Chapter 28

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It has been a month since the incident. Aibreann flew over as soon as shr got to know the news. On the day she was admitted, the police came and asked me questions. But all of that didn't matter, Christy had to be in jail for years which Im really greatful of because I might be married to Tiara before that bitch can even get out of prison and destroy us again.

Here I sat, right beside my sunshine. She's still unconcious but I know she'll wake up. I came by every single day, I'll talk to her, sing to her. The boys too but not as regularly as me & her family including Olly. They have school and tuition classes unfortunately. Everyday, I come by with 1 rose. She love roses & daisies. By now she have 31 roses in the vase right beside her bed.

"Hey baby, im here again. Brought another rose! That's 31 days. Please wake up baby. I miss you. So much." I sigh at my failed attempt of waking her up. "You know. When the doctor told me you can't bear any children, I wss heartbrokened. I know that was what you wanted. To raise a little family. But dont worry baby, once we're old enough, we'll have a little family of our own. We can adopt kids. Grow them to be just as sweet & caring like you. I love you. No matter what happens I always do. Nothing can stop my love for you. I love you" I sighed.

"Hey bro" Olly came in. "Hej" I gave him a bro hug. "Still no progress?" He asked. "No. I wish she'd just wake up now and give me a kiss" I sigh. He pat my back telling me everything's gonna be alright. "I bought you starbucks, Chocolate Chip Frappe & enchiladas" he hand me the paper bag with my favourite. I thanked him & tried eating. I couldn't finish all of it though, I don't have the mood to eat.
"Hey Omar, Im just gonna pick up Mia & my parents. See you in an hour bro" he gave me a small smile. "Ok yeah" I return him a smile.

I was just sitting there looking at her, taking in every 'flaws' as she calls it that makes her beautiful. It's her flaws that makes me fall for her. It's the little things that she do that I love about her. Thinking about that, i decide to sing her 'Little Things' by her favourite, One Direction. I take my guitar from the corner ( yes i placed a guitar there for my regular singing session for her ) & I starts strumming.

Your hand fits in mine
Like it's made just for me.
But bear this in mind
It was meant to be

I smiled to myself as I remember the first time we hold hands.

*skip first few verse*

I won't let these little things slip
Out of my mouth
But if I do, it's you
Oh it's you they add up to
I'm in love with you
And all these little things

I hold her hand, giving her knuckles a peck before continuing.

*skips a few part once again*

You'll never love yourself
Half as much as I love you
And you'll never treat yourself right,
Darling, But I want you to.
If I let you know i'm here, for you
Maybe you'll love yourself
Like, I LOVE you.

And I've just let these little things
slip out of my mouth
'Cause it's you
Oh it's you
It't you they add up to
& im in love with you
And all these little things.

won't let these little things slip
Out of my mouth
But if I do, it's you
Oh it's you they add up to
I'm in love with you
And all your little things.

I stopped singing & look at her. "Baby I know you hear me. Please wake up, for me, for the family. I love you" I kiss her forehead. Suddenly, I felt her hand grasp mine for a second. "OH MY GOSH! Baby! Do you hear me?!" I yell once again, excited at her response.

Olly along with the rest ran in suddenly giving me a shock face.

"Baby! Do it again, we're all here for you babe!" I encourage her. She, once again squeeze my hand weakly for a few seconds. "Oh god baby I know you can do this. Come on, open your eyes for me. I want to see you, I wanna see your eyes, hug you, kiss you. I miss you!" I squeeze her hand lightly. Suddenly the room is filled with quotes such as 'you can do it' 'mum & dad is here darl' 'come on tiara! I know you can' & more. They're helping her as well.

After about 1 minute, we're all still cheering and the noises died down when she fluttered her eyes open. All the ladies ( Mia, Aibreann & Mrs Molander ) cried tears of happiness. I am too while the rest cheers. "I'll get the doctor" Olly said as he went out of the room.

"Hey baby" I greet her. "O-Omar? Why am I here?" She asked. "It's better for you to rest & heal fully before I tell you anything. Don't want you to get too stressed up" I give her a smile. "Can I- can I kiss you?" She asked. They all chuckled at her while I went straight in for the kiss ive been longing for.

The doctor then came in, interrupting my kiss with her which only lasted for like 10 seconds but hey, jt's better than nothing right? Doctor Marcus & a few nurses ushered us out to check her.

As we wait, I look over to Felix & Aibreann. Felix said he made the move & that they're dating but something doesn't feels right. "Hey Felix.. why aren't you with your girlfriend?" I teased him. "Uh... about that..." he scratched his neck and instead walk away. I just shrug it off and decides to ask Aibreann. "Hey sissy, what's up with you & Felix? You guys okay?" I asked her. She looked down before showing me a photo. It was Felix and a girl kissing.. that girl is definitely not Aibreann.

"Im so sorry Aibreann!" I gave her a hug. "It's okay Omar. I'm happy that he found someone that can make him happier" she smiled. "Have you talked to him?" I asked. I felt like a love doctor for a moment. "Yeah. We ended it on good terms so dont worry. I met his girl already though, she's nice. I gave her some word of advices & stuff. She's sweet" she once again say. I swear this girl is one of the strongest girl i've ever met. Don't get the wrong idea, she's like my little sister & im so happy yet curious to see how strong she is even though it hurts.

Oscar too is hiding something. I swear almost everyone here is hiding something. Before I can get to Oscar, Doctor Marcus told us that we can meet her but not too many people. I let her parents & Olly to see her first since they're her family.

After about 20 minutes, me, Aibreann, Felix, Oscar went inside. Olly decides to stay in there with us too while her parents buy us food. As soon as I see her, her face light up like a christmas tree. "OMAR!" She hugs me so tight. Way tight for a girl who had just recover from a gun shot wound & coma. "Woah hey baby" I kissed her. "Im still here, very much alive guys" Olly faked cough causing us all to laugh.

I told her everything she needs to know such as how she ends up in the hospital and stuff. After a while, she wanted to talk to me alone for a while. The others nodded & went outside to get some drinks.




That change of POV at the end tho! Hola princesses ❤ Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I find this one interesting.. for no apparent reason ahaha!

What do you think she's gonna say? What kind of chapter or scene are you waiting for?
( right now, my bestfriend is begging me to write a sex scene & make tiara pregnant -_-" )

Don't forget to vote & comment! Love you guys xx

All the love,
Omar's fiancé :)
Okay I wish Tea xoxo

(( please skip the next chapter and read the next one first ))

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