Chapter 24

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As I was making my way to Tiara's house for a sleepover, I felt someone staring. I brushed the thoughts off thinking it might be just some fans who's shy. As I walk, the feeling of someone staring at me isn't going away. I knew someone was looking at me. I stop walking and look around, nope..nobody there. I started walking again and soon I felt someone behind, I slow down my pace, i turn around and i felt pain on my neck.


I was waiting for Omar, he's gonna sleep over as mum & dad decides to sleep at granny & grandpa's house for a week to spend time. Olly has to go to the studio to collect something.

Omar was suppose to be here 2 hours ago, I decide to call him again.
'Come on pick up! You're making me scared come on pick up the damn phone'

"Hey titi" Olly came in and sat down beside me on the sofa. "Hey bro" i sniffs. "What happen? Where's Omar?" He asked, worried when he saw me crying. I let out a heavy sigh. "He hasn't reach here. It's been 5 hours now. His phone was turned off. I don't know what to do. I'm so worried right now. I'm scared something happens to him. Olly help me" i cry into his shoulder. "Shhhh dont cry, everything will be fine" he cooed. "nothing's fine olly, im scared. I dont want anything to happen to him. I'm worried" i cried again.

*the next day*

I woke up to see Olly beside me. We're in my room. I didnt know i had fallen asleep. Maybe I was too tired from crying. I stood up and check my phone. No messages. Nothing. Where dahell is he?! I decided to call wilnur.

W - Wilnur // T - tiara

W : hello darling.

T : hey mama

W : where's omar?

T : thats the thing... he hasnt reach here since yesterday. Im really worried right now i dont even know what to do.

W : what?! Oh god my son. Look, i'll come over and we'll think of something alright? Dont cry sweetie.

T : thank you mama.


Not long after the phone call, wilnur reached. "Hey sweetie" she greets, giving me a warm hug. "Hey mama" I smiled. We sat down in the kitchen & talk. "So tell me, what happen?" She asked. I took a deep breath in and told her everything. By the end of the convo, i was crying while surprisingly Wilnur is trying to comfort me when it should be the other way round, A strong woman she is indeed.

"Hey ladies, what happen?" Mum asked, shock to suddenly see us. "Oh hey mum....i- we're just- um..." i tried to speak only to break down again. Mum immediately hug me along with Mama Wilnur. "Omar is gone. He's nowhere to be found... He hasn't reach here since yesterday" Mama wilnur explain to mum & dad who just came in.

"I say we report it to the police." Olly says, giving me a hug.


I woke up to find myself in a room, not Tiara's or mine. I tried to move but my hands were tied up to a chair, a very uncomfortable position to be in right now.

"Finally he's awake. Go get her Pete."

I heard a man say to another man named Pete I assume. My visions were blurry and all I can see was a tall black shadow standing at what I think is a doorway. I guess that voice must have been the man's voice.

"W-where am I?" My voice whispered.

"Hey baby. Finally you're awake"

A voice I know that doesnt belong to Tiara.

"WHO ARE YOU?! WHY AM I HERE?" I yell at the mystery girl. "It's for you to find out, for me to know" she says. "How long have I been here?" I asked, feeling weak again. "Oh now you decide to ask a smarter questions. 4 days now."

4 days. 4 damn days. I wonder what's Tiara doing, does she even realise that Im gone? Oh god. ( a/n : Ofcoz she will realise, you're her boyfriend duh )

"Now baby I know you are dying to know who this wonderful voice belongs to right?" She ask. "Not wonderful but YES im dying to know who's the bitch that brought me here." I spat. "Chillout there bud. Fine, lets kill the curiousity" with that said, she stepped forward into the light, I was shocked. It was..........

A/N :

Hey babies How are you guise? Again, I wanna apologise for not updating in more than a month i think. I'm having an important exams and i've been focusing too much on problems and school. Writers block is poo!!

So recently, im into Shawn Mendes again ( i loved him since he started vine but then I was distracted by omar at one point ) can you believe it took me 2 freaking months to watch his new vid Stitches?! ( I sound like i wasnt ready for sex or something HAHAHA ) It was hot af.

Anyway, back to the story, who do you think is the one that kidnapped Omar? Comment comment comment!

While waiting for me to update, lets do a Q&A session! Comment down your questions and I'll answer them!

Im losing some of my readers but thank you to those who stayed, i love you guise! I hope you enjoy this chapter babies

Can i call you guise babies bc that what i use to call close friends...alot... or you, my dear readers have a name for yourselfs hmmm ( like a fandom name but no this isnt a fandom or what i wont have fans )

All the love,
Tiara Rudberg Mendes Styles
( a/n : ^ i sound like a whore oh my goodness )

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