Chapter 16

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                                                                        Chapter 16

Shang Chen, my new boss, stood at my door looking stunned.

I imagined he didn't think I would look this good in the outfit he picked out for me. I didn't think I would look good in outfit I picked out myself. "Thank you for attire," I started as I went and grabbed the purse the twins-I know they're not twins but I can't stop thinking of them as such- left on my bed. All of my needed essentials were already in the bag, courtesy of Porsha and Mercedes.

"Do I have to pay...?" I started off, gesturing to my attire.

"Oh! No," Shang shook his head and held his arm out. "No, not at all. It's all on me."

I nodded, I had thought so.

"Sooo...I guess we better get going?" I took his arm and looked straight ahead, aware his eyes were on me. It was making me feel weird and tingly. Of course, I know that's how arousal starts but I refuse to think of it as such because he's my boss! Or will be boss.

"Of course," He begin walking with me finally.

Good graciousness. The twins really worked their magic on me. Men in the hallways, even those with their wives, looked at me. These people who hadn't so much as glanced at me before in the halls.

"You look lovely, Luna," Shang told me, his voice enveloped me in a blanket of warmth. Translation- I was now blushing.

"Oh. Thank you, Mr. Chen," I said, glancing at him briefly before looking away. Curse the forces for not giving me sexy-chic confidence!

"Shang...Luna," He answered when I said that. "I asked you call me Shang. I advise you do or else I may not return you to your room, tonight."

I snorted, not at all attractive like, "what's that supposed to mean?" I rolled my eyes.

He stared at me silently until my cheeks burned.

Oh....that's what he meant. Instead of returning to my own I'd be returning to his....

"Don't have to tell me twice, Shang," I answered quickly. I know for a fact if I end up in his room, I am doomed. There is no going back from having sex with your boss, it's an absolute risk. What if he doesn't like it...

What if I don't like it and he ends up wanting more than he should have.

So many freaking what-if's, I wish life wasn't so complicated. If it was less complicated, I would probably already be in Shang's bed getting shanged.

This was going to be a long night.


I started a fire. Okay, I didn't start it, but it was totally my fault. Uggggh! Why does life not like me? Is my aura too off or something?

I went to the kitchen and got my head piece. I had already helped out in the kitchen today, it was now my job to make sure nothing went wrong in the kitchen with the chefs and waiters.

Shang was out conversing with important people, he was among the socialites and richees. I was not a richee but I made enough money where I would be able to support children, which I planned on either conceiving or adopting. At the age of 26 I was beginning to feel like my time was ticking. I need to have a family.

Anyway, entered the kitchen and everyone looked at me. Guess they didn't recognize me now that I looked like...a sex goddess.

"Okay, guys!" I shouted at them, "tonight's a big night. And Shang is counting on every one of...oh my gosh Marcello your scarf's on fire!"

Marcello, our top chef, had been too busy staring at my globe boobies and not paying attention to the scarf he'd been about to put on his forehead. Which caught fire over the stove.

"Oh shit!" He dropped it onto the floor and I ran over to him.

One minute it was a small scarf fire the next other things were catching on fire as well. Marcello for one.

"Stop drop and roll!" A waitress told him, pushing him onto the floor. "You idiot! Stop drop and freaking roll!" she screamed.

Marcello screamed and begin to roll like a mad man.

The fire alarm went off and next thing I knew the paramedics were in the kitchen rolling Marcello out.


I really needed a drink.

"Alright guys! We have to be quick," Now we were short one chef and Shang expected me at his side soon. Being his date and all.

"Luna!" Shang's voice boomed through the kitchen and everyone froze for a second before getting back to work. "Come," he motioned me over to him and I sighed.

Everyone had an earpiece so I'd be able to reach them if they had any complications or needed my help.

I walked over to him slowly, noticing the gleam in his eyes. This outfit really was bringing me some attention. I decided I was going to keep it instead of being a proper and girl and returning.

"Here," He handed me a pink drink and steered me out of the kitchen.

I looked at the drink cautiously. I didn't think Shang was one to date rape but what did I know? I ended up taking a sip anyway because I was so damned stressed. I needed alcohol...and no I'm not an alcoholic. I'm more of a soda and chip's kind of gal.

"So far, this night has been a success," He said to me. I looked up at him as if he'd grown balls and a penis or a head. "Don't look at me like that. All because one person caught fire doesn't mean everything's been going wrong. Look around."

I looked around and blinked. People were laughing and dancing; as well as taking samples from my waiters. The ones sitting at the beautiful tables away from the dance floor were enjoying whatever it was they were eating. Or they were faking it...I'm pretty sure there is some law that says one is not supposed to act disgusted at charity events. No matter what.

"Well I'll be dam..darned," I said, not wanting to curse in front of my future boss.

"Yes," He took the glass away from me and passed it to a waiter who was on his way to the kitchen. "Now that you see everything is going as I wanted I want you to meet someone," he said.

"Uggh. Really, Mr..Shang?" The glare he'd given me when I almost said Mr. Chen was enough for me to correct my error. "I'm not going to remember these people tomorrow. And they certainly won't remember me."

"Not with that attitude they won't," He reprimanded. "Now. Come meet my sister." He tugged me towards a table on the top floor. The ballroom was really grand. I stayed slightly behind him as not to bump into people.

He stopped at a table, "Gin Gin, I would like for you to meet my Universe employee Luna Oscar. Luna Oscar, Gin Gin," he introduced.

I stepped from behind him and came face to face with the elevator creeper.

Hello! I've had writers block guys...tehehe. Okay well not really, I've been quite distracted this summer. I know I promised you more chapters and you will get what I promised because guess what?

Summer break isn't over until September!

So I'll try to get my ish together and update, update, update.


P.S. My computer is acting weird (probably because I've had it for a while and need a new one) so if I drop off the face of the earth...I'm sorry. I can not afford another computer anytime soon. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2015 ⏰

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