decorated with dark blue and gold patterns as well as black feathers on the shoulders, under the coat was a white thrilled shirt and a white cravat and he wore dark trousers and boots to go along with the rest.
In his pocket was a mask that would cover the top part of his face, framing his dark blue eyes and it was to be worn after the ceremony during the party.
Today was the man's wedding day but he couldn't even force a smile.
Closing his eyes he sucked in a deep breath, trying to tell himself that this was for his family, for his kingdom. Meiko had been chosen for him and he had no right to complain about this.
"It has to be her, it can never be him"
The words didn't help, all they did was help release the tears that had been building up in his eyes, there was a part of him that wanted to see Gakupo, wanted to run away from this and go with the other man, find somewhere but the other part of him knew he couldn't have that.
Even if they ran people would be sent out to look for Kaito...and it'd end in Gakupo's punishment.
"Smile, Kaito," he told himself. "Don't let them see through you. Smile, be strong, be the prince they all expect to see"
"Your highness"
Forcing himself to relax and forcing a look of excitement onto his face as he turned around to face the servant who stood there with a large smile on her face.
"You look very handsome, sire"
"Thanks," he said, keeping a faked smile. "Let's go then"

"Why do you hate royals?"
Luka's question caught Gakupo off guard as they leaned against the wall in the servants chambers, certain servants weren't to attend the ceremony and Luka was one of them, she was in charge of catering for the party afterwards so she had managed to sneak Gakupo into the chambers.
"You really want to know?"
The girl nodded as she lowered, sitting with her legs crossed in front of the warrior and he let out a loud sigh.
It wasn't exactly something he wanted to discuss today of all days but he trusted Luka and saw no reason to keep it from her, Yuma knew so why shouldn't Luka?
"My family, uh, we were a clan of warriors, we trained from a young age to be strong, to channel our abilities and use them to protect those who are dear to us. We lived by the sword and were one with our surroundings, we respected nature and practically worshipped her."
He looked up at the ceiling, his arms crossed over his chest as he told his story.
"Anyway, my father was the leader of the clan, he was an intelligent man who believed that war brought nothing but suffering. He believed that the sword is to protect those who mattered, he told me constantly that if I were to find something worth protecting I should be willing to give up everything for it" he shook his head.
"I tried dad, but I can't avoid him" he whispered before continuing his story.
"Anyway, the king, Kaito and Miku's father, decided that he wanted to start an army, for what reasons I don't know but he came to my family and tried to convince my father to fight for him. My father said no, he had no interest in fighting to help the king gain his desires. Apparently the king didn't like that answer, if the strongest family wouldn't join his ranks they were apparently a threat so he sent guards, armed guards, they got to us while we were sleeping, my father wasn't fast enough, they killed him. They didn't stop at my father, they hunted us all down but my mother sent me and my little brother away. We hid away in an underground cellar my father had built in case of attacks but my brother, Akira...he was scared and he cried, I tried to calm him down but he wouldn't stop crying, he ran from me and..they got to him before I did. He was four years old"
Luka's hands came to cover her mouth, her eyes bloodshot as she sobbed at his story. "How old were you?"
"Barely ten years old"
"I-I'm so sorry..."
The warrior shook his head and leaned down to wrap an arm around the sobbing girls shoulders "Don't cry, it's all in the past" he sighed, trying to relax himself.
"Does Kaito know?"
Gakupo shook his head "No, and he's not going to. No one should hate their father, I don't want him to have to feel like that, it's my past, my problem"
"...When you did that job...escorting Kaito and Miku..."
"I...I wanted the king to feel the same pain I did but...I couldn't do it" he pulled away from Luka and closed his eyes tightly "I knew my father wouldn't have wanted that and...I couldn't hurt Kaito, at the time I didn't understand why but I really couldn't do it"
"You really are in love with him"
Gakupo nodded "He made me look at royals in a different way...I couldn't hurt him and I can't kill his dad, not now. As much as I hate the king, I couldn't let Kaito feel that pain"
"Because you don't want him to experience what you did..."
Gakupo nodded as he brushed the legs of the new clothes Miku had had made for him, making it clear that he had no interest in continuing the topic.
"You know, there's a part of me that wants to run into that church and take him away doesn't work that way"
"It would if this were a romance book" smiled Luka and Gakupo chuckled.
"This isn't a story, Luka, the real world doesn't have happy endings," he leaned his head against the wall, the gems Luka had placed in his hair shining in the dim light of the room. "That's why we have to make every good moment special"
Luke nodded with a grin and her hand moved behind her back, crossing her fingers as she silently wished that things would go well for the warrior and the prince.

The wedding was over, that was it, Kaito now belonged to Meiko and he hated it, she was to be his queen one day and there was no escaping it.
"Kaito" Miku's voice broke the silence of the room and she walked in, wearing her thin green wire mask that went over her eyes and he smiled weakly.
"Hey, Miku"
"Come on, the party is starting"
Kaito shook his head and looked down at the mask "I think I'll stay here"
"No!" Miku shouted causing her brother to raise his brows in confusion and she soon caught herself. "No, it'd be rude to skip out on the party and besides, it may be fun"
She smiled and sat in front of him, placing the mask on his face and tying it behind his head.
"Besides, the stars are bright tonight, I have a feeling it's going to be a good night"
"I doubt it" sighed the prince but he allowed himself to be dragged to the ball room by his little sister.
The party was taking place in Kaito's family's castle, since the wedding took place at Meiko's, their fathers thought it'd be a great way to help them split the bill.
As Kaito was led into the hall he was amazed by the sight, he didn't take too much notice of the expensive clothes worn by the many noble and royal guests but he was taken aback by the sight of the masks.
He was sure these were all people he had seen before but with the masks it was as if he couldn't be too sure, he knew that woman standing in the corner with a thrilled white dress but with her mask he wasn't sure.
He knew that man leaning against the wall with a glass of wine, flirting to a young lady standing beside him but with his long beaked mask he couldn't quite place him.
It was magical to know that the masks had such a power, you were there, surrounded by so many people but no one could quite place you, it made him feel strangely relaxed.
"Oh, by the way," Miku said, walking alongside her brother. "Luka and I got you a wedding present"
"You did?" Kaito sighed and rolled his eyes at the idea of some small gift Miku had sent the maid to the market to collect. "You didn't have to"
"Oh but I did and trust me, I'm sure you'll like it"
"Will I, now?" he smiled slightly, amused by how his little sister was acting.
He was so distracted by her that he didn't realise that she had led him to the other side of the hall onto the balcony that looked out into the garden and he turned around to look at her.
"Miku, why are we here? The party's inside"
Miku was grinning up at him, not saying a word and Kaito felt goose bumps raise on his skin, what was going on?
"Turn around" she said softly, only furthering his confusion.
With a shrug of his shoulder he slowly turned to see what she was talking about and had to take a step back when he saw what he did.
A man stood in front of him, tall and slender with pale skin and long flowing hair that fell down his back, tied up with a hair tie but it didn't hide how long the hair was. He was expensive looking purple clothes that fit tightly to his strong form and a white mask that covered one side of his face, cutting off just above his lip.
At first Kaito didn't understand but then he saw those eyes, those shining eyes that he could never mistake, eyes that he had seen many times in his dreams and he felt his knees go weak.
"Hello, Kaito" the taller man said softly.
Kaito didn't notice that his little sister had disappeared from the balcony, closing the door behind her so that no one would notice them with the curtains covering the glass of the door.
"Why are you here?" Kaito asked, begging his voice not to break as his heart pounded like a bass drum.
"It was Miku's idea"
Of course, Kaito thought, not taking his eyes off the warrior who stood in front of him, looking more of a noble than anyone who stood inside the hall. This was her plan.
"And I needed to see you again, last time I..."
"I thought you hated me"
Gakupo's eyes widened at this and it was his turn to take a step back, shaking his head violently he sighed and clenched his fists.
"I was angry, yes but I could never hate you, I know you said what you had to say and I know it hurt you just as much as it hurt me" he stepped forward this time, his hand moving to brush against Kaito's cheek and the prince stepped back. "Kaito, I could never hate you"
Kaito was trying his hardest not to cry, why was this happened? Why was Gakupo here? He shouldn't be here, after everything Gakupo should not be here!
Kaito found himself leaning against Gakupo's chest as the other man wrapped his arms around him, holding him close.
Images soon flashed through the prince's mind, that man burning on the stake, his screams slicing through Kaito and his appearance transforming, turning into Gakupo.
He pushed away "No! Gakupo! The risk is too much!"
"I know what you've seen, Kaito and you shouldn't have had to witness that, I know the risk but I promise you I'll be okay, Kaito, you'll always be worth such a risk"
Kaito was shaking, unable to look at Gakupo now but he didn't pull away when Gakupo's arms wrapped around him once again, stroking his hair gently.
"You're worth the risk, Kaito...I love you"
The words were barely a whisper but the kiss that followed helped Kaito understand perfectly what he meant and his arms wrapped around his neck, holding him closer as he kissed back.
I love you...Gakupo...

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