Chapter 2: The Newcomers

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Classes were suspended and I had nothing to do. I went online in facebook only to see a lot of messages, most of them are from fan girls, posts, likes, comments and shares they’ve made in my profile.

“Sigh, these again” I said to myself.

“If only they would stop, maybe if I had a girlfriend they would stop bugging me.” I pondered on these thoughts because they always bother me.

I never had a girlfriend before, neither have I fallen in love with someone. Marie was there, but we’re only best friends and I don’t even know if she likes me. I pushed those thoughts aside and decided to make myself a ham sandwich.

“Makin’ a sandwich?” I heard a voice from the door of our kitchen.

It was my best friend, Marie.

“Yeah, want me to make you one?” I offered her.

“Nah, I’ll make my own, do you have bacon?”

“In the fridge”


After making my sandwich, we went to my room and I told her about my thoughts.

“Pftchtchtch, ahahahaha. You want a girlfriend?” she laughed.

“I’m serious”

“Ya’ll gotta gals to choose from, dude.”

“I want to experience what it is like to fall in love”

“Psh. It makes people loony”

“Why, have you ever experienced it before?”

“Nope” She said, popping the ‘p’ “But I know a lotta people who got crazy ‘bout it.”

I sighed. After that, she suggested we play table tennis to kill time, since it was still raining, I offered her a cup of hot cocoa but she refused and asked for coffee instead. We started playing but I wasn’t thinking clearly, my mind was on other things, that’s why I lost.

“Haha, I won, now gimme what I want” Marie said, or it was more like a command.

I gave her what she wanted, a fizzly soda pop, which is popular here in Oakwoods, but quite expensive.

“Here ya’ go” I tossed her the can of soda pop.

We didn’t notice that it was dinner time already until mom came down and said it was dinner time, she asked Marie to join us but she said she has to go home already. Mom cooked dinner today, one of the things she rarely does now.

She’s been busy running the company ever since dad died. She always told me that I would inherit the company, well, I am an only child.

I said goodnight to my mom and went straight to bed, I was exhausted. 7:00 a.m., the ringing of my alarm clock woke me up. I stretched my arms, like I would usually do and took a shower.

I went down and I see my mom, reading the morning papers and taking a sip from her coffee cup.

“Morning mom” I greeted her.

“Come here and eat breakfast, so how’s school the whole week?” she asked like she would usually do.

“Ohh quite the same as all the other weeks I’ve spent in that school, fanmails in my locker, girls staring at me when I walk down the hall, ohh I just wish they would stop. I was thinking, maybe if I had--” I stopped there to take a bite out of my pancakes.

“If you had a girlfriend” my mom told me as if she was reading my mind.

“Yeah, but how am I suppose to do that?” I asked.

The Bracelet [ still editing ]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon