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Emily's p. o. v

I groan sitting up while holding my head. Did I drink that much last night with Damon? I look to my right to see if damon was there but he wasn't. Instead, I was looking at Elena while she was asleep. Or so I thought. She was actually knocked out.

"Wake the girls. Elijah will be here soon." A female says

"Sure rose. What's he want with the other Gilbert?" A male asks

"I don't know. He wants Elena for her being the doppelgänger. The other one, I think is his mate." Rose says

"Oh ok. Well, I'm going to wake them since he will be here soon." The guy says

I hear footsteps coming closer and I shut my eyes quickly.

"Wake up." The male says shaking us

I open my eyes slowly and so does Elena.

"We need you awake for when Elijah gets here." He says

"Who's Elijah? Where's Damon?" I ask quickly

"Your precious Damon isn't here. Elijah will be here soon. He's an original and you, you are his mate. Originals were created mates so that they would eventually be able to have children and a family. You are here to help Elijah. Not Damon." The male says

"What? No. I am not the mate of Elijah. I am with Damon and will forever be with Damon." I say

All of a sudden, there's growls erupting through the house and I'm pushed up against the wall.

"You will no longer be Damon's. You are mine. My mate. Not Damon's." A male with an old English accent says

"I'm guessing your Elijah?" I ask smirking

"Yes. I am Elijah, love. Your name is Emily." Elijah says

"Right. Can I go home to Damon?" I ask knowing it'll make him mad

"No." He says growling as veins pop out under his eyes and his fangs show.

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