20 Facts About Me

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So I was tagged by album_covers to do this and I decided I would tag batmantho and _HakunaMatata_
Fact 1: I'm turning 16 in three months (October 25th)
Fact 2: I have two middle names (Suzanne and Niccole)
Fact 3: I'm a horror movie fanatic, but most of you know that already.
Fact 4: I have never dated anyone before.
Fact 5: I binge-watch Netflix more than a person should, no regrets.
Fact 6: I play softball (I'm actually typing this as I head to a tryouts for a summer league) and I started to play volleyball last year, but I don't know if I'll make the team this year to be honest.
Fact 7: I'll be a junior this year.
Fact 8: I am having an actual sweet sixteen party, like formal and everything for my 16th birthday.  I know it's super girly but I can be boyish too.
Fact 9: I obviously am super in love with supernatural but other shows I like are: Glee, Greys Anatomy, Lost, Scream the Tv Series, Baby Daddy, Young and Hungry, and plenty more that I can't think of at the moment.
Fact 10: I have two younger half brothers that live with me, two younger step brothers that don't, a younger step sister that doesn't, an older half brother and half sister that don't live with me with me either.
Fact 11: I live in Michigan #TeamMishagan
Fact 12: I've have never been out of the country. But I would love to and I might go to Bora Bora in three years! I have been out of state though, I have actually been to Washington D.C. Which is beautiful!
Fact 13: My eyes are kind of different.  You can call them hazel but they have bright green on the outside, brownish blue in the middle and bright yellow in the center that covers a lot of my eye when the sun is setting. I also have long medium-dark naturally curly hair.
Fact 14: I am taking tech center this year to pursue in a medical career.
Fact 15: I have broken four bones, I actually broke my left foot and right hand three days apart from eachother. I'm kind of a klutz.
Fact 16: My zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
Fact 17: My Guilty Pleasures: Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, America's Next Top Model album_covers *winks*, and plenty more weird things.
Fact 18: My favorite food is Chicken Alfredo, but boy do I love my Chinese food!
Fact 19: I honestly feel like I am Sam, Dean, and Cas.  It just depends on the day.
Fact 20: I have a really bad habit of biting my nails. I do it a lot when I'm nervous.
A/N~ And there is 20 weird facts about me.

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