Chapter 5: Just the Two of Us

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Hours passed by but it only seemed like minutes. I walked towards my locker and Veronica came up.

“Joshie, are you still mad at me?” she asked

“Uhh, I’m not mad, just don’t treat her like that anymore okay?”

“Sure Joshie, now wanna hang out with us? Now that the tomboy’s—I mean, now that your best friend is gone.”

“Oh it’s okay, she’ll be back. I’m just gonna hang out with Ellyna for a while.”

Then I told her I have to go. I came home, passing by Marie’s house. I saw a caretaker there, they must’ve hired him to watch over the house while they’re gone. I went home, and did our French homework. I thought if Marie was here, this would’ve been easy.

“Ugh. This is frustrating. If only this was Spanish…..” I told myself

I decided to go online, and again, my notifications were flooded. Then I suddenly remembered Ellyna, I’m sure she has an account. I typed her name and finally found it. I sent her a friend request, and hopes she accepts.

Moments later, I didn’t know it but I was stalking her account already. Browsing through her pics and all. I was startled when my phone rang, it was Marie. I quickly answered the phone.

“Marie?” I said

“Hey Josh” she said on the other line

“So, why didn’t you tell me that you were going?”

“Oh, ‘twas a rush, we really had to leave so I didn’t have the chance to tell you”

“Why didn’t you call me then?”

“You know phones are supposed to be turned off during flights”

“Oh yeah, so you’re in France now?”

“Uhuh, I’m at my dad’s office, oh gtg. I’ll be back at winter”

“What? 3 months? What am I suppose to do without you here?”

“Well, Ellyna’s there. Just hang out with her. Or go with the populars”

“Ugh. Fine. Don’t forget to bring something home for me”

“M’kay, I’ll give you a chocolate or something”

She hanged up and I heard my mom downstairs. She told me to dress up, I asked her why and she told me we were having dinner at a fancy resto. I always disliked fancy stuff, too much elegance, you know, the one for the rich peeps. I’m quite a simple guy you know. I got dressed and we drove there in a limousine.

“Why do we have to eat here?” I asked my mom

“Well, we rarely go here together”

“But you always eat here”

“I said together, the two of us.”

“Good Evening Madam, what can I get you, the usual?” the waiter asked

“Yes please, the usual for me. For my son, well, what do you want Josh?”

I looked at the menu, the food here is quite expensive, could cost you an arm and a leg.

“I’ll just have the roasted lamb, and apple juice.” I said

The waiter bowed and went away. We only waited for 10 mins. And the food was already there. After we ate, my mom paid and we went home. Good thing I did my assignment already, or else I wouldn’t have time to do it already.

I woke up, it was Tuesday. As usual, I got ready for school, ate breakfast with my mom and went there in my silver Porsche car. I didn’t see Ellyna walking, maybe she got to school earlier than usual. I parked my car and went to class.

I walked into the room but no one was there…. I went out and saw a teacher, Mrs. Waterson pass by, I asked her where the class was.

“Umm, Mrs. Waterson, do you know where the class is?”

“Ohh didn’t you know? Today, students sign up for intramurals… We have no classes until lunch.” She said

“Okay thanks” I said while smiling

I looked for Ellyna and passed by a lot of girls loitering by my locker.

“What the hell are you doing there?” I asked

“Ohh – nothing….” Veronica replied

Then I saw one of them holding some kind of tool used to pry open lockers.

“Are you trying to pry open my locker?!?”

“Ohh nooo—nooo, why would I do that? I’m not some kind of stalker” Veronica said

“Oh sure you’re not” I muttered under my breath

I left them and went to the gym. I saw her there, I mean Ellyn.

“Oh hi there… Whatcha doin’?” I asked

She looked back and said, “Oh…. Nothing… I was doing nothing.”

“Okay? So what now?”

“Let’s play”

“Play what?”

“Let’s play basketball”

The two of us played, no one won, the game was stopped because people were starting to come in and it was getting crowded. 

The Bracelet [ still editing ]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon