Chapter 2

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Mom and dad didn't answer me the first time I asked. When we got to the house mom ordered me to pack a bag with my stuff. When I said she ordered, I meant that she shouted it. I got really scared. Mom never shouts at me, NEVER. I ran upstairs into my room and locked the door. But I didn't start to pack. I continued to run through my room, into the bathroom and locked the door. I leaned against the door and then slowly sank down. This can't be happening. I slowly stood up again and went to the sink. I washed my face in cold water. I dried my face with the towel, that's when I saw it. A red-haired woman with red eyes were standing behind me. Coughs started to come up my throat. I tried to reach my inhaler but the red-haired woman were faster. She broke it into two pieces and when I ran to the door she threw me to the other side of the room. I hit the tile wall. It hurt like hell but I couldn't scream. I almost couldn't breath. When the red-haired woman started to walk against me I heard uncle Jazz outside my room. "Maddie, are you okey?" he asked. The red-haired woman were now right in front of me. She bend down and captured my arms with one off hers. With her loose arm the red-haired woman dragged her sharp nail on the left side of my face so it became a deep wound. I felt the blood sipping out and running down my face. I started to feel dizzy when the red-haired woman started to drag her sharp nail over my right collarbone. I heard uncle Jazz shout for dad and I couldn't almost breath. I could hear the door to the other room being kicked in. "Time for me to leave" the red-haired woman said and just before she jumped out off the window she cut a wound in my neck. Then she were gone. The bathroom door were kicked in and I turned my head there. The last thing I saw were dad and uncle Jazz running against me shouting my name. Then it turned black.

I opened my eyes. White. Everything were white. I guessed that I were at a hospital. I slowly sat up. It hurt like hell. The room I were in was empty, it was just me. I turned my head and saw that I had many tubes needled into my arm. I hated needles. Grandpa knew that... It looked like antibiotic and blood were coming in to my body. I slowly dragged off the tubes and the needles from my arm and lifted my legs over the edge of the bed. I need to find mom, dad or anyone else! I slowly hobbled out of the room. I looked out in the hallway, no one from my family was here, just unknown people. In the end off the hall I saw 4 guys who they all had shorts, tank tops and a tattoo on their right shoulder. A tattoo I recognised, the werewolf tattoo... What the hell were they doing here?! One off the werewolves turned their head and saw me. The others turned their heads towards me also. Crap. They started to walk at my direction. More crap. I hobbled in to the room again and locked the door and shut the sun-blind to the windows from the hallway. "Maddie" I heard a mans voice say outside the door. I stumbled to the table next to my hospital bed and found the plastic bag with my stuff. I took up my phone and tried to call mom. No answer. Nothing at dad, Edward, grandpa or grandma's phones. My hand were shaving when I called uncle Jazz. "Hello?" he answer. "Jazz, where are you?! No one is answering me, I'm so scared" I whispered. I could feel the tears burn in my eyes. "Aren't the wolves with you?" he asked worried. "The WOLVES?! You left me all alone with THEM?!" I started to feel angry. Really angry. "Maddie calm down, please" "CALM DOWN?! You know what, fuck you uncle Jazz" I shouted and hung up. He tried to call back. Again, again and again. I got so pissed off that I threw my phone at the wall. It got a huge crack in the front screen, but I didn't care. Suddenly the door flew up. I picked up my phone slowly and stared at the people that had got in. Three men, the first man looked like being in the early twenties, the second looked like being maybe eighteen and the third looked like he was like fifteen. "Maddie, calm down" the first man said. I took a quick look at the hospital bed. My purse were there and I knew that I had both pepper-spray and hairspray there. "Never" I said and threw my phone at the first man. It hit his stomach and the others got focused at him so I ran to the bed, got my pepper-spray and hairspray in each hand. "Leave" I said threatening. The second man didn't care, and when he were a meter from me I sprayed his eyes with hairspray. I saved the pepper-spray. "AH!!" he shouted. "Jake" the first man warned. "So this is Jake, or should I say Jacob Black?" The second man who then were Jacob nodded while rubbing his eyes with his hands. "Great, then I can do this" I said and kicked him in his stomach. "OUCH" Jacob said and you could hear the pain in his voice. "What was that for?" I gave him an evil grin before answering "Just something my dad and uncles encouraged me to do if I ever had the chance." the youngest off the men looked at me frightened. I walked over to the hospital bed which where a few meters from them. "So tell me, what are you doing here?"


Short chapter, I know!

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